ok at this point, you have a number of options, the HD7 is a great device I own one and I've been running Mango for the past month and a half already, it's great. I myself would wait for the next gen devices to come out as they're all slated to come out around october, which is right around the corner anyways. If it's the screen that compels you toward the HD7 then wait for the Titan or the Focus S on AT&T, the only second gen WP7 device coming out for T-Mobile is the Radar which is nice I especially like the white color. The screen size however is a deal breaker for my personal tastes, I only like screens ranging from 4.0"-4.3" whereas the Radar is only 3.8". I don't feel like switching to AT&T solely for the Focus S though. I'm actually waiting to see what Nokia comes out with. I'm really really hoping they hit the U.S. market with the large screen trend that's been going on and release a 4 or 4.3 in. device. I'm not worried all too much about the carrier for the device as Nokia loves to make pentaband devices which will run on both AT&T and T-Mobile HSPA networks. Hope that was sufficient info, if not don't hesitate to ask!!