Predictive text

Yes Yes Yes and it can be irritating(I typed infuriating). And its failure(I tried to type faults but it entered takes 3 times) Most annoying to me are the little things like ti instead of to, when has anyone ever needed to type ti? And that stupid little cursor it's(I typed is) more trouble than it's worth(typing with often results in worth). 8.1 was the best predictive keyboard I've ever used on any OS. But the voice recognition young(I typed typing) has become much better than 8.1 and almost always more accurate than swype?? Yes, it's gotten worse but it's still better than the Samsung keyboard on my Note 4.
Yes! I am from Mexico and noticed this since the beginning. I thought it was an issue only with Spanish language and that would improve over time. But no, it still sucks compared to 8.1
Honestly this entire build feels like a step back to me. I'm really hoping for another significantly improved patch before final RTM for Mobile.
The clipboard of Windows 10 Mobile is really bad. Sometimes I did press the copy button multiple time after selecting a text. But it always pastes the previous item I copied earlier.
lol.... yesterday I tried putting in the word "hotels" in a message, and swipe keyboard kept putting in "girls". It made the message rather awkward!
I agree, the WordFlow keyboard and predictive text in Windows 10 Mobile is way worse than it was with 8.1. Not only does it do a horrible job of predicting text, it doesn't seem to learn much at all (mostly just the words I have specifically told it to add to my "dictionary"). It is very frustrating how badly WordFlow and predictive text are on W10M, and worse yet, IMO it is not improving AT ALL.

I came from using the Swype keyboard on Android to WP8.1, and I was pleasantly surprised that on WP8.1 I could legitimately tell friends & family that WordFlow on WP8.1 was even better than Swype on Android. But since W10M, I am deeply disappointed in WordFlow and its predictive text. Microsoft is asleep at the controls, showing no love at all to WordFlow on W10M.
I would agree. Also, WordFlow* has degraded* as well. It insists that I've misspelled words & doesn't even put the word I traced* in the suggestions. It's really annoying & costs me a lot of time having to manually* retype words. This is a common problem with common words, not uncommon* ones. It used to know what I was tracing* even if I purposefully* traced the word from neighboring* letters to try to confuse it. All the words with an * are ones that I had to retype in writing this comment with WordFlow.
I don't remember how WP8's keyboard was, but W10M's keyboard's swiping feature is simply terrible.

For me, it NEVER catches words like "scaling", "asking", "enabling", "disabling", "unreliable", "developers", "recognizes", etc.

It just refuses to recognize these words. I have to type them letter by letter. It does suggest them though after typing a few of the letters.
You are right. It is worst than wp 8.1, and I mean it. This is one step back in w10m.
I'd like to know why this can be possible...
I will say without a doubt, that predictive text is horrible on W10M. As a loyal Windows on phone user, I'm disappointed. It'll bring up every word except the one you want.
Oh wow I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

Now swiped:
Ok wow I'm so flash I'm not they only one.

I've pretty much stopped swiping because i spend more time correcting errors than typing.

Wp8.1 had a killer keyboard. Much better swipe, better prediction, better correction, better key accuracy.

The only things I like about the w10 keyboard are the pointer stick, and the voice to text mic. And I REALLY love those features. Except that sometimes it takes literally 15 seconds for the voice to text to start "listening", though on average it takes about 2 seconds, which is still 1.99 seconds longer than it should be.
Not only can you slide the keyboard up or down, you can push it to the left or right depending on which hand you hold your phone with
You are tottaly right W10 is way worse than 8.1.
And you guys use english. In Portuguese is is something that came out of a horror movie especially with all the translations now being done in Brazil, that speaks BR-portuguese. Even me that know the language sometimes strugle to make sense of what in the name of GOD is it predicting.
Is it just me, or does predictive text on 10 mobile feel inferior to 8.1? Instead of suggestions based on what I've typed, it seems quite certain that I've mistyped and suggests words with completely different letters, right up until I only have one or two letters left. On a positive note, it is relearning my particular world, and now knows that Margarita Tuesday is a thing. However, it no longer suggests the poop emoji after I type "I have to..." That always made me smile.

I didn't use Windows Phone 8.1 but it is dramatically worse than BlackBerry 10 which I switched from. It's so bad I now avoid writing messages from my phone, which I used to do a lot in situations like the bus.
I have remarked to Microsoft SO many times that word shaping is useless on W10M compared to WP8. It is SUCH a great thing on my Lumia 1020. When I'm testing things out on my Lumia 950 and mistakenly start word shaping something I'm immediately reminded why I hate it so much.
I noticed the change when I retired my 1020 for a 950XL. 8.1 could almost write my text, it learned my common words and context. I really cannot tell it if 10 is getting better, but after 4 months, it still does not understand "airport han" is "airport hangar." 8.1 would have had "hangar" on the selection line after I typed "airport." 10 is not better to me, anywhere, it is just different.
I have been stateing this for over two years. Every Preview that has come out, I have voted this down and submitted feed back. Fir = For , fiber = done or dinner . Everyone I talk to that uses windows phone says the same thing.

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