Question for people using 8.1 Developer Preview

So I'm now confused, so your saying even when the official 8.1 comes out a phone with 8.1dp wont pick it it up and we will be stuck on the preview until we flash a rom on there?

no, your phone will detect it has an update when the official 8.1 comes out. no need flashing! it will just happen naturally like a normal update!
Yes exactly. Talking about flashing only as a backup method on reverting back if ever needed.

I must have missed that. Could you kindly point me in the right direction? I can't seem to find it. If there is one, I'm guessing its somewhere on XDA but I couldn't really find anything like NSU like there is for Lumias.

This is Samsung official tool and ROM's, just like NSU for Nokia's and its official so in that sense has nothing to do with XDA... Except of course that XDA is the place to search things like this and instructions.

I Googled these to you now, so I hope everything is correct ones. I have everything stored in my computer already (dowloader aka flash tool, usb-driver and GDR2 + GDR3 roms).

Please note that you need a Windows 7 or earlier OS for the driver to work. Even though I read that there is a way to get it working in Windows 8 too, I wasnt able to do it. Instructions for everything is of course in XDA, so search there if you need them:

The usb-driver SamsungUSBDriver.msi:
Download SAMSUNG Windows Phone 8 IO USB Driver 1.0 for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit

The flash tool WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader 3.33.1: anaheiim's Space - WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader - Tweaks Paradise

Firmware GT-I8750 XXBME1_R_signed: Welcome to the ./downloads/Samsung/Firmwares/GT-I8750/ITV/ folder of GsmHosting support area

Instructions also: Samsung Ativ S I8750 (WP8) Hard Reset tutorial, firmware and flashing guide - GSM-Forum

I was also able to find a Yandex folder that has everything, and 2 newer versions of flasher tool. This is in Russian, but I used my trashmail google account to log in and was able to download everything. This seem to have everything, the driver, flasher tools and few roms, everything in one place:

Like I said, on things like this XDA is the place to go. For downloads, instructions and help if ever needed.
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So I'm now confused, so your saying even when the official 8.1 comes out a phone with 8.1dp wont pick it it up and we will be stuck on the preview until we flash a rom on there?
Sorry that was me rambling. You're phone will update like normal, no flashing needed. No one will really know you ever had the DP after the update installs.
Yes exactly. Talking about flashing only as a backup method on reverting back if ever needed.

This is Samsung official tool and ROM's, just like NSU for Nokia's and its official so in that sense has nothing to do with XDA... Except of course that XDA is the place to search things like this and instructions.

I Googled these to you now, so I hope everything is correct ones. I have everything stored in my computer already (dowloader aka flash tool, usb-driver and GDR2 + GDR3 roms).

Please note that you need a Windows 7 or earlier OS for the driver to work. Even though I read that there is a way to get it working in Windows 8 too, I wasnt able to do it. Instructions for everything is of course in XDA, so search there if you need them:

The usb-driver SamsungUSBDriver.msi:
Download SAMSUNG Windows Phone 8 IO USB Driver 1.0 for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit

The flash tool WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader 3.33.1: anaheiim's Space - WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader - Tweaks Paradise

Firmware GT-I8750 XXBME1_R_signed: Welcome to the ./downloads/Samsung/Firmwares/GT-I8750/ITV/ folder of GsmHosting support area

Instructions also: Samsung Ativ S I8750 (WP8) Hard Reset tutorial, firmware and flashing guide - GSM-Forum

I was also able to find a Yandex folder that has everything, and 2 newer versions of flasher tool. This is in Russian, but I used my trashmail google account to log in and was able to download everything. This seem to have everything, the driver, flasher tools and few roms, everything in one place:

Like I said, on things like this XDA is the place to go. For downloads, instructions and help if ever needed.
Thanks. I run across these but was looking for something a bit more official linking from Samsung. These'll work though, always good to have some tools around.
Yes exactly. Talking about flashing only as a backup method on reverting back if ever needed.

This is Samsung official tool and ROM's, just like NSU for Nokia's and its official so in that sense has nothing to do with XDA... Except of course that XDA is the place to search things like this and instructions.

I Googled these to you now, so I hope everything is correct ones. I have everything stored in my computer already (dowloader aka flash tool, usb-driver and GDR2 + GDR3 roms).

Please note that you need a Windows 7 or earlier OS for the driver to work. Even though I read that there is a way to get it working in Windows 8 too, I wasnt able to do it. Instructions for everything is of course in XDA, so search there if you need them:

The usb-driver SamsungUSBDriver.msi:
Download SAMSUNG Windows Phone 8 IO USB Driver 1.0 for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit

The flash tool WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader 3.33.1: anaheiim's Space - WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader - Tweaks Paradise

Firmware GT-I8750 XXBME1_R_signed: Welcome to the ./downloads/Samsung/Firmwares/GT-I8750/ITV/ folder of GsmHosting support area

Instructions also: Samsung Ativ S I8750 (WP8) Hard Reset tutorial, firmware and flashing guide - GSM-Forum

I was also able to find a Yandex folder that has everything, and 2 newer versions of flasher tool. This is in Russian, but I used my trashmail google account to log in and was able to download everything. This seem to have everything, the driver, flasher tools and few roms, everything in one place:

Like I said, on things like this XDA is the place to go. For downloads, instructions and help if ever needed.

