1/40 sounds far too long for such a bright store which is why it washed out.
They are both f1.9. Would have been interesting to see an Edge shot for 1/120 to compare the sensor directly with the same exposure and aperture.
Usually shutter speed is used to show movement/ freeze action primarily, bump the exposure secondarily.
ISO what is used to increase exposure in dark situations.
the scene was fairly still, no high speed movement happening, so 1/40 is good, decreasing the shutter speed will allow lower ISO, and better picture overall.
I would say, its better to set the 950 on 1/40, and lower the ISO, than increasing the EDGE to 1/120 and bump up the ISO.
at least thats what i would do. not a professional photographer after all, and not really that good gear to work with either.
ISO was 100 on the 950 and 50 on the Edge.
I looked at both the images on two side by side HP Compaq LA2405wg monitors side by side at work. My personal preference is the Lumia 950XL picture. The S6 is a bit too bright IMO. Also the detail is a bit more tangible with the 950XL picture. I think a quick edit of the 950XL picture should actually adjust the lighting correctly.
Exposure and white balance seems more accurate on the Lumia.
The first one seems to have more accurate color. My guess is that's the edge.
but i also noticed this:
Shutter speed used on s6 = 1/40, which is good amount of light.
Shutter speed used on 950xl = 1/120.
if this is all auto, i would say the s6 took the better decision, as this situation is better shot at 1/40, maybe a bit less too, 1/120 is fast, thus would require higher ISO (sense this is a fixed aperture), which then affects the overall quality of color and sharpness..etc., but maybe iso was roughly the same, as it is obvious first picture is brighter, which kinda indicates that the xl did not bump the iso that much.
The photo looks yellow, if you think that looks accurate then I don't know what to say.
The first one seems to have more accurate color. My guess is that's the edge. His shirt looks more green in the second pic.. Well teal.
You mean, "to you". And that's OK.Both look pretty similar, 950 has a deeper contrast, but really I wouldn't go out of my way just to get either one based on camera quality alone. Pretty disappointing, but not surprising, a small part of me did wanted the 950 to blow everything away on image quality but the image here clearly says that's definitely not the case.