Possible retrenchment from MS


New member
Aug 15, 2007
No, the world isn't coming to an end because MS cancelled Groove, however, its just another piece of the puzzle and evidence MS doesn't care about its consumer space.

froi francisco

New member
Apr 11, 2013
As stated so many times I like Windows and Windows Phone, my personal set up is a 950XL with dock, Surface Pro 4 with dock and this is my tablet/laptop/desktop, an Xbox One as the base for my entertainment system.

I subscribe to Office 365, Xbox Live, Groove, Skype number and subs.

Similar setups for my wife and family

I do plan on buying the Xbox One X maybe just after the holidays. The main reason being 4K, I want to be able to watch 4k through the Xbox One (Netflix etc.) and improved games graphics.

But then I cannot help but see a period of retrenchment from Microsoft products and services for me, this may not come into effect until midway into 2018 as my setup and my 950XL is currently working OK, but come next year I will probably have to jump ship on the phone front.

If I do this, I know I can get MS products, software and services on Android or Mac systems (Already doing this on my work Samsung).

But why on earth would I continue to give MS money for services when the competition is often better, certainly fleeter of foot when it comes to newer ideas. And more importantly integrated to the ecosystem. I currently use Groove because it is an MS product on MS/Windows devices and certainly not because it is the best music player out there. The same would go for most of the stuff I use.

Anyone else planning a period of retrenchment from MS products and services unless MS manage to get their finger out and fast?

In the sense that Microsoft is a consumer company, yes. They kept on frustrating us with half baked products and services.

froi francisco

New member
Apr 11, 2013
As stated so many times I like Windows and Windows Phone, my personal set up is a 950XL with dock, Surface Pro 4 with dock and this is my tablet/laptop/desktop, an Xbox One as the base for my entertainment system.

I subscribe to Office 365, Xbox Live, Groove, Skype number and subs.

Similar setups for my wife and family

I do plan on buying the Xbox One X maybe just after the holidays. The main reason being 4K, I want to be able to watch 4k through the Xbox One (Netflix etc.) and improved games graphics.

But then I cannot help but see a period of retrenchment from Microsoft products and services for me, this may not come into effect until midway into 2018 as my setup and my 950XL is currently working OK, but come next year I will probably have to jump ship on the phone front.

If I do this, I know I can get MS products, software and services on Android or Mac systems (Already doing this on my work Samsung).

But why on earth would I continue to give MS money for services when the competition is often better, certainly fleeter of foot when it comes to newer ideas. And more importantly integrated to the ecosystem. I currently use Groove because it is an MS product on MS/Windows devices and certainly not because it is the best music player out there. The same would go for most of the stuff I use.

Anyone else planning a period of retrenchment from MS products and services unless MS manage to get their finger out and fast?

Losing hope? In the sense that Microsoft is a consumer company, yes. They kept on frustrating us with half baked products and services.

Joshua McAnnally

New member
Apr 24, 2016
After MS announcement of killing off groove, i am about to jump ship and go to apple. I wanted and even began to believe i could trust MS eco system. It is awesome looks good, works mostly....but for how long? I can't get invested in something that will not last more than a ceo. This is the 2nd time I've been burned by the MS ecosystem and my friends with Apply ecosystems seem just fine.


Apr 6, 2015
I choose the hardware I like first. The software that works on/supports that hardware gets my money. For the past few years the only company developing for all platforms has been Microsoft. But I can't say that I have 100% faith in them to continue doing that. Groove was my music service not because it was the best (IMO it was) but because it was everywhere I needed it to be. My phone, my Surface, my work computer, etc. Spotify technically does this right now, but on an unsupported app for my phone. I'm left with no alternative in this case. I can't get Google services on my phone or on my Surface (in native app form) so why give them my money. The hardware is key here. Software companies come and go. But my Surface is my professional life. Why would I bend over backwards to use a service that doesn't care if it works with my hardware or not?


