Random Reboots


New member
Sep 16, 2011
I had two random reboots yesterday while the phone was unplugged and just sitting in front of me not being used.

This is the second Titan that I have had. With the poor quality control and the poor sounding microphone on these phones along with the random reboots. We are washing our hands of the HTC Titan and we are switching back to Sprint. Luckily we did not sell our Arrives which have been rock solid.
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That's a shame planetbrian411, I've had mine for 2 weeks now and i've never had a single reboot.

Perhaps it's peculiar to the AT&T firmware. :(
I lost one to random reboots which were quickly fatal (see thread Titan DOA. It was a replacement for original - still wonder if they gave me someone else's dud. In any case, that one died overnight..replaced it again the next morning. Also at&t...
I also am having random reboot problems. I am on my second titan and amazon is in the process of getting me a 3rd one. If I continue to have rebooting problems I will have to switch to a focus s. I just can't have these kind of issues the first one would reboot 10-15 times a day now the one I currently have reboots 3-4 times a day. To make it worse I went to an att store to look at a focus s and the stores display titan was stuck in a boot loop. I am starting to think this device was rushed big time. The problem will likely get resolved with a software update but I have been down this road before waiting for things to be fixed that should have stopped the phone from being released and gotten burned in the end for $600 (nexus one)
This doesn't seem to be a very common problem but I am curious if people just are not noticing. The phone boots up very quickly so you could easily miss it. I have installed an app called uptime that tells you your phones uptime and a lot of times this is the only way I know it is happening. It happens more frequently for me when the phone is sitting idle in standby than when I am actively using it.
My Titan was fine for roughly two weeks and then started having reboot problems. Once it rebooted four times during a 90-minute meeting. Another thread here or on XDA suggested doing a master reset and starting over. I've done that and had no problems since (about 10 days). Note, I did the master reset with the hardware keys, not the one built into the About settings panel.
My Titan was fine for roughly two weeks and then started having reboot problems. Once it rebooted four times during a 90-minute meeting. Another thread here or on XDA suggested doing a master reset and starting over. I've done that and had no problems since (about 10 days). Note, I did the master reset with the hardware keys, not the one built into the About settings panel.

Do you remember the key sequence by chance I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything. I will for sure give it a try because I went and picked up a focus s and I don't like it at all so I am going to make the titan work for me.
Let us know if your replacement device is any better. I am really hoping I just have really bad luck and got 2 bad ones in a row!

The new one rebooted within five minutes of turning it on. I'm sending it back...if I'm going to have a phone that reboots on me, it's going to be the one I've already set up.

I've emailed HTC support. Frankly, I'm not too concerned. I paid a penny for it, when the Nokia phones come out next year, i'm jumping on them.
I did a software reset last night and so far my uptime is at about 14 hours which is way longer than any of my titans have ever gone so I'm hoping!

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
Do you remember the key sequence by chance
First, I don't know if doing it via hardware was significant; I was just pointing out how I did it. If you want to do it, here are the directions as I recall them.

Power the phone off. While holding down both volume buttons press the power button to start the phone -- do not let go of the volume buttons yet. When the screen shows reset instructions, you can release the volume buttons. I believe that during the reset process, I needed to navigate a list -- use the volume keys as arrows (up and down) and use the Windows key as Enter to confirm your choice.
My first Titan was a mess. 26 hours after getting it, it got stuck in the boot loader. My second one has been much better. Going on three weeks with no issues. Hope the good luck continues.
My phone has hit the 24 hour uptime mark just now so I am really hoping the reset solved my issue because other than rebooting I have no complaints!

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
If anyone is having this issue try uninstalling the SkyDrive app I don't have much time right now but ill explain later

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
So I had reset my phone a couple days ago and have been slowly reinstalling apps and changing setting so if my issue came up again I would know what was causing it hopefully. My phone was at 3 days of uptime and then i installed the official SkyDrive app and within 15 minutes it rebooted then again about 45 minutes later I uninstalled SkyDrive and now my uptime is at 3 hours so hopefully that is the issue so at least we know

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I checked my boot time as I installed an app after I heard some were having this issue, and so far I'm over 5 days without reboot. I think I'm safe.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
I had two random reboots yesterday while the phone was unplugged and just sitting in front of me not being used.

This is the second Titan that I have had. With the poor quality control and the poor sounding microphone on these phones along with the random reboots. We are washing our hands of the HTC Titan and we are switching back to Sprint. Luckily we did not sell our Arrives which have been rock solid.
Did not even wanna try the Focus S out? Or the screen real estate made that much of a difference?

Although Google would never admit it, but there was a reason the second nexus was made by Samsung and now they pretty much able to use the Nexus name with their Galaxy branding. They dropped HTC with the quickness. I loved that phone (aesthetically), but it had a few issues, mainly the screen.
Google galaxy nexus problems it is having its fair share of issues and the focus s hasn't been perfect either. Its a double edge sword smartphones are so complex now any early adopters are going to have some issues.. Even apple has bugs to work out at launch and they have the easiest situation of anyone since they develop the hardware and software.. Obviously the titan has its fair share of problems but it's not fair to call out HTC alone every oem has problem at launch the test is if/how quickly can they resolve it

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express

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