Putting everything in context...


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Hi guys, new member here, I've been reading wpcentral for like 3 months now tho...
anyways, I switched from ios to wp (about 8 months ago) because I like nokia hardware, and I was sick of everyone having the same mobile, I wasn't too keen on wp8, but I did it anyways, I bought a L920 amazing photos, great screen, durability, etc. I found wp8 to be quite mediocre mainly because of the stupid way in which it calculates battery life, for example it will "drain" 12% overnight but if I turn it off and on again, it will bee back at 98% or even 100% (more on this later).
After a month I was fully adapted to my 920 I mainly use whatsapp twitter, mail (update every 15 minutes? wtf?) and bloomberg so after the update of whatsapp everything was alright.
I'm currently in the UK and my carrier wasn't unlocking my 920 so as a nokia user I bought a cheap 520 here (which has worked like a charm for the money) I also have my old iphone 4 which I hadn't used ever since I bought the 920... until yesterday! note that this is an old jailbroken iphone4 running ios 5, it puts wp8 to shame, here a short list of facts where ios is better than wp8:

after closing whatsapp even with full signal there's this message "connectivity error, reboot you phone"
sometimes, there's no way to open apps, you can click on them but nothing will happen until you reboot
when selecting text instead of moving the cursor it just copies the text!
there's no way to see the battery % other than installing a stupid app
the email can only sync every 15 minutes unless you are using a ms account
notification centre
mediocre UI within apps (I know this are the devs and not MS but still)
and I can go on, but I just woke up and can't remember all, anyways the biggest annoyance of them all:
I haven't used my 920 much so I turned it off with about 25% battery, after 6 days I turned it back on, and was at 80%! WTF?! does my lumia 920 can actually break the laws of thermodynamics and create energy out of nothing?!!! of course it can't it's just the stupid OS that can not do such a basic task like calculating the bloody battery, hence the number it displays is probably inaccurate most of the the time!
anyways, I used my iphone 4 which I don't like at all, and realised that wp really is rubbish, and with the hardware division now under ms control, there is no way I'm buying a wp8 ever again, nokia did things right ms hasn't in many time, I'm no ****** that's why I ditched the lame iphone and ios, and that's why there's no way I'm sticking to such a mediocre OS, I guess I'll try google's next time...
No, mate I just logged in with my hotmail account... also I can see the pictures now, and what is it to you if I create an account for whatever reason I want?

bad network connectivity? I have full HSPA+ all the time, and whtspp/twtr/fb, etc. making such ****ty apps just says how much they care about this os...

"yes, those apps are pretty useful"
You know whats even more useful that those apps? a native battery %, plain and simple

"maybe you want to do it every 15 seconds ... I don't want that to ruin my battery .. use common sense as to why it is 15 minutes for others"
I understand that many people's emails can wait 15 minutes, most of the ones I receive can not, even 5 minutes is a long time, and with the stupid iphone I could reply n a matter of a minute, use common sense as to why I'm complaining about this. If there was an option I would make my phone update bloomberg's live tiles every 2 minutes and email every minute, that's FAR more important to me than battery life.

"Some of the most beautiful apps are found on WP"
Some, but not most, even tho this is not an important matter compared to the annoying misleading emoticons anywhere outside whatsapp.

"wtf? never happened to me or any users I know , maybe it is a defective device" that creates energy? well ambassador, NOW you know of someone and it's obviously the os, or can you not understand that there is NO WAY my device can create energy out of nothing!? if it could I don't think anyone would call that a "defect". And perhaps the reason why you don't know any users is because they use the phone all the time? I hadn't realised this until I left it off for almost a week.

thanks for the warm welcome ambassador.
I want to apologies for the post made by my Ambassador in this thread. Please wait for a corrected reply. If you like you can PM me. I will be glad to discuss this thread with you. I want to assure you that this is not how we treat new members here at WPC.

Apologies for the way I replied. I am sad to see that I got so worked up. I really am sorry and have deleted the reply I made.
I assure you that this will not continue from my side and I hope to be in good terms. Please note that new members are not treated this way and I hope you can feel assured of Dave's response.

Thanks and Sorry again.
For the very first complain you had about the battery, there has been no similar complain on this forum before. I would suggest you try 1-2 full charging and discharging cycle (to charge the battery to 100% and then drain it). If this doesn't help, then maybe you have a bad luck and got a lemon.

"after closing whatsapp even with full signal there's this message "connectivity error, reboot you phone" sometimes, there's no way to open apps, you can click on them but nothing will happen until you reboot"

I don't use whatsapp. But do you ever find such a problem when closing other apps? If yes, then maybe it is a bug in the version of WP installed in your phone and it is a corner bug, otherwise we will see widely-spreading complains about this. If no, I would guess this is a bug of whatsapp which affect the stability of WP. I would suggest: 1) Make sure you are using a genuine version of WP, meaning it is not from a modified ROM 2) Make sure you have the latest version of whatsapp. Sometimes you may need uninstall and reinstall apps to make them working right.

"when selecting text instead of moving the cursor it just copies the text!"

Did you accidentally touch the copy button?

"there's no way to see the battery % other than installing a stupid app"

This s**ks, well is it really? Do we need the fuel % on our car? Most of the cars doesn't report a % of fuel level and we didn't feel a thing about that. So it is all about our custom. If you can get used to it as you got used to a precise percentage of battery, you will find things are not that bad. And if you read Wpcentral for three months, you may have already noticed that this feature is expected to come in the next version of WP.

"the email can only sync every 15 minutes unless you are using a ms account"

No comment. This is really not convenient for non MS account users. It should be a concern with battery life. There must be a power efficient way to do that. However, we are not sure whether that way is available for MS/WP. The mail server has to cooperate in order to implement that. This is the reason why the realtime sync is only availalbe for MS account -- because MS has control of their mail servers. I wouldn't expect GOOGLE would cooperate MS to implement realtime sync for WP. We've learned that from Youtube.

"notification centre, mediocre UI within apps (I know this are the devs and not MS but still), folders..."

I would say there are problems with any mobile OS. And there are feature difference lying among different mobile OS. If you have patience, you may stick to WP, like most active users on this forum, enjoy the pros and be tolerant with the cons. Post your problem with detailed information and many kind people will help you get through.
Thanks team leader, it's alright.
No hard feelings ambassador, I understand unbiased hard critiques to wp can irritate some of you.
WPer, now that's a proper answer, thank you! as for your suggestions:

I did more than 4 full charge cycles after the purchase, I'm not familiar with the "lemon" term.

It happens only with whatsapp, I do have a genuine ROM, as I have never modified it, I have the latest version of whatsapp and I've uninstalled it twice already, attached is a screenshot: of the issue. May I ask what do you use to text instead of whatsapp??

I do touch the copy button no matter how hard I try not to!

hahaha funny you say the car thing because I actually DO have a % on my petrol, or a distance remaining, or a litres remaining whichever I like the most :p
it wouldn't apply anyways as my driver is the one in charge of refilling the petrol of all the cars.
I know this is expected but quite annoying not to have it we are in 2013!!

I will stick to this os but only because I like nokia more than apple or smsung, I've been tolerant and as I say, I actually forgot of all the other smooth things ios users enjoy that we don't and it was only because I used my old phone4 that I remembered and became annoyed about all the stuff wp8 lacks.
Don't feel so bad. I gave up on WP. I've had a 920 since release and the even the Nokia quality hasn't impressed me like it used to. Constant bugs, Apps not working correctly and crashing.

I just recently got an Xperia ZL and love it. The build quality, the camera is awesome and no complaints plus I have all my favorite apps again and they're not crippled feature wise.
yeah I was thinking of buying the ubuntu phone, run ubuntu and android, I don't really care much about the apps that's one reason why I could change to wp without losing almost any app as I mainly use the apps mentioned above, for everything else I use the browser...
To be honest I will stick until the 8.1 release because I think lumias are quite cool, love the live tiles and the integration with office but if it is not good enough I'll just change os overnight, I won't be using my 920 till the end of the year anyways. hahaha btw I fully charged my 920 and iphone 4 and have left them there in flight mode with wifi off doing nothing, after a bit more than a day, the jailbroken iphone currently has 96% the 920 stock ROM has 90%, lets see how it turns out...
By "lemon", I meant a defective device. Sending the phone back to Nokia or taking it to a local customer service is the best idea. I don't know if a soft rest or hard reset will solve the problem. If you have time to try, you can search on this forum for how-to.

From the message, it seems that WhatsApp suggest you restart due to a Push Notification error and this is nothing about wireless signal "connectivity". I would suggest you open a new thread asking about this particular error. I bet there will be other people who have seen this message. I use Wechat, for your information.

May I ask what car are you driving? :)
It happens only with whatsapp, I do have a genuine ROM, as I have never modified it, I have the latest version of whatsapp and I've uninstalled it twice already, attached is a screenshot: of the issue. May I ask what do you use to text instead of whatsapp??
View attachment 46754

Go to settings, swipe to the left and click on "BACKGROUND TASK". Make sure Whatsapp is allowed...
Also, go to settings --------> find my phone and make sure "Send apps to my phone using push notifications (not SMS)" is ticked ....
thanks jojpath, whatsqpp is allowed, and find my phone doesn't give any options other than on or off.
I drive a volvo c70 Wper, it displays it n the digital screen in the dashboard.
And as for the battery challenge, iphone currently at 95% lumia 920 at 88% after 1 day 20 hours of doing nothing
thanks jojpath, whatsqpp is allowed, and find my phone doesn't give any options other than on or off.
I drive a volvo c70 Wper, it displays it n the digital screen in the dashboard.
And as for the battery challenge, iphone currently at 95% lumia 920 at 88% after 1 day 20 hours of doing nothing

If you don't have this screen in "find my phone" settings, check if the phone needs updating (settings -----> phone update...).

Sent from my NOKIA LUMIA 920 using Tapatalk


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I do have that on my 920 and already ticked the not sms thanks. but the 520 which is the one I am currently using (my 920 is locked to my country carrier remember?) doesn't have it, and I'll be using it till late december
I do have that on my 920 and already ticked the not sms thanks. but the 520 which is the one I am currently using (my 920 is locked to my country carrier remember?) doesn't have it, and I'll be using it till late december

Ahhh. OK. .Sorry man.... I'm out of ideas...

Anybody else?

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