Promotion extended


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I was just on the Celio web site and saw they extended the special "seed" promotion till Nov. 17.

I wonder if they found the sweet spot for the sales price they were looking for?
It is a good price for the device. Wish I had an extra 200 clams to shell out--no pun intended.
Yea, right. Got any bridges for sale?

Before making fun of others regarding the use of the redfly. Think back when many plunked down $100 for just a keyboard to use with their pda.

The redfly is a vast improvement over that and many figure that if they were willing to pay for the keyboard alone, a keyboard with a screen has to be a vast improvement over that.

Just food for thought;)
Before making fun of others regarding the use of the redfly. Think back when many plunked down $100 for just a keyboard to use with their pda.

The redfly is a vast improvement over that and many figure that if they were willing to pay for the keyboard alone, a keyboard with a screen has to be a vast improvement over that.

Just food for thought;)
Oh, I wasn't making fun of anyone for using a REDFLY, I love mine, and the price is most definantly right. I was making fun of xdalaw claiming there was no pun intended. "Clams to shell out" yea, no pun there alright!

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