Pretty disappointed in At&t


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Dec 6, 2010
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I went into the store to work out a warranty claim for my Focus today and blatantly stated to the representative, "You guys don't look like you're pushing Windows Phone at all."
Her response was a stark, "Nope."
She claimed that she carried the Focus for awhile, if that is the case, how could she not even try to sell a WP7 to someone? I overheard a rep trying to sell an Android to someone who wanted an easy to use device! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Android is the farthest thing from easy compared to Blackberry or WP7....I left the store pretty disappointed...and definitely planning this post on my way home lol.


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It's going to be AT&T's problem in the future. Think of it this way. These people are going to be in a contract for 2 years. If they have issues they're going to be calling customer support which will cost the company money. Plus after their two years are up they're going to most likely be unhappy and they'll blame it on AT&T. It's in the carriers best interest to push the easiest phone.


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Apr 20, 2011
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I went into the store to work out a warranty claim for my Focus today and blatantly stated to the representative, "You guys don't look like you're pushing Windows Phone at all."
Her response was a stark, "Nope."
She claimed that she carried the Focus for awhile, if that is the case, how could she not even try to sell a WP7 to someone? I overheard a rep trying to sell an Android to someone who wanted an easy to use device! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Android is the farthest thing from easy compared to Blackberry or WP7....I left the store pretty disappointed...and definitely planning this post on my way home lol.

Errrg why?


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Feb 23, 2011
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AT&T will be getting some kick *** Windows phones pretty soon. They no longer have iPhone to differentiate themselves, and their Android selection is just on par with the other carriers. I really think AT&T will be pushing Windows Phone a lot more in the near future.


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Sep 8, 2011
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I went into the store to work out a warranty claim for my Focus today and blatantly stated to the representative, "You guys don't look like you're pushing Windows Phone at all."
Her response was a stark, "Nope."
She claimed that she carried the Focus for awhile, if that is the case, how could she not even try to sell a WP7 to someone? I overheard a rep trying to sell an Android to someone who wanted an easy to use device! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Android is the farthest thing from easy compared to Blackberry or WP7....I left the store pretty disappointed...and definitely planning this post on my way home lol.

Go report your experience to here: Welcome To Windows Phone Tattletale - Windows Phone Tattletale

Those guys are doing what they can do stop crap like this. I'm sick of it. It personally bothers me to hear this. Android is clunky, buggy, and trash. iOS is stale and boring. WP7.5 is the best OS out there, but no one will ever know with crap like this.


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Jul 26, 2011
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it's not just ATT. you can find the HD7 in a tmobile store if you try (it might even be turned on!), but good luck finding a salesperson with a clue.


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Apr 20, 2011
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T-mobile I understand, when I was hunting for smartphone the sellers made their damn best for me to not buy that phone. I visit 3 different stores with the same problem so I got my phone at other carrier.


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Believe it or not, the general population don't like WP7 and are happy with Android and iOS. The number of people who are happy with Android is much much > than the people who use/happy/want WP7. Stop crying about the sales people.
I went into the store to work out a warranty claim for my Focus today and blatantly stated to the representative, "You guys don't look like you're pushing Windows Phone at all."
Her response was a stark, "Nope."
She claimed that she carried the Focus for awhile, if that is the case, how could she not even try to sell a WP7 to someone? I overheard a rep trying to sell an Android to someone who wanted an easy to use device! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Android is the farthest thing from easy compared to Blackberry or WP7....I left the store pretty disappointed...and definitely planning this post on my way home lol.


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Jul 26, 2011
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Believe it or not, the general population don't like WP7 and are happy with Android and iOS. The number of people who are happy with Android is much much > than the people who use/happy/want WP7. Stop crying about the sales people.

the 'crying' is a valid concern, as without the support of the carriers, the platform will stagnate. People use android because carriers like tmobile have 28 android phones and 1 Windows phone available.


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Believe it or not, the general population don't like WP7 and are happy with Android and iOS. The number of people who are happy with Android is much much > than the people who use/happy/want WP7. Stop crying about the sales people.

Absolutely. We out of all people should now about this, unless we want WP7 to become the new webOS.


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Jan 1, 2011
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First off, customers want front facing cams, whether it'll be used or not. They want multitasking (which is just being rolled out in Mango). They want more device choices on more carriers. They want APPS!