New member
Aug 15, 2007
I choose the hardware I like first. The software that works on/supports that hardware gets my money. For the past few years the only company developing for all platforms has been Microsoft. But I can't say that I have 100% faith in them to continue doing that. Groove was my music service not because it was the best (IMO it was) but because it was everywhere I needed it to be. My phone, my Surface, my work computer, etc. Spotify technically does this right now, but on an unsupported app for my phone. I'm left with no alternative in this case. I can't get Google services on my phone or on my Surface (in native app form) so why give them my money. The hardware is key here. Software companies come and go. But my Surface is my professional life. Why would I bend over backwards to use a service that doesn't care if it works with my hardware or not?

I think (without looking) Spotify is a UWA and there should be a supported mobile app for WP in the store. Moving the Spotify (which is probably a better music service anyways) isn't really the issue for me. Its just another Red Flag that MS (slowly but surely) is taking the same path as IBM.

Twitter: @PhotographyET


New member
Oct 30, 2012
I'm pretty upset with them right now about Groove mostly but things add up. What was one Neverending commitment to their services and products is now just a feeling of blah


Active member
Oct 8, 2013
I'm beyond done with Microsoft. Abandoning Groove really is the last straw. Collectively, we as a community have been loyal to Microsoft and they're simply not worthy of that loyalty.

They lie to us. All the time.

Remember Satya Nadella saying we'd get three phones a year.

Remember how many apps and services went to rival platforms while they completely ignored Windows.

Groove is gone and there's every reason to believe that movies will follow.

This is a company that has fully embraced the reality that they'll be more aligned to an IBM or Oracle than a Google or Apple in the very near future.

There are no IBM phones. There is no Oracle laptop. These firms make big money without the consumer even knowing they exist.

I, like the vast majority of you, have spent an incredible amount of time and money on Microsoft hardware and software.


They treat us like idiots because we let them.

No more.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
As stated so many times I like Windows and Windows Phone, my personal set up is a 950XL with dock, Surface Pro 4 with dock and this is my tablet/laptop/desktop, an Xbox One as the base for my entertainment system.

I subscribe to Office 365, Xbox Live, Groove, Skype number and subs.

Similar setups for my wife and family

I do plan on buying the Xbox One X maybe just after the holidays. The main reason being 4K, I want to be able to watch 4k through the Xbox One (Netflix etc.) and improved games graphics.

But then I cannot help but see a period of retrenchment from Microsoft products and services for me, this may not come into effect until midway into 2018 as my setup and my 950XL is currently working OK, but come next year I will probably have to jump ship on the phone front.

If I do this, I know I can get MS products, software and services on Android or Mac systems (Already doing this on my work Samsung).

But why on earth would I continue to give MS money for services when the competition is often better, certainly fleeter of foot when it comes to newer ideas. And more importantly integrated to the ecosystem. I currently use Groove because it is an MS product on MS/Windows devices and certainly not because it is the best music player out there. The same would go for most of the stuff I use.

Anyone else planning a period of retrenchment from MS products and services unless MS manage to get their finger out and fast?

I have completely lost faith in Microsoft and their ability to produce a mobile phone operating system.

black ramm

New member
Dec 17, 2012
I am definitely making plans to move away from the Microsoft ecosystem. Microsoft started to show real promise with several products and innovations, but as of late they have completely dropped the ball. The retrenchment of their mobile space, the killing off of many products etc. makes me very doubtful about their future, even with their established products. Look at it this way, when I look to invest in a company through buying stock I thoroughly check their history and their current state. Recently Microsoft has shown an inability to focus. They create and then cancel very promising products and technologies that some consumers buy into only to pull them leaving those who have invested high and dry. I am at a point where I need consistency and focus from a company as I am building out my ecosystem. It used to be Microsoft. Currently I am in the process of changing over to Google services. I don't think I have use for anything that Microsoft offers as suitable substitutes are available through Google. As I plan out our server and cloud backbone I do not have faith in Microsoft to be stable enough to provide what we need, which is a clear focus on providing services and support for the long term. So basically on the back end we will have Linux servers, with desktop support going to macs and a mixture of Android/Iphone for mobile needs. We will not need the O365 suite as Google services will be adequate. Microsoft needs new talent and blood to help them remain relevant. People who depend on their services need a customer focused company who will support them long term and not a company that constantly creates and kills their offerings without advanced warning or because they feel it doesn't "perform well". I recently read that Satya Nadella stated “I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones" Well I say this "I don't see why we need a third ecosystem in enterprise or productivity suites when Amazon and Google can provide a complete package from enterprise to mobility"


