Post your Rig Specs Here!

Yea I'm aware that my monitor(s) are currently lacking for sli. My thoughts though are to just get it to have it. So when I do choose my choice of either 1080p 144hz with 3d triple setup or 1440p at 60hz (even the 120hz models from Korea) ill be set to go. At least I know what graphics card I want lol. Either way though I will sli, with a total of 4 monitors, 3 for NVIDIA surround playing and 1 for info. But this will all wait a little longer as I've just bought a Maxnomic leader black chair. I chose this chair because I didn't like any of the chairs in the office stores and the few in the furniture stores are really crazy pricey. But I'm excited for it!

Well, that will be quite expensive^^ Especially if you're planing on using alternative stands (wall mount, desk stand,...), those of good quality aren't really cheap.
Damn, don't remind me of it.....I need a new chair so bad. The one I have now squeaks and creaks everytime I move in it. Tried to lubricate every place on it that could be the source of the noises but no success -_-
Thoe chairs look nice but they aren't exactly cheap either^^ But on the other hand, the furniture stores in my city charge you 40€ for delivery and the chairs themself cost maybe 80-160€, so one of those nice "gamer" seats wouldn't cost that much more^^

Can you give me a little feedback on how you like yours?
Well, that will be quite expensive^^ Especially if you're planing on using alternative stands (wall mount, desk stand,...), those of good quality aren't really cheap.
Damn, don't remind me of it.....I need a new chair so bad. The one I have now squeaks and creaks everytime I move in it. Tried to lubricate every place on it that could be the source of the noises but no success -_-
Thoe chairs look nice but they aren't exactly cheap either^^ But on the other hand, the furniture stores in my city charge you 40? for delivery and the chairs themself cost maybe 80-160?, so one of those nice "gamer" seats wouldn't cost that much more^^

Can you give me a little feedback on how you like yours?

Well, my desk top is large. Pieced it together for $50 :) . So that will hold 3 24" or tightly 3 27". The forth I plan on building my own thing for my monitor for above.

I will definitely let you know. My last chair my dogs broke the arm playing by it. Tue heavy one jumped and it snapped. Lol. But theres not many reviews on the office comfort series. So I may do one up for peoples.
And 8350 At5.4ghz
32gb ram
2x r9 290x
128gb os ssd
4tb drives for games/vid/music
1.25tbone drive store for music/vids
Water cooler processor, air graphics
And 8350 At5.4ghz
32gb ram
2x r9 290x
128gb os ssd
4tb drives for games/vid/music
1.25tbone drive store for music/vids
Water cooler processor, air graphics

Sounds a lot like my dad's setup, though he didn't OC his 8350, and he got water coolers for his dual 290X cards. Granted, he's now got either a board or a CPU issue and will have to get that replaced, and he had at least 1 of his RAM sticks go bad, and he was too lazy to RMA them. What do you have for a board?
Sounds a lot like my dad's setup, though he didn't OC his 8350, and he got water coolers for his dual 290X cards. Granted, he's now got either a board or a CPU issue and will have to get that replaced, and he had at least 1 of his RAM sticks go bad, and he was too lazy to RMA them. What do you have for a board?

What do you mean "too lazy to RMA them"? As far as I know, almost every RAM manufacturer has a lifetime warranty on their sticks (and I think the ones that don't have that give you at least 10years)^^
Sounds a lot like my dad's setup, though he didn't OC his 8350, and he got water coolers for his dual 290X cards. Granted, he's now got either a board or a CPU issue and will have to get that replaced, and he had at least 1 of his RAM sticks go bad, and he was too lazy to RMA them. What do you have for a board?

I have a gigabyte board, as long as you have 8 phase voltage you can push the oc some 4 phases struggle I had one before limited me to 4.6ghz.

