Problem with external monitors on the docking station, can I get some help?

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Windows Central Question

Problem with external monitors on the docking station

Just received a SP4 and docking station at work. I'm migrating from a SP3, so I'm somewhat familiar with it. I'm using two VGA monitors connected to the dock via VGA/DP adapters. One monitor is turned to portrait position and the SP4 sometimes forgets this when starting up, but not a huge issue. However this is...

I typically leave the SP4 closed while working on the dock, just use the two monitors. With the Surface closed opening just about any app will make the screen "flex" (my term) which is just a zoom out and then in of the app. I'll open Chrome and it will flex, sometimes it will do it when I click within a webpage. It's not just the app flexing, it's the entire display.

It won't do it if I leave the Surface open. Reboots and shutdowns don't fix it. Changing the scaling under compatibility on chrome.exe doesn't fix it within Chrome. Even the logon screen does it. It gets annoying real quick!

Any ideas what's causing this?

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