New member
Jun 15, 2012
Switching carriers was the reason I had to drop Windows Phone but now with Groove going and they also dropped the Work to Play package it is making it harder to justify using Microsoft every day. I used their services because I wanted a complete experience but honestly, now the experience of their own products has become better on other platforms than on Windows as a whole. The other reason I have lost a lot, if not all faith, in Microsoft is their stance on supporting long standing platforms. Google and Apple will drop a platform nearly right away if it doesn't work but if they get a following and keep it for a while it's there to stay. With Microsoft, you can be deeply entrenched in their ecosystem and then they just pull the rug out from under you abruptly. At least with the fail fast concept of the others you know that the instability is at the beginning and not just anytime. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some day they just decided that they don't need Office or better yet Xbox and I will be left with nothing. Until they can show commitment to products or services they have had for server years and stop panning it off on some other company I will probably be taking a break from them.Microsoft has great ideas, their problem is getting them to market fast and future support. I am not even sure if I want to purchase an Xbox One X anymore and there is a strong chance I will not renew my subscription to Office 365.

As stated so many times I like Windows and Windows Phone, my personal set up is a 950XL with dock, Surface Pro 4 with dock and this is my tablet/laptop/desktop, an Xbox One as the base for my entertainment system.

I subscribe to Office 365, Xbox Live, Groove, Skype number and subs.

Similar setups for my wife and family

I do plan on buying the Xbox One X maybe just after the holidays. The main reason being 4K, I want to be able to watch 4k through the Xbox One (Netflix etc.) and improved games graphics.

But then I cannot help but see a period of retrenchment from Microsoft products and services for me, this may not come into effect until midway into 2018 as my setup and my 950XL is currently working OK, but come next year I will probably have to jump ship on the phone front.

If I do this, I know I can get MS products, software and services on Android or Mac systems (Already doing this on my work Samsung).

But why on earth would I continue to give MS money for services when the competition is often better, certainly fleeter of foot when it comes to newer ideas. And more importantly integrated to the ecosystem. I currently use Groove because it is an MS product on MS/Windows devices and certainly not because it is the best music player out there. The same would go for most of the stuff I use.

Anyone else planning a period of retrenchment from MS products and services unless MS manage to get their finger out and fast?

Monte Constable1

New member
Sep 21, 2013
Blah blah whiny blah blah. It sucks, but windows death and Groove going away are two very different things. FYI I was a Groove pass person too. Google and Apple kill services and features all the time.


New member
Nov 18, 2013
Exactly. Too many people compare a 500€ laptop with a 1800€ Macbook after they had a poor experience with Windows. If only they would buy a 1200€ PC on the first place they would have a great experience from the very beginning and be able to keep their laptops much longer


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Like others have said, I believe MS to be completely pulling out of consumer products, except for Xbox. I can't see myself continuing to stick with a company who keeps dropping the things I use from them. I've never been much on bashing them for their decisions, but I'm really about done.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
Microsoft Products I Used To Use

1) Windows Pro
2) Windows Phone
3) Xbox
3) Office 365
4) Onedrive
5) Outlook.com
6) Bing
7) Bing Maps
8) Xbox/Zune/Groove Music
9) Onedrive Photos
10) Skype
11) Onenote
12) Cortana