To top that off, everyone still thinks of Windows Phone as Windows Mobile. I'm just getting the people in my store to even recognize there is a difference... beginning with the NAME!

So, I really don't blame reps for recommending other devices or customers for feeling the way they do about windows.


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Sep 20, 2011
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I just bought an unlocked focus the other day, and I love it. So I go to work and it seems like everyone I show it to is like, "everything on here is confusing, and whats with these giant icons." lol! Then they compare it to their iphone saying, "why doesn't the screen look like my iphone's icons" (icons=apps btw. I think apple has made things so easy for everyday users, everything else is NOT and IPHONE. I think that is the biggest issue. Even Sprint now is (in poker terms) All in on iphone, they are throwing their whole weight behind it. It's just going to get tougher, but the good news WP is not WebOS, for the simple fact that MS has a **** load of money. Look it the XBOX, it floundered for a year or so against the sony PS. MS threw enough money and resources at it, and now you have the biggest gaming/entertainment console on the market.


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Nov 11, 2010
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My eleven year old daughter uses an Android phone. It's not that hard. See icon - stick finger on icon - program opens.


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I understand Android isn't IMPOSSIBLE to learn, but by comparison it's a step above WP7 in difficulty...and kids learn these things a whole lot more easily than older people tend to.

@Duke1231, Anyone who can't READ may have trouble with WP7...I mean....the tiles are big and easy to read and say exactly what they hard is that? There are only 2 pages, a start screen to hold everything you want quick access to, and the "menu" screen that has EVERYTHING else.

In all honesty, all the other OS's are fun and useful, I landed on WP7 because after playing with everything else, WP7 is the one I actually enjoy while I'm using it. I still get blown away at how well the phone itself interacts with the web.

Back to the point of my OP, if sales reps at the store aren't pushing the phones AT ALL, then there is no real competition in the market is there? And competition drives innovation! If carriers JUST push iPhone and Android, then we'll get the same crap every year, but if the sales rep says, "well we have these three operating systems that I'd like to show you briefly" then we have a real market! People will actually have CHOICES again!


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I've had friends who've asked to use my phone [before I smashed it]. After they play with it, they ask, "Why haven't I never seen or heard of this phone." I guess most people don't spend several hours out their day surfing phone sites like most of us do.

One thing for sure, they ALL know what the iPhone is and what Android phones are.


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Yup, and that's the challenge for MS, MS is no longer established as a smartphone provider, so people are going to have to learn about it...and since most people don't browse TechnoBufflao or PhoneScoop videos on youtube reviewing phones, it's up to MS marketing (which I think is lax at the moment until Windows 8 and the XBOX update are released and done being pushed), and Store Reps....I think everyone here's problem with carrier store sales reps is that they are SO BIASED and NARROWMINDED! And as a sales person, shouldn't it be easier to sell something shiny and new (like WP7)?


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Jul 26, 2011
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I see about one windows phone commercial a month, while I see carriers pushing Android daily. Yes, that's the carriers, but if MS wants Windows Phone to succeed, they're going to have to step up and show it off.

We all made fun of the Windows 7 commercials, but at least everyone had seen them. The 'Windows Phone girl' should be just as well known as the T-mobile girl.


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Jan 9, 2011
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I see about one windows phone commercial a month, while I see carriers pushing Android daily. Yes, that's the carriers, but if MS wants Windows Phone to succeed, they're going to have to step up and show it off.

We all made fun of the Windows 7 commercials, but at least everyone had seen them. The 'Windows Phone girl' should be just as well known as the T-mobile girl.
You get a WP7 ad ?

That's 1 more ad a month than we get here in the UK.

I only ever saw 2 WP7 ads here, and that was at launch in October last year, since then, not a sausage. :(


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Same here WeeBear, I only see them once in a blue moon, but when they were pushing during the launch last year I saw ads quite I said, I think MS is just spread a little thin ATM and once Win8 and Xbox update and are pushed to the public, we'll start seeing more ads...with MS apparently ditching Zune hardware and stating that they will be focusing on their WP7 platform for handheld devices, it only makes sense that they will begin to ramp up advertising soon...probably mid November we'll see the holidays ads run, and then next year hopefully the carriers will get on board and push WP7 a little more, we can't expect them to advertise more than Android ATM because the market is saturated with Android devices and that's making the carriers money.

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