Its fine water cooling the 290x but if there cooled the 8350 bottlenecks badly i7 too before fanboys go on! If you o/c bench mark to get the sweet spot with 3d mark! I o/c my graphics to 15% its slower than 7.5% due to heat and processor too slow! - example!
What do you mean "too lazy to RMA them"? As far as I know, almost every RAM manufacturer has a lifetime warranty on their sticks (and I think the ones that don't have that give you at least 10years)^^

I mean exactly what I said. He knows the sticks are bad, and that they're under warranty, but he just is too lazy to go through the RMA process. As such, he's got only 2 of his 4 sticks in his computer right now, though it now sounds like his board or CPU is bad, and he'll need to RMA whichever is bad, and he'll probably send the RAM sticks out with it.
I have a gigabyte board, as long as you have 8 phase voltage you can push the oc some 4 phases struggle I had one before limited me to 4.6ghz.

Its fine water cooling the 290x but if there cooled the 8350 bottlenecks badly i7 too before fanboys go on! If you o/c bench mark to get the sweet spot with 3d mark! I o/c my graphics to 15% its slower than 7.5% due to heat and processor too slow! - example!

My dad bought the cards to do cryptocoin mining (told him it was a bad investment, and it was even worse than I expected), so at the time, he was running the cards at 95% load for mining. As we got into the warmer months of spring and summer, the GPUs were getting hotter than he liked, so he got the water coolers (then proceeded to make exactly 0 use of them, as he quit mining before putting them on). It's been a long time since he's even OCed a CPU, I think, yet he got a Corsair H100i for his 8350 as well, just as a means of keeping the temps down while mining (which, again, he gave up on before getting all of the coolers running).

So, to summarize: My dad's a bit nuts at times.

Anyway, he got the ASRock Fatal1ty board (I have an ASRock Extreme with my 4670K myself), and it might be bad. He's gone with ASUS for a long time now, though switched because ASRock is/was an ASUS subset, and the ASRock offered more for less (same reason I replaced my AMD ASUS board with an ASRock Intel one in January).
Well mining bit coins on those cards are kind if silly, 4 medium cards would of been cheaper on electric and heat probably better on the cpu Each to their own I guess :S
I mean exactly what I said. He knows the sticks are bad, and that they're under warranty, but he just is too lazy to go through the RMA process. As such, he's got only 2 of his 4 sticks in his computer right now, though it now sounds like his board or CPU is bad, and he'll need to RMA whichever is bad, and he'll probably send the RAM sticks out with it.

Ah, okay^^ Thought you meant that he wasn't ever gonna RMA them. Would be a shame to not take advantage of that lifetime warranty but RMAing parts without having a spare is annoying, I can understand that.

Damn. Troubleshooting pc parts is a pain in the ****.

edit: really? I can't even say b-u-t-t here? come on.....reeks of British censorship
Well mining bit coins on those cards are kind if silly, 4 medium cards would of been cheaper on electric and heat probably better on the cpu Each to their own I guess :S

At the time, the 290X cards did a solid job, and it's why they were nearly impossible to find online. Their prices even jumped from $550 to north of $600 for a long while (my dad got them at $500), but my dad decided to wait to sell his coins, and the prices tanked by about 80%.

Ah, okay^^ Thought you meant that he wasn't ever gonna RMA them. Would be a shame to not take advantage of that lifetime warranty but RMAing parts without having a spare is annoying, I can understand that.

Damn. Troubleshooting pc parts is a pain in the ****.

edit: really? I can't even say b-u-t-t here? come on.....reeks of British censorship

I don't know how Corsair would handle the RMA. He got a quad-channel kit, I think, and he might be required to send all 4 sticks back (instead of just the 1 or 2 bad sticks). Even then, I've got 4 sticks myself, 32 GB total, and I don't even use 8 GB, so he would have spares he could borrow, if he wasn't lazy. Meanwhile, he doesn't know if his board or CPU is bad, but he THINKS it's the CPU. His AM3+ board supports his old Phenom, and I think he had that pairing running just fine, but since his AM3 board won't take the FX CPU, he can't totally verify. That said, if his AM3+ board boots with the Phenom and not the FX, you'd think he would reason that the 8350 is the problem, but he isn't ready to call it that yet, for whatever reason.
I don't know how Corsair would handle the RMA. He got a quad-channel kit, I think, and he might be required to send all 4 sticks back (instead of just the 1 or 2 bad sticks). Even then, I've got 4 sticks myself, 32 GB total, and I don't even use 8 GB, so he would have spares he could borrow, if he wasn't lazy. Meanwhile, he doesn't know if his board or CPU is bad, but he THINKS it's the CPU. His AM3+ board supports his old Phenom, and I think he had that pairing running just fine, but since his AM3 board won't take the FX CPU, he can't totally verify. That said, if his AM3+ board boots with the Phenom and not the FX, you'd think he would reason that the 8350 is the problem, but he isn't ready to call it that yet, for whatever reason.

