post your desktop computer wallpaper

Don't know how people can NOT love Bing Desktop :D

View attachment 38871

Personally, I prefer my desktop to have things that interest my. I like to have my PC (as well as my 920's lockscreen) to show a bit about me. That picture of giraffes is not something that interests me, haha. It's not to say that I find the wallpaper BAD, it's just that Bing's setup doesn't show up with things that I care about.
I'm surprisingly happy with myself after figuring out how to take screenshots in Win8. Much more streamlined than taking screenshots natively in Win7.

I'm still playing around with my tile layout. But this is what I'm currently working with:

Screenshot (3).jpg
Here is what my desktops look like for now. As of now I hope start running FreeBSD on it, and run jails of Windows, Linux, MacOS as soon as I get my new notebook or tablet.
Screenshot (13).jpg
Screenshot (12).jpg
How the heck did you get stuff like the weather forecast on that?

I was using the Omnimo Rainmeter skin. I used the text items under WP7 for the weather, news feeds, date, world clock and music player. If you're interested, here is a link to the skin: Omnimo 5.0 for Rainmeter by ^fediaFedia on deviantART

For the system monitor bars, I used the mii system skin 2. Here's a link: mii system skin 2 by ~abu46 on deviantART
If you want to use that, you will need something like MSI Afterburner and CoreTemp to monitor GPU and CPU.

That's me, closest to the camera, on a 40+ mile gravel road "ramble" last December, near Denton, TX.

I do have a Windows 8 Virtual Machine btw. Just use OS X for most things :)

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