ProShot camera app.

I tried to buy this app all night, but it wouldn't let me add it to my T-Mo bill for some reason. I finally put it on my plastic. My first app buy :)

SIgned the petition too.
When sharing photos with other photography bugs, its nice to include the camera info, such as ISO, shutter speed, etc. I know I can see this on the bottom of the pictures I take with ProShot by hitting the i button. Is there an easy way to include it photos I share?
Hey Eddie, just saw the article on the competition and sorry that you didn't win but your idea of infinite zoom is really cool. That must have been quite an experience!
Hey Eddie, just saw the article on the competition and sorry that you didn't win but your idea of infinite zoom is really cool. That must have been quite an experience!

just watched the video myself...dumb bugs are the worst ones ;-) so hard to find :)
glad to hear that he got it to work though.
Hello Riseupgames!

Feature request here (well, not really a request since you did it before), could you bring back the zoom feature wherein as you manually focus your object, the camera zooms into the details so we could see if we're really getting the sharpness we wanted? :)
Hello Riseupgames!

Feature request here (well, not really a request since you did it before), could you bring back the zoom feature wherein as you manually focus your object, the camera zooms into the details so we could see if we're really getting the sharpness we wanted? :)

If you focus and move your finger to the left without letting go, it should zoom in.
Proshot seems not to focus as good as the Pro Cam

Proshot touch focus

Proshot Touch Focus by m1.m1., on Flickr

Pro Cam touch focus

Nokia Pro Cam Touch Focus by m1.m1., on Flickr

If you get the manual focus right - very sharp result, but risc of getting it wrong is high. But with magnification much better tha manual focus on Pro Cam!

Proshot Manual by m1.m1., on Flickr

Btw autofocus on my Lumia 925 seems to be broken:

Shutter button focus default cam:

DefaultCamera-Button by m1.m1., on Flickr

Proshot Infinity Focus is very blurry (why?????????)

Proshot Infinity by m1.m1., on Flickr
Nice compliment to the software - I was posting some black and white snapshots I took with ProShot to FB. A friend into photography asked me if I was using Silver Efex, and on what camera. Silver Efex is a piece of software costing more than my phone and ProShot together lol. Best $1.99 I've spent.

I was going for a vintage look in this first one. Shot at ISO 200, shutter 1/80 sec, handheld and focused, f 2.4.


This shot was outdoors in the middle of the day, but under heavy tree cover. Contrast boosted +1. Cropped in Photo Editor by Aviary.
Aviary Photo_130236884003647932.jpg
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Several days ago i downloaded proshot trial to try how proshot works. But today, i cant find proshot on the market. Looks it dissapear in indonesian market. What happened?
A few holiday snaps (in no random order!) on my trusty 820 with my favorite app EVER!......thanks Riseupgames :smile:














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