ProShot camera app.

Moon pics using ProShot, deer scope on a tripod with my NL920 against the view finder, pretty much handheld shots.
@ RiseUpGames are you working on introducing HDR mode

It's definitely still on my extremely giant to-do list! But I'm working on something else first. Something that's never been done before :)

I have to apologize for the long delay between updates btw, a bunch of life things hit me all at once.

I've rewritten the entire image processing pipeline -- a 400% speedup. What that means for ProShot will be revealed soon.
I am disappointed with my 920 pictures these days. Especially in the night ones where light rays are getting noisy (link below).
Similarly the day pics are noisier than earlier. Is there an issue with my lens OR it is the post AMBER effect? :unhappysweat::unhappysweat:
These were captured with default cam.

I'm not sure you have a bad unit (I hope not!). I think the touch-focus algorithms aren't 100% accurate on these devices. I'm hoping hoping hoping Bittersweet Shimmer (Lumia Black?) addresses some of these focus issues (like infinity AF not working on some Lumia devices).

^you need to clean your lense.

I visited the Nokia care centre and got my lens cleaned.

But, the pics are still poor and grainy.

I even tried the proshot trial version to see if there is any issue with my default camera !

Although Skydrive isn't showing the ISO values for your photos, I'm betting that the ISO is pretty high. Even on the high-end 1020 there's noise (grainyness) even at base ISO (100), and it just gets worse as you go up.

Another thing is that I definitely think there's finger grease on the lens. A simple wipe on your shirt before you take a shot should resolve the issue. It's really easy to touch then lens when pulling the phone out of your pocket, so finger grease is usually the cause of these sorts of smudges around light sources.
Overexposed + lens flare .... The 925 is prone to such things...
And grain is even in daylight photos there. The advertized resolution of the camera is definitely not reached by this small sensor and this bad optics

I even wonder why Nokia advertises this phone as a cameraphone with its mediocre performance...

And it's calling PureView?! I have the 808 as well - > This is PureView! (unfortunately everything else not really usable these days)
Yeah ! A simple wipe helped to clear those smudges !!! Just wondering, how come this dumb issue started showing up lately. At least , this seems to have been mitigated. Thanks a lot my friend !

The other issue related to grainyness still persists. I have been taking pics by keeping ISO to auto since the beginning and was fine with the pics. But, still not clear why grainyness is getting added to my pics (mostly after that AMBER update ! ). I use default cam.

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