Push notifications not working!!!

Games Hub Notifications still broken for me: Nokia 800 7.8 and LG 7 7.8 Telus. Asked @winphonesupport and got no reply. @Pi Sin what support did you contact?
I Thought i was the only one who experiencing this kind of problem. I install whatsap,Line, Viber and We Chat on my Lumia 620. Since past few days all the push notification had stop working. I try to uninstall and install it all back together but it still the same. Now thinking of factory reset. Fortunately I read all you guys comment, i soon realize it nothing problem with phone but Windows 8 it self.For you info i'm using celcom and living in Malaysia.. It seem this problem had effected all windows phone worldwide..
I contacted @zunesupport - they have been all rounders for most stuff. They are enthusiastic bunch of peeps ;)

I don't have any problems with notifications as of now, but then I've literally uninstalled all apps. All I have is WPCentral and those notifications are working as normal again. However ME tile is working much reliably than before..
Mine isn't working too! It's been couple of days.. I realized it after my Whatsapp was being quiet for too long and when I launched the app It had 300+ new messages! I tweeted @WinPhoneSupport regarding the issue, but they didn't resolve the issue for me.. Funny that throughout these few days, the push notifications worked a few times though..
The only app I use with notifications is WhatsApp, excluding Skype and Xbox Games. It's been two days at least that I haven't been receiving toasts when new messages arrive in WhatsApp. Same as others, I open the app and see tons of new messages that I wasn't aware of.

I will tweet WinPhoneSupport as well to see if they are aware of this issue.
There are a few negative reviews that have popped up too for Whatsapp in the store - so I don't think it is something we are all hallucinating on - this thing is real.
Whatsapp been playing up for me for a few days now, notifications come through late, messages take forever, even launching the app takes an age for messages to appear. My daughter also have same issues on her blackberry, so think the problem could be ay whatsapp end.
No push notifications for Whatsapp, wechat, QQ and Skype. Very poor performance and missed many messages. I think it's an OS problem. Very disappointed of such behaviour of WP8
It's weird there is no IM on the store that allows you to have a perfect push notification. Seems this is the os problem
I have Lumia 820 from a month and I didn't get even a single push notifications from Facebook and Twitter.Now I'm facing the issue with Whatsapp. I had reset my phone once but no use.Hope Microsoft solves the problem.
No notifications for viber if I get a call when I'm disconnected. (when I reconnect to internet)
I have Lumia 820 from a month and I didn't get even a single push notifications from Facebook and Twitter.Now I'm facing the issue with Whatsapp. I had reset my phone once but no use.Hope Microsoft solves the problem.

In all your email settings, set Download new content to as item arrives. This will affect other apps with push notifications to receive them in real time. This has been an issue since wp7 but this is a neat trick if you want real time push notifications across all your apps.
In all your email settings, set Download new content to as item arrives. This will affect other apps with push notifications to receive them in real time. This has been an issue since wp7 but this is a neat trick if you want real time push notifications across all your apps.

I have set my email accounts as you mentioned from the day I bought the phone. Is there any other method?
I have the same problem on my lumia 620 with WhatsApp. Notifications come through late. I?m using the last firm. Brazil here.
On windows phone 7, no apps are giving me notifications. Even an app that gives you a notification on purpose for testing reasons doesn't give one.
push notification system's totally broken right now with super delay notifying or even miss it. This issue's really frustrated cause I couldn't accept call from Skype or Viber anymore.

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