Random Reboots

By the way I had a focus s I gave both a fair shot and personally I couldn't stand it but different strokes for different folks

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I agree. Response to early glitches means everything. Helps a lot if CS reps are quick to acknowledge caller concerns and respond to them with concern rather than the much more common 'well, that is not a known issue [implication: its just you, so deal with it].

The nature and scope of bugs matters too. As these forums show plenty of users are willing to ride out the voice-quality thing until there is a fix. In contrast random and boot loops are a lot harder to live with: immediately and perhaps permanently disabling..and after 30 days, all bets are off. In short, the repetitive (read: affecting multiple devices) unpredictable or disabling problems are the deal-breakers. For some, that includes call quality. For others, its different. As was stated above, different strokes for different folks.

Very interesting to see that the posters who went completely mad waiting for long-delayed shipments from at&t and Amazon wireless are -- best I can tell- largely absent from the TITAN bug threads (jenashley!!). There was something about that 2nd (or 3rd) wave of shipments that may have been worth waiting for!! Glad the torture of the initial wait paid off for those folks....would be especially awful to wait like that and then get a bum device!
Google galaxy nexus problems it is having its fair share of issues and the focus s hasn't been perfect either. Its a double edge sword smartphones are so complex now any early adopters are going to have some issues.. Even apple has bugs to work out at launch and they have the easiest situation of anyone since they develop the hardware and software.. Obviously the titan has its fair share of problems but it's not fair to call out HTC alone every oem has problem at launch the test is if/how quickly can they resolve it

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I didn't just start dealing with HTC though and their issues isn't only related to software, it's hardware. You can't fix them with updates. I tested out the Titan in store (new untouched and it had the same issues with the speaker.

Both at Sprint and AT&T, HTC has always had hardware issues and continue to have them. The 2125, 8125, the 3125, the 8525, EVO 4G, EVO 3D and the list goes on. One thing I will say is that reception is not an issue for them, so I was caught off guard with my Titan and the fluctuating bars, which I noticed on both the floor model and the new Titan that my boy took out the box for me to check out.

For the EVO, we have loads of speakers, earpieces and LCDs to replace for customers who are always coming in with those issues. The camera is another issue where is comes off the track and isn't working. This dude went to Disneyland and thought he had a camera to use... boy was he wrong.

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