Post here if you have received your HD7S update (assuming the rumor is true)

just received the update notification!!......installing it!!....vll be back with more details!! cheers
Good for you!!! It is a little too late for me I am afraid. My HD7S is back at the store after I exercised my 30 day return policy. I will wait for a newer phone and pick one up in a few months.
Come on now. You said you were returning it this weekend", not today. Told you to be patient. Oh well.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Come on now. You said you were returning it this weekend", not today. Told you to be patient. Oh well.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

Right. Oh well, their loss. It'll be very ironic if they get an Android device that's either brand new with 2.2 or won't get another update
I forced the Mango 7720 update this morning. I like it very much.

It made me install 7392 and 7403 first.
Can't get mine yet, just got my HD7s today. I'm on .7390. I've tried forcing it and such, but to no avail. Do you have to have a Windows PC to force it, or will a Mac work with the WP7 Connector?
Can't get mine yet, just got my HD7s today. I'm on .7390. I've tried forcing it and such, but to no avail. Do you have to have a Windows PC to force it, or will a Mac work with the WP7 Connector?

When I forced Mango on my Windows PC I tried disconnecting my router a few different ways. The way that worked for me was to disconnect the WAN cable. Only took me two attempts doing it that way. Hope this helps.
I finally got mine to update using the forced way on my windows machine. I really quite like it! However, I will probably return this phone and get the Titan as soon as it is released. It should (hopefully) be before November 15th, which is my last day I can return the phone to AT&T. Fingers crossed! :P
I have a HTC HD7 with a T-Mobile No annual Contract. I recieved the Mango update last night at 23h30.
I got it today for my wife's phone, updated fine. Only issue I see is that local scout is nowhere to be found, weird. Anyone else having this issue? AT&T HD7S

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