[Real Users] My Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL Detailed Review

Just a question, but did you give any thought to a Blu Win HD LTE? The camera is its weak point too, but its better than those...but at a $149...its a good price with a better spec'd processor.
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

Never had the Fierce XL... I moved to 640 as a backup from BLU Win HD LTE... On the HD LTE the naked screen feels not so good. Tempered Glass solves that issue and , IMHO, sorts out some jittery touch that some users have complained about.
Just a question, but did you give any thought to a Blu Win HD LTE? The camera is its weak point too, but its better than those...but at a $149...its a good price with a better spec'd processor.

I heard that phone has some major issues with its touch screen and what not. I liked the look of it and the fact it came in colors though
I heard that phone has some major issues with its touch screen and what not. I liked the look of it and the fact it came in colors though

Honestly, once I disabled the Accessibility Magnifier, mine totally came alive. I found out about that bug a couple days ago...its much much better now.

Its definitely much better!
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

So the dialpad on phone calls stays up and the screen doesn't dim like the proximity sensor is out of whack. So I keep pressing random numbers on phone calls.
Honestly, once I disabled the Accessibility Magnifier, mine totally came alive. I found out about that bug a couple days ago...its much much better now.

Its definitely much better!

Tbh I wish blu would make some windows phone of their other nicer android handsets. They are really mice.

Switching from the OneTouch doesn't seem warranted aside from the processor. I really enjoy the big screen and the official Tmobile support. I think, based on the case of my Lumia 640xl, which has b12 LTE support, to use all of tmobile features the phone has to be sort of approved by tmobile. I actually like having wifi calling...
Originally posted by Nogitsune Micah
Haha thanks guys. It's definitely my first tech review so I was like eh ☺ but I wanted to make it something a bit more akin to an everyday user :)

The fierce xl is growing on me though. I took my 640 xl out to the club because the camera was better but I definitely use the xl as my daily driver.

It's a fling and while I am married ro Microsoft products, I am not going to rule out any OEM high end...they just have a high standard to reach that none yet have :)

Miss my Lumia apps :(
Well I screwed that up, "New WC app"
I too have a new XL. Here are some thoughts.
1. The screen, I'll agree it feels "different" than my 640. And it does seem to make smudge marks all by itself. I have added a tempered glass screen protector and it makes a world of difference. Unfortunately touch sensitivity suffers a little.
2. The Lumia "Extras" are missing. Glance, Double Tap to Wake, Equalizer, Advanced Display settings (vivid). That whole category is not there. And they cannot be downloaded from the store.
3. Yes, out of the box it feels "fragile". A case fixes that. I have one TPU case and a CoverOn Slim case. Both look and feel great. Not to mention that the blue back cover has never been on it. I found a Silver one from the "Android" XL.
4. Groove Music has serious volume problems on this thing. With the volume on full it sounds like my 640 at 30%. Now I know part of that might be Groove. I'm waiting for .107 to see if it improves.

The biggest thing here is "It's not a Lumia" we are all spoiled by the 640. But for $140, from T-Mobile, 2G Ram / 16G internal storage plus an SD, it's a nice capable phone. It grows on you. Yes, I wish it had a bigger processor, but it's a budget phone. It runs Windows 10 just fine.

This is my first non-Lumia phone. I think Alcatel has stepped up to the plate with Windows and it's not a bad first attempt. If the Idol Pro 4 comes later this year, you will probably see me with one of those.

If you're thinking of getting one, think of it as a 5.5" 640, minus "Lumia"
tale 85 - actually the audio issue has been adjusted/fixed, at least in my case. I use my phone to plug into auxiliary in the car, and it works better now. Maybe that's something they fixed.

I had been looking for the Glance Screen option to see what that was all about, but alas, it's not on the Alcatel. However, the single-handed mode is amazing. I'm starting to use it more often than ever now.
Yeah, there's no reason to switch to a Blu phone if, overall you're happy on the Fierce XL...Appreciate the review you did!
Not sure about reviewing this phone :/

Some days are good...some days with it are frustrating.
I used to get all giddy over a new phone and overlook annoyances.

Not really seeing great differences with .107 on it.
Could be that in a few days things will line up.
The out of control scrolling bug is still there.
I think the screens on these phones might be defective or very low hardware quality.
Camera ... nuff said :(

It's just not really up to the likes of something like the 640.

Good to see others having a better experience with their Alcatel XL.
Not sure about reviewing this phone :/

Some days are good...some days with it are frustrating.
I used to get all giddy over a new phone and overlook annoyances.

Not really seeing great differences with .107 on it.
Could be that in a few days things will line up.
The out of control scrolling bug is still there.
I think the screens on these phones might be defective or very low hardware quality.
Camera ... nuff said :(

It's just not really up to the likes of something like the 640.

Good to see others having a better experience with their Alcatel XL.