Microsoft Products I Use Now

1) Windows Pro
2) Windows Phone Replaced w/ Android
3) Xbox Replaced W/ Roku (May revisit w/ Xbox One X
3) Office 365 Just Canceled Last Month Only Use Free Office Online
4) Onedrive I Still Use It For Basic PC Backup but I use Google Drive Full Time
5) Outlook.com
6) Bing
7) Bing Maps Replaced with Google Maps
8) Xbox/Zune/Groove Music Replaced W/ Spotify
9) Onedrive Photos Replaced W/ Google Photos
10) Skype Replaced with WhatsApp
11) Onenote
12) Cortana Replaced w/ Alexa For The Most Part

So yea, Microsoft is really looking to get out of the consumer space. Bing and Outlook.com may be on the chopping block next for me if Microsoft continues their trend. I love them both as of now still. Microsoft is getting less and less of my money.


New member
Sep 10, 2014
Really funny some of you. You buy a service/product and expect it to last (get updated and get service on it) for the rest of your life, and probably your kids will inherit as well. Everything will come to an end sooner or later. If you buy a service from google or a playstation 4 from Sony you don't what will happen tomorrow with that.


New member
Oct 3, 2017
The root and responsibility of the problem always starts at the top. Personally, since 2014, I see nothing more than a lot of fragmented visions. There is no commitment to the vision in whatever they touch nowadays. Skype, Nokia, WinRT, SilverLite, Windows 10 Mobile... and now Groove. All these acquisitions are done either half heartedly, or those spearheading the direction are being handcuffed or are either incompetent. Great ideas, but not much effort to entice the public to desire the product any more. Their focus is on Azure and Enterprise. No problem there but if the goal is primarily at the Enterprise level, then I agree with the above statement with MS becoming an IBM.

So here is the next observation. Groove dies, developers quit updating their store apps, then what is the use of UWP?
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New member
Mar 11, 2012
I already bailed on the phone front. Too many app developers are jumping ship and Microsoft seems to be allowing it to die a slow death. However, I still use Microsoft services and apps on Android. I use the Arrow launcher and Outlook. I used Groove until I realized how much far behind the Android version was compared to Windows. I've since moved to Amazon Prime Music since it was free with my Prime membership.

I'm not planning on moving away from Xbox or Windows. While Microsoft appears to be conceding the consumer market on the phone, I don't think they will with Xbox or Surface. Xbox has almost reached "generic name" status when the average non-techy talks video games despite the PS4 sales lead. Add in the all-in Microsoft is doing with Xbox One X and I don't see them moving off it.

In general, it appears Microsoft is retrenching where they are strongest: the business market. But I believe they will keep their successful consumer segments. Windows Phone just never was.

Joachim David

New member
Jun 6, 2014
They just don’t invest in their users. I got that a long time ago so I switched from a good setup with a Nokia 720 and before that a Samsung Omnia to an iPhone 5C and later an iPhone SE. All of these are great and reliable phones, although the Windows Phones spent a lot of time updating while for iPhone it’s usually a breeze.

I used to believe in the productivity statement Microsoft made, but right now I don’t see how you can be productive with Microsoft continually killing all of its services. I’ll try to stick with OneDrive and Office 365 for as long as I can though.


New member
Aug 30, 2015
I have several issues with how Microsoft does things, I don't know why they are giving up on mobile, and I don't understand how the get away with two year cycles of hardware upgrades in a way. The fact that they are as successful as they are is amazing they preach mobile but everything they do is opposite. I know they have office 365 and the cloud stuff but how do you not care about consumers. I think everyone should have given up on them a long time ago. They don't give any updates on progress for anything other than windows, people have no idea if there will be a mobile platform to use it's always wait and see what's next then nothing comes. Move to Android and Mac and get it over with even Microsoft cares more about them than they do microslft

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