I encountered serious battery drain issues and infinite boot loop on my Samsung Ativ S I8750 when updated it DP 8.1

I used this exact same method and was able to flash my unit to GDR3 again. Issue solved.

Still 8.1 is really nice though, did you try the latest update? did it fix the camera and infinite boot loop issue on the I8750?
Granted you are entitled to your opinion,but when voicing something that is not factual, it's better you not voice said opinions

I didn't voice anything none factual. I don't understand what you are disagreeing with either. As far as I can see your post had no bearing on anything I wrote.

Anyway, I still think people who aren't comfortable doing hard resets or flashing their phone shouldn't be using the developer preview. That is neither factual nor non-factual. Like you said it's an opinion, but I think some people could save themselves some grief by heeding that advice.
I didn't voice anything none factual. I don't understand what you are disagreeing with either. As far as I can see your post had no bearing on anything I wrote.

Anyway, I still think people who aren't comfortable doing hard resets or flashing their phone shouldn't be using the developer preview. That is neither factual nor non-factual. Like you said it's an opinion, but I think some people could save themselves some grief by heeding that advice.

Sorry, but you said the type of service I received was only available to a few,and then went on belittling me about if I weren't comfortable I shouldn't be taking the preview. You were saying you to me just as I just did to you,you weren't saying others or some folks, but to me.

On both accounts you are not factual,and explained why I needed their assistance. I come from Android and have been flashing and rooting since cupcake with many different phones

Now,in all honesty, it may take longer if hundreds flood 1 store,but ,most folks aren't utilizing this preview and the preview is what's being discussed.

I've received good service from my Microsoft store,and see no change coming on this account and I was told if I had any other issues I couldn't solve with the preview bring it back in and they would help.

So...your not being factual on either account

no, your phone will detect it has an update when the official 8.1 comes out. no need flashing! it will just happen naturally like a normal update!
So if that's the case they would unless they take logs would never know it has had the dp on it?
Sorry, but you said the type of service I received was only available to a few

Calm down Mac. You are far too easily offended. Nowhere did I write what you seem to have taken from my post. What I actually wrote was "such service is only available if few require it". That is factual.

I'm sorry if I offended you. From my perspective I didn't write anything anyone should be offended by. I'll leave it at that and hope we can forget this misunderstanding.
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I really want to try the developer preview for 8.1, but as you all know it voids your warranty. Has anyone had any problems due to 8.1? And once the 8.1 update actually comes out can I update to that and basically unvoid my warranty because no one will know i had the dev preview on my phone?
Yes. It won't kill you. Unless you're completely unlucky and hit a major problem that requires returning your phone and thus discovery of the DP, once 8.1 rolls officially you'll update automatically and be like the rest of the world.
Yes exactly. Talking about flashing only as a backup method on reverting back if ever needed.

This is Samsung official tool and ROM's, just like NSU for Nokia's and its official so in that sense has nothing to do with XDA... Except of course that XDA is the place to search things like this and instructions.

I Googled these to you now, so I hope everything is correct ones. I have everything stored in my computer already (dowloader aka flash tool, usb-driver and GDR2 + GDR3 roms).

Please note that you need a Windows 7 or earlier OS for the driver to work. Even though I read that there is a way to get it working in Windows 8 too, I wasnt able to do it. Instructions for everything is of course in XDA, so search there if you need them:

The usb-driver SamsungUSBDriver.msi:
Download SAMSUNG Windows Phone 8 IO USB Driver 1.0 for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit

The flash tool WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader 3.33.1: anaheiim's Space - WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader - Tweaks Paradise

Firmware GT-I8750 XXBME1_R_signed: Welcome to the ./downloads/Samsung/Firmwares/GT-I8750/ITV/ folder of GsmHosting support area

Instructions also: Samsung Ativ S I8750 (WP8) Hard Reset tutorial, firmware and flashing guide - GSM-Forum

I was also able to find a Yandex folder that has everything, and 2 newer versions of flasher tool. This is in Russian, but I used my trashmail google account to log in and was able to download everything. This seem to have everything, the driver, flasher tools and few roms, everything in one place:

Like I said, on things like this XDA is the place to go. For downloads, instructions and help if ever needed.

Where where you last week when when my spare Samsung had spin it gears and I had to ship it back to Samsung....i could of fixed myself with these tools...i google/binged the hey out if it with out luck...thanks for posting it
This thread kind of went off the rails didn't it?

I did try the DP with my 928 and I had to revert back to 8 this past Saturday. I began having problems about a month ago when I traveled to a nearby city just for leisurely purposes. It was a warm, sunny day, and it seemed anytime I had the phone out in sunlight it started to act up with phantom back button/home button presses. Soon after I did a hard reset and it seemed okay for a while, but later I started having problems again. I think it has to do with heat, and it may very well be a hardware problem that has nothing to do with the DP. But I didn't have any of these issues once before installing 8.1.

That said, the problems now exist under 8, so I guess I have to conclude it's a hardware issue that 8.1 revealed or made permanent. Who knows. If you haven't gone ahead and installed it...don't. Just enjoy your phone, it's pretty darned good as it is IMO. Mine, not so much--collecting dust on a shelf while I wait to send it in and get a crummy refurb unit in its place. Lesson learned.

I really want to try the developer preview for 8.1, but as you all know it voids your warranty. Has anyone had any problems due to 8.1? And once the 8.1 update actually comes out can I update to that and basically unvoid my warranty because no one will know i had the dev preview on my phone?

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