Its different, I'm used to beta testing software, I thrive in it. So the bugs and quirks, yeah they are annoying, but I can work around them. One of the best bugs fixed was of you used the phone, called a number, had to press a number for a department, then tried to talk to someone, the phone wouldn't dim. This bugged the crap out of me, almost to the point where the phone wasn't usable to make phone calls. It's been fixed now with 107. However, there are still different bugs with Apps and the OS itself. Spotify, still doesn't like going between Cellular and Wifi. It's one or the other. If you want Cellular, disable wifi and reboot =/. One handed mode has an issue where you can't scroll through all the content, but it still works so-so. The last issue I've had was after the update, my ringer was on 6, but set to vibrate. I had to turn the volume all the way down to Vibrate (0) and back up to get both ringer and vibrate. Annoying! Oh well, I'm happy to test and find bugs.

EDIT: Regarding the first bug, the action keys still stay lit up though =/
One handed mode has an issue where you can't scroll through all the content, but it still works so-so.

I think that is on purpose... Basically the bottom of the screen doesn't need to jump down to the bottom seems to be their theory. :winktongue:
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

Microfiber towels...the tiny ones yo get for glasses work well... I've worn out about 7.
Yes fingerprints are an issue.

As far as a screen protector helping.. A tempered glass one solved the fingerprint issue...but touch went to crap. Next! The standard clear one I got is only 2% better than the bare glass.

Solution? ....coming soon

Posted from Windows Central for Windows 10
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

I was thinking about using some plastic wrap, tightly held onto the front - finger print issue solved!
No for real though, I may find a tempered glass one to try. The screen feels.... cheap in a way so I think your statement is accurate, touch won't work that well.
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

I have found something that helps. A microfiber wipe with a little plain water helps a lot. Not a complete fix a good scrub slows the smudging down a little.
Three Weeks later

Hi folks.
I thought I'd share some thoughts about the Fierce now that I've had it for a while.

I'll start with the obvious. It's not a Lumia. Therefore a few of the Lumia features aren't there. In Settings you won't find the usual "Extras" category. Things like Glance, Double Tap to Wake, Equalizer, just don't come on it. And no, you can't download them from the Store. This might have something to do with the Snapdragon 210, or more likely "It's not a Lumia"

Out of the box it works well, the performance is on par with my 640. The extra Ram and storage are really nice. It comes with 10586.63 to begin with but .107 is already available without being an Insider.

I love the size. It fits well in my hand, comfortable. The Screen is not a ClearBlack Display. Sitting next to my 640, it's obvious. Use it for a while and you forget about it, it's a nice bright display. Some have had issues with the screen showing fingerprints, smudges and simply getting dirty. One solution is a tempered glass screen protector, but the one I tried hampered the touch sensitivity. A normal screen protector improves it somewhat.

My biggest complaints:
Blue, I can't do blue on one of my phones. My solution was to find one for a Fierce XL Android that's Silver. Looks 100% better. I know some love the old Lumia Cyan so, if so, you'll like it. Let me know if you need an extra.
Second, the Speaker I'm not really sure it even has one. Extremely low volume. This is something that Alcatel needs to address. Also the mic for the phone is on the lower edge with the charging port, I get the impression people have a hard time hearing me. Needs work

Now for the good stuff. The Insider group saw fit to include this phone in the Fast Ring Builds. So I'm running 14267.1004 along with the big boys (the new Lumia's). For those of you in the Insider Program know a Hard Reset gives you a smoother experience. Once I loaded the build I changed to a High speed SD (Samsung Evo) then did a hard reset. Loaded my backup and this thing sings.

So yes, this is a good choice. The price is great. More Ram, more internal storage. The 210 doesn't really hurt the performance, although I'd love to see it with a 415. A few things missing from the Lumia side of things, but I'm happy with it.

As for the camera? Don't have a clue. You'll have to ask someone who uses it. I don't.

I forgot to add that it's from T-Mobile, Wi-Fi Calling, VoLte and Band 12. The Store people were happy to sell it to me .... They even had one on Display.

Posted from Windows Central for Windows 10
Re: Purchased one (Alcatal OneTouch Fierce XL)

I have found something that helps. A microfiber wipe with a little plain water helps a lot. Not a complete fix a good scrub slows the smudging down a little.

I've also found that having the display use the % instead of automatic helps too. Granted the fingerprints only show when its darker or off.
OMG A place I can vent and compare notes. I'm almost 50 f.o.g... I consider myself not an *****, butt this m.f.n mobile makes me feel atarted. Getting this was an awful decision. Pure headache everyday. I admit I'm not a comp genius butt I can read, write, and follow directions. Any and everything I try to do comes with resistance from this "Alcatal fierce xl" cant open files or folders I've downloaded. I'll never say a bad thing about google again. Not one bit user friendly. I miss accessing things with one or two taps and getting the whole app not just partial butt if you pay more you get the rest.get bent Microsoft. I'll be getting another android anything, and I've already thought of dozens of ways im going to destroy this frustrating POS, With laughter in my heart. Let someone try the app before forcing a review from them. The only positive is the screen size and cant even enjoy that cause your games are crap. Couple of okay ones but not sure how others even get your support their that awful. Uuuggg.
Noticed something interesting today that makes the camera almost usable. I repeat - almost usable. If you switch to Panorama and take a very short picture, it's leagues better than than a regular still. Forget about taking a picture in this mode of a small child, but for inanimate objects, it's not too shabby. It makes me think it's not the sensor but rather really sh***y firmware.

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