Yep, I would guess they want the whole kit back. Just sending another stick back wouldn't guarantee that it will work fine with the other sticks. It probably would but the kits that are sold are tested to work together flawlessly.
Most PC users don't need more than 8GB. More is only required for rendering and editing. Most people could even get by with 4GB if they didn't multitask. But it's better to be safe than sorry :-)
Even with 9 tabs open in Firefox (one of them YouTube with a video playing), Steam open and playing Kingdoms of Amalur I only use 34% (~2,6GB) of my 8GB RAM^^ Hm....I'm curious what I have to do to get over 50% or more^^

Sounds absolutely logical.
Yep, I would guess they want the whole kit back. Just sending another stick back wouldn't guarantee that it will work fine with the other sticks. It probably would but the kits that are sold are tested to work together flawlessly.
Most PC users don't need more than 8GB. More is only required for rendering and editing. Most people could even get by with 4GB if they didn't multitask. But it's better to be safe than sorry :-)
Even with 9 tabs open in Firefox (one of them YouTube with a video playing), Steam open and playing Kingdoms of Amalur I only use 34% (~2,6GB) of my 8GB RAM^^ Hm....I'm curious what I have to do to get over 50% or more^^

Sounds absolutely logical.

I got this RAM back in 2012, I think. At the time, I was still playing WoW, and I'd run Zune for music at the same time. While tabbed out of WoW, with music playing, and with several browser tabs open, I was just scraping 4 GB. So, I asked for 8 GB of RAM for Christmas, but my dad (again, not the most logical/frugal person with computer decisions) got me 32 GB. Now, as I type this, I'm sitting at 2.5 GB used. I have 3 browser tabs, Steam, Trillian, Unified Remote, and uTorrent running. Only IE (415 MB) is above 75 MB.

I could probably suck up 8 GB of RAM, if I REALLY tried. I'd have to get WoW running (again, not playing it now, though), probably open MusicBee, then do my daily Bing searches (which I often do by opening about 90 browser tabs in rapid succession, to meet their Bing Rewards search requirements). Even then, it might not be enough. Newer games like Advanced Warfare will allegedly use several GB of RAM (AW requires a PC with 6+ GB of RAM).
I got this RAM back in 2012, I think. At the time, I was still playing WoW, and I'd run Zune for music at the same time. While tabbed out of WoW, with music playing, and with several browser tabs open, I was just scraping 4 GB. So, I asked for 8 GB of RAM for Christmas, but my dad (again, not the most logical/frugal person with computer decisions) got me 32 GB. Now, as I type this, I'm sitting at 2.5 GB used. I have 3 browser tabs, Steam, Trillian, Unified Remote, and uTorrent running. Only IE (415 MB) is above 75 MB.

I could probably suck up 8 GB of RAM, if I REALLY tried. I'd have to get WoW running (again, not playing it now, though), probably open MusicBee, then do my daily Bing searches (which I often do by opening about 90 browser tabs in rapid succession, to meet their Bing Rewards search requirements). Even then, it might not be enough. Newer games like Advanced Warfare will allegedly use several GB of RAM (AW requires a PC with 6+ GB of RAM).

