Thank you soooo much for your support everyone!! Seriously. I don't even know what to say... :grincry:
Can't vote for ProShot as it does not work on my Ativ S and I would suggest that the "top" app needs to work on all WP8 devices.
I am really sorry for this...I haven't been able to get my hands on an AtivS here in the US (and after buying a Lumia 920 and an HTC 8X, I don't yet have another $500 to spare on an international version of the Ativ S). I was able to briefly test ProShot on the Samsung Odyssey, and was pretty shocked to find incredibly buggy hardware support for exposure compensation, shutter speed, and non-existant support for manual focus. As far as I was able to tell (this was about a month or two ago, btw), Samsung simply did not add hardware support for manual focus in their devices, and that's one of the big draws of ProShot.
I didn't have enough time with the device to implement a 'watered-down' version of ProShot (I also want to avoid fragmentation, it's one of the big reasons I'm developing for WP and not competing platforms). My only choice was to label the app as "incompatible" with Samsung devices, and hope for a future firmware upgrade that addresses these issues.
Sorry for the wordy explanation. I really want to make ProShot 100% compatible with the Ativ S because it's an
awesome Windows Phone.