[Real Users] My Alcatel Idol 4S Detailed Review

But, regardless of the specs, it has a beautiful screen!

I honestly can't tell the difference between full and quad HD. Maybe it makes a big difference for VR or on Android devices but WM10 is perfect on 1080. That's my opinion, maybe my vision isn't what it used to be.
I honestly can't tell the difference between full and quad HD. Maybe it makes a big difference for VR or on Android devices but WM10 is perfect on 1080. That's my opinion, maybe my vision isn't what it used to be.
I agree. I don't think most people would know if they didn't know the specs, or didn't try VR with it.
Great thread! I've been eyeing this baby. The lack of QI and NFC is holding me back, but I'm hoping reading the posts here will help me have a final decision. Still saving for the HP Elite x3...that's gonna be a while...lol. This may hold me over until then.
Great thread! I've been eyeing this baby. The lack of QI and NFC is holding me back, but I'm hoping reading the posts here will help me have a final decision. Still saving for the HP Elite x3...that's gonna be a while...lol. This may hold me over until then.
I don't think you'd be sorry. Even Continuum works well.
I heard about that Windows apps will work on phone in future? Can I expect Idol 4S in this list
I heard about that Windows apps will work on phone in future? Can I expect Idol 4S in this list
Windows apps already run on Windows Mobile. ;)

X86 Windows apps will supposedly run on future phones with 835 and up SOCs, so the Idol will NOT run them.
Windows apps already run on Windows Mobile. ;)

X86 Windows apps will supposedly run on future phones with 835 and up SOCs, so the Idol will NOT run them.

There are those who will refer to the video showing a SD820 in the properties of the demo phone but they fail to realize that the hardware id probably doesn't recognize the 835 so it lists it as a 820. If Microsoft and Qualcomm say it requires a 835, we shouldn't question it.
I've been using this device now for over a month. As of today I can say that (for me) this has been one of the best overall Windows devices I've used to date.

The ONLY thing that can be frustrating at times (for me) is the camera. It's slow. It's capable for sure (especially in daylight) ... one can get some decent shots with it but ... one can miss some decent shots also (no OIS). If an outstanding/responsive camera is a priority for you this device *may* not be something you'd want.

On the other hand ... this device ticks everything else I like.
Fluid experience with W10M and the 820 processor.
Outstanding battery life throughout the day (with my usage)
Very strong cell reception on T-mobile...Wi-Fi calling if needed (never have needed it where I live)
Gorgeous display
The speakers are so good. The HTC One M8 spoilt me with front facing speakers ... and I much prefer this.
It syncs perfectly via Bluetooth with