Here is what i just posted to treocentral, pretty much my take on the phone (after the first few days). Overall, i love it! as with anything, it can get better...but some of my complaints are getting to the point where i say im nitpicking. Probably my biggest complaint is similar to above, quit letting carriers strip features/hardware/software and bastardizing your phones! it be cheaper/easier/better if HTC only had to maintain one hardware set and one ROM set? ok, maybe 2, one for CDMA, one for GSM, but man, every carrier gets thier own flavor.
anyway...heres what i said:
Just got my touch pro and all i can say is bye-bye palm, finally for good. I have said this in the past, but the HTC phones just didnt have enough for me to switch. The touch pro finally does IMO. I am going to comment on your main disadvantages, again, these are my opinions. Keep in mind all of my comments are based on the SPRINT model:
Rather bulky and heavy: Compared to a touch diamond, yes. Compared to a centro, no. It is not that much bigger and looks much better. Considering what is packed into this thing...i will take the larger size. It is not bigger than an 800w.
Fingerprint prone: Yes, but so was my palm screens. not an issue to me, no worse than say an iphone.
Average sunlight legibility: Not from what i have seen. If you need to, crank up the backlight (at the expense of battery), it is WAY brighter than the 800w.
No standard 3.5mm audio jack: I was disappointed in this as well. at least it has a dongle that supports 3.5 (no more adapters) and charging at the same time. But you still have this big dongle hanging on there. This is one of my only big disappointments on this device. When will they learn?
Back panel design hurts usability: I am not sure how or what this means? the back panel is a matte finish silver that is flush. not fingerprint prone and rounded edges, fits me fine.
Limited scroll wheel usage: Agreed, but since i am left handed, i dont care about scoll wheels as they are ALWAYS on the wrong side for me. Also, the touch and slide motion on the screen allows you to scroll, it takes some getting used to.
No adequate storage memory out of the box: it comes with a 1GB card. Is that enough? not for me, but i think it is adequate.
Here are my main complaints/observations:
No backup software: had to buy sprite. not that big of a deal, but if you read the HTC pro manual from HTC, it was originally included. sprint must have stripped it to save a few bucks.
no FM radio: i am not sure how much i would use this, but it is in the original spec and manual (not the sprint manual). it also appears you cannot activate it with a custom rom like the diamond. this would be great for at the gym to watch tv.
no front camera: yet another thing sprint must have taken out. again, not sure how much i would use this, but i dont like reading the HTC version of the manual and seeing what could/should be in there.
keyboard: keyboard is good, but just like the 6700, the top row is very close to the screen. those of us with big thumbs/fingers have to get used to this to type numbers. it is nice that they added the 5th row for dont have to hit fn as much.
lack of buttons/user configurable buttons: i wish there were a couple of user changeable buttons somewhere on this thing. if you go to the area to customize the buttons, there is only one option, the middle button. everyone uses these differently, and it is really nice to have hardware buttons to get to the 2-4 things you do most. you can however set the end call key to switch from vibrate/tone for ringer/messages just by holding it. i love that. not quite the hardware switch like palm, but finally a viable alternative for a non palm phone.
battery life: now im not going to be one of those people who complain about this and have:
5 different apps running
an echange account and hotmail set to push
3 imap accounts that autosync
4 radios always on (CDMA, bluetooth, GPS , WiFi)
screen set to 100% brightness
playing music
beware, if you are going from a POS operated device, to this that all of these features come with a price...battery life. the life is WAY lower than my centro or 755 ever was, but it can do more. I will just have to be in the habit of always plugging this in when i have too. it is nice that it uses a mini usb cable, i have them on every computer, my car charger and the outlet by my bed. i will use this for everything it can do, but understand i will have to be charging it off and on throughout the day.
touchFLO tutorial: i usually do not watch these, but a very short tutorial of the finger gestures would have been helpfull. i figured out most of the gestures on my own, but reading the manual showed me a couple i didn't know (zooming). I, like most people, do not read the manual before using a device. similar to how WM makes you do that copy paste action in the initial setup, but maybe not required EVERY time you do a hard reset.
touchFLO can be slow: there are still times it pauses a bit, but NOTHING lilke the 6800 where it took 5 seconds to go from picture to landscape mode or lagged 4 seconds when looking up contacts in my long list.
That being said, i still think this is a great device and the first non palm phone that will keep me from going back.
OK now here are a few things i like (in addition to above):
-The touchFLO interface is pretty, yet functional. is it perfect? no, but it does a decent job. It give the phone a bit more of the iphone feel, but with windows. i wish the folks in redmond had hired the touchflo designers a few years ago. HTC has done a good job with what they could, but there are many area where it is still the old (and clunky) WM.
-the touch screen works good (better than TFT)
- i like the zoom wheel action. basically to zoom in and out of pics and apps like google maps, you can just do a finger swipe in a circle around the select button. clockwise to zoom in, counter to zoom out).
- the motion sensor is cool. like the iphone, when you rotate the phone, it will go into landscape mode on some apps.
- i actually don't mind the HTC screen keyboard....great for small messages and it is fairly accurate. it seems to me that it was easier to type (with accuracy) on the pro screen than the apple onscreen KB. the slide out KB is great for long of both worlds.
- love the magnetic stylus. i am sure i will still lose it, but not from falling out. some apps (not many) will behave differently if you pull it out. phone app will open notes if you are on a call.
that's it. other pro users/trial users let me know if you agree/disagree or have other POV's.
last, i think that picture you have posted at the top is the diamond, not the pro. the front is similar, but the back of the pro is silver and has a flash for the camera.