^^ You make some very valid points but I don't believe that MS should be honing in on the wearable segment. Smart watches are complementary pieces and WP isn't complete enough to make a serious dent in this area yet. Android and iOS are mature systems that are ready for the next phase. That's not to say we won't see a good effort from Redmond sometime next year but I think it's premature at this point.
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As I said they have a Limited Amount of time here to spark the interest of users. I in no way mean to imply they should race to launch....but they have to take the wraps off any plans they have.
Apple put their show on, and only said starting to roll out 2015. A very smart tactic on their part.....as they will now release a few dozen pre production models to people who can get them press and start to generate buzz.
Most notably Stephen Fry will be one to shout from the mountain tops of the virtues of the Apple watch , when he gets his Beta version. Just check his twitter feed from his time at the event.
Microsoft has to answer back, if they don't have an answer to Apple Watch they may as well just sit back and watch Windows Phone follow BB path...slow exit out of the mobile field and into a services direction.
Joe Belfiore's emo hair and cute kids pictures is not enough to keep Windows Phone alive. Yes Microsoft can funnel in huge amounts of cash to keep the life support on, but in the long run investors will not stand for 3 major money holes in a ship ( Xbox and Bing).
Trust me when I say I could not stand anything Apple, but the watch really got to me.....however I still have a "Strange Man in a Van with Candy" feel....but man, the Candy looks so yummy !!!!!!!
I will freely admit I am looking at an apple device now and thinking I could go over.....I don't want to....but I will go with what my heart desires and that is a Smart Watch. Something that works as a companion to a phone.
If they stall or delay an introduction of a Smart Watch now, you may as well just kill it, cause it will not fly later. Again what good is my Windows Phone to me if I don't have my desired companion watch. Something I could get with Google or Apple........