Haha, my last PC only had 3GB of DDR2 RAM (1x 2GB, 2x idea who the hell thought of that pairing (it was a pre-built PC from the shelf)). I guess as long as a few certain specs are met (max. 1.5V, 8-16GB, dual rank, 1600-1866MHz) it doesn't matter which RAM you get, not much difference in quality. And to be honest, the two things I look most at when I'm browsing RAM for fun are: price and color/form of the heatspreaders xD Would be a waste of money though if I bought new RAM just for the looks (and not even having a rig that matches colors) xD

The RAM requirement for AW is ridiculous. A 1st Gen. i3 and a GPU with only 1GB are okay but it still needs 6GB? Oh, EA.....
It is probably bloated, which game you could patch from 6gb down to 2gb?

I have no knowledge about how games are programmed but I could imagine that the game is loading a certain amount of it into the RAM and use it partly as a buffer (like, 4GB for the current level and 2GB as a buffer).

Or it's just bloated as you stated, and poorly optimized. Maybe I'm giving Activision too much credit and just assume that they know what they're doing.

I guess most people who play modern games in high graphics settings already have 8GB of RAM or more in their system. I personally have an i3 and R7 260X paired with 8GB of RAM but the requirements still look weird to me^^
I have no knowledge about how games are programmed but I could imagine that the game is loading a certain amount of it into the RAM and use it partly as a buffer (like, 4GB for the current level and 2GB as a buffer).

Or it's just bloated as you stated, and poorly optimized. Maybe I'm giving Activision too much credit and just assume that they know what they're doing.

I guess most people who play modern games in high graphics settings already have 8GB of RAM or more in their system. I personally have an i3 and R7 260X paired with 8GB of RAM but the requirements still look weird to me^^

Take for example watch dogs, they needed super spec recommended was 8350/i7 with 16gb ram and 290x/ 780ti. The truth is they dumbed it down. I suspect bad coding alot of time, the 6gb used on that game i mentioned was bloated as there was a patch that you could illegally download that dropped it down to 2gb the game quality was the same. I saw assassins creed game recently same Ubisoft company with stupid requirements of i7/6gb/r9 280 as recommended. Min was i5/4gb/ r7260. From people reviews on steam the game got stupid slow on decent system spec's. I just think they are trying to bloat everything now so they can move hardware sales!
Take for example watch dogs, they needed super spec recommended was 8350/i7 with 16gb ram and 290x/ 780ti. The truth is they dumbed it down. I suspect bad coding alot of time, the 6gb used on that game i mentioned was bloated as there was a patch that you could illegally download that dropped it down to 2gb the game quality was the same. I saw assassins creed game recently same Ubisoft company with stupid requirements of i7/6gb/r9 280 as recommended. Min was i5/4gb/ r7260. From people reviews on steam the game got stupid slow on decent system spec's. I just think they are trying to bloat everything now so they can move hardware sales!

Looks like most AAA titles are just very badly coded. AC Unity had similar requirements and is full of glitches. Ubisoft, EA and Activision need to get their **** together. Not a problem for me, though. I've been ignoring their games because of overhyping and not keeping promises. The problem is if they get away with crappy coded games then other publishers will try the same.
Bad coding and lazy porting are a big issue with many games now, Watch Dogs being a really good example. With CoD, it's probably a combination of bad coding and realistic expectation. Like I said, my computer's using 2-2.5 GB of RAM in a near-idle state (nothing RAM-heavy running). So, they might say that 6 GB of RAM is required for the game, but only 3 GB might be the game. The other 3 GB could come from the expectation that people multitask, and the reality that the OS needs RAM as well. I don't know what Advanced Warfare eats up while actually running though, so I can't say for sure.

The real thing is, companies can somewhat get away with bad ports and bloated code, depending on how a game is made. If you build it with textures and such aimed at console hardware, having crap coding on a high-end gaming PC won't be AS troublesome when you port lazily, as the vastly superior hardware (an i5 and 280X would obliterate an Xbox One or PS4, let alone an i7 and a 290X) can somewhat make up for it. Then you have games where the software has a fit with SLI/CrossFire. I can't recall which, but there have been a few recent releases where the games would run better on one GPU than two, just because they handled dual-card setups so poorly (Watch Dogs might have been one).

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