Post the first thing on your mind right now :D

I just think that there is a hell of a lot depending on the forthcoming Windows 10 to the future of Microsoft, Apple are top of the tree and its a long haul for Microsoft to be able to reach that summit. I have used Microsoft products since Win 3.11 and despite many disaster, which still occur, I have stuck by them. But its getting more difficult by the year apps are released on rival platforms, even before Windows devices themselves, which is hard to stomach, so you can only hope that the current hierarchy know what they are doing, if not then there isn't much hope. As I say, fingers crossed for Windows 10.
I can't deny any word! Let's hope for the best to come !
It Is **** ! I rolled back it even from my secondary phone! ... The only Bug that MS didn't mention that your phone would explode at any time 😂😂😂
They must drink a serious amount of tea at Microsoft phone department because they don't seem to do f all work on their operating system.

Can't disable data connections

I know its only a preview but what's the point if you can't test it without being charged by your mobile provider for data use
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LOL what happened to your phone? 😂😂😂

Pretty sure he's talking about the fact that for a lil while your phone can get hot but It cools off and stops getting hot afterwards

What happened ... All the bugs are very ture plus the phone Got so hot ! ... I dnt knw the concept behind pushing a version (I knw it's an alpha wz bugs) that has a killers ! ... I have also seen in the forums a lot complained about bricking the phone while rolling back! ... So I consider myself verrry lucky ... As I did that without single prob! :D ,,, till nw 'am wondering about the fate of Pfd ... And will the be included in the future into the insider program!
They must drink a serious amount of tea at Microsoft phone department because they don't seem to do f all work on their operating system.

Can't disable data connections

I know its only a preview but what's the point if you can't test it without being charged by your mobile provider for data use

You are right! I didn't get the point behind such killer problems ... We were waiting for long time .. It wouldn't be a prob if we waited for another week and avoid that Bug!
But it's too big and doesn't feel as good as my 5c. Plus it's ugly...

I want a 6c!

Soon there will be one ! .. Really that's similar to my thoughts about the Mobile screen sizes in general .. As I dnt like that Ugly huge screens for a daily pocket phone! ... It should be optimum size for most of uses no need for more inchesss!
Just keep in mind you'll have to deal with no memory card. The OS takes up a bit of space too. I'd try to go for a 32GB/64GB if possible. I've got a 16GB 5s and 4s but I've also got all my important stuff on my Note 3.
So what do you advice me at such case .. I dnt knw , I cnt use mobile with no memory card at all :/

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