Pros and Cons with Windows Phone 8

On the voicemail/stored number dialing issue, you can use a "w" for wait or "p" for pause in the number, and Windows Phone will handle that appropriately.

Unfortunately, there's no obvious way to do it, but you can either sync a contact with a "w" or "p" in the number, or you can copy a "w" or "p" from another text field, then paste it into the number field on the phone.

If you have a "w", the phone will dial the digits before the "w", then display a "Send" button in the call control screen; when you press it, the remaining digits will be sent. I use this frequently for recurring conference call PINs. With "p" the phone just pauses for a few seconds, then continues with the remaining digits... probably what you're looking for on the voicemail login.

you can create a separate contact for vm but it still requires steps to access vm on Verizon. There is no way to modify the *86 voicemail number to auto dial from he vm notification. You either have to dial the password or exit out of the notification and click on the contact for vm, then click the number. This is ridiculous.
When set to synchronize as soon as items arrive it will synchronize both ways, so any changes made on your phone will update on the server. Although I'm not sure why it didn't work for you.

Not on mine it didn't. When set to push, which my exchange account was, it only collected mail and didn't sync both ways. I can't check this now as I don't have the handset any longer. Would be interested in the results if someone could check this and report please..

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
I have a few problems with WP8 but the main one is the music player. I can't forward or rewind a song by dragging the location of the song left or right, you have to hold down the rewind or forward buttons. Second there is no volume control on screen, and the third, when the phone is in locked I have to hit the volume rocker to get to the music controls and it feels very unnatural.

You also cant drag in youtube either, you have to acutally tap the rewind button, you cant even hold it down.
I have a few problems with WP8 but the main one is the music player. I can't forward or rewind a song by dragging the location of the song left or right, you have to hold down the rewind or forward buttons. Second there is no volume control on screen, and the third, when the phone is in locked I have to hit the volume rocker to get to the music controls and it feels very unnatural.

You also cant drag in youtube either, you have to acutally tap the rewind button, you cant even hold it down.

I agree with the FF/REW situation, but the volume hardware button is better than onscreen (esp with locked screen), and how else would you want to get to the music controls when the phone is locked?
There is no way to modify the *86 voicemail number to auto dial from he vm notification.

Actually, you can modify the voicemail number. In the Phone Settings screen move the Use Default Voicemail Number slider to Off, then the text field becomes enabled. Unfortunately you can't add non-numeric characters, but that may be a network setting rather than OS. I could do it on my Samsung Focus WP7 on AT&T.

This is ridiculous.
Agree, but again, I think this due to some Verizon interference. They want to sell you their Visual Voicemail, so they cripple the built-in functionality. Just my 2 cents...
I have a few problems with WP8 but the main one is the music player. I can't forward or rewind a song by dragging the location of the song left or right, you have to hold down the rewind or forward buttons. Second there is no volume control on screen, and the third, when the phone is in locked I have to hit the volume rocker to get to the music controls and it feels very unnatural.

You also cant drag in youtube either, you have to acutally tap the rewind button, you cant even hold it down.

Yeah none of the media players on the phone support scrubbing which to me is weird to not support these days.
I am using Lumia 720 India
#4 Well, I can send the document as attachment even on the metered connections and done this may times while on roaming as well. In fact you can send it to multiple people/group at a same time. Also for this you don't require to upload a document. OR you can decide yourself. If the document/Pic/Video/Notes are that important then you should have uploaded it to OneDrive and then shared it. In or the other way the receiver needs to download for the same to access.. one at the and same process.
#7 I would rather say it would be technical problem, cause when I receive a call and need to note down the groceries or notes at a same time, it dose very perfectly without any hassle. I think you would put your hand or a figure passes through sensor on the front. I have faced the same issue because of that genuinely!
#9 we are developing like anything and the world appreciate it for having the best personalised smartphone experience. First, about various stock apps-you are right but I don't think so is the matter of weakness and therefore, SWITHC RIGHT NOW to Andi or iOS for it. Secondly, Google knew that if they provide their services people would have immediately attracted to buy such a lovely Lumia Device for sure. However we have plenty of 3rd party Google service apps which has the needful capabilities for people who are familiar with. And one more thing, I used Android Once when Microsoft were in verge to announce WP 8 and was in need to buy phone, I use windows and Microsoft services since 10.5years, in android I was not able to retrieve my contacts the way I have on outlook and doesn't even sync after placing it in right manner.. I never use to receive mails on time. I was not getting better integration of OneDrive even after downloading from play store. Point m trying to say Google integrates well on android and so Windows services works flawlessly on windows- either have to sacrifice. So I feel it's not an issue for anyone. In fact I was impressed by Metrotube-a third party app for youtube. I challenge they would have never would have made it for their own same.
#10 I didn't knew that HTC would not have here map services. I highly rely on Here Map and drive+. Well let me share my experience, It worked fast accurate and precise, consumes less battery, it syncs places across devices, and ice on the cake-offline map is seriously rocking feature with turn by turn voice guided .navigation.
well nice Pros and Cons, and m sure that Microsoft will work hard to give you Windows phone 8.1 update asap.

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