Question about Mobile Hotspot


New member
Nov 10, 2011
Can this be hacked/unlocked to be free? As a Wifi only Tablet owner, this is a feature that interested me. Its not something I'd use daily, heck maybe even not monthly, but I would like the ability. I currently have the grandfathered unlimited data. I'd probably only use this feature on vacations once or twice a year, or for GPS or something with my tablet dash mounted in my car. (7"). I think paying for this is quite a ripoff and especially the limited data you actually get! Is there a hack to bypass the carrier on this?

Sorry Black, but I need to know this too! I am on the Atrix 4G and had the iPhone 4. I throroughly enjoyed being able to jailbreak and root so I can keep my unlimited data and still tether.

Can you believe they won't let you keep unlimited data if you are willing to pay for tethering? Like they want us to hack XD Freaking respect my contract and my allegiance and let me pay you to tether with unlimited! Fools I say...
guess its not possible huh? :(

Another question, since im a WP noob. Its not possible to change the tile colors, right?
guess its not possible huh? :(

Another question, since im a WP noob. Its not possible to change the tile colors, right?
You can change the tile colours only from the selection of around 9 supplied default colours.

You can alter those colours only if you developer unlock your phone and use a 3rd party app. :)
Can this be hacked/unlocked to be free? As a Wifi only Tablet owner, this is a feature that interested me. Its not something I'd use daily, heck maybe even not monthly, but I would like the ability. I currently have the grandfathered unlimited data. I'd probably only use this feature on vacations once or twice a year, or for GPS or something with my tablet dash mounted in my car. (7"). I think paying for this is quite a ripoff and especially the limited data you actually get! Is there a hack to bypass the carrier on this?


I am very sure there is a way to use the tethering without a plan. You will probably find out once people finally get theirs here and someone who has experience with software will supply us with that answer. I would check: Android Forums & Windows Phone Discussion @ xda-developers. The people at XDA are very smart at software hacks so they would probably know the answer when the Titan does release.

HOWEVER, I should mention a warning that AT&T has been cracking down on people tethering without a data plan that supports it. If AT&T finds out they will probably first send you a text message and then after that you will either get automatically upgraded to a plan that supports tethering or they will take some other legal action. And trust me, if they do automatically upgrade your plan it is an absolute b*tch to get it off. When I had an Inspire 4G earlier this year I ended up giving it to my brother because he wanted a new phone and I am so into getting the newest and best thing that I gave mine to his. He had an unlimited plan with a non-smartphone and we thought that we would be able to slip by and not have to get him the smartphone data plan because he was able to buy a Motorola Flipout (which was an AT&T exclusive phone at that time) and they didn't change his data plan. Well, about a month after he got the Inspire from me he got a text message from AT&T that said he was going to be upgraded to a smartphone plan. They put the $25 a month plan on him and I tried to go online to put instead the $15 a month plan on, since he doesn't use data that often, and it was LOCKED on the $25 a month plan. There was absolutely no way to change it because it even said contact AT&T customer support to change this. So, I called AT&T and the person told me they changed it to the $15 a month plan, but it didn't work. The bill came in and it still showed the $25. I ended up having to call them about two more times before they FINALLY changed it to the $15 a month plan. The point I'm trying to make is: DONT GET CAUGHT. Or else you will suffer through the torture of AT&T customer support and months of trying to undo what has been done.
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I have the internet sharing on my Focus (via XDA). I've only used it to see it works. I'm sure at&t would start noticing if I went over my allotte data and bump my plan to the tether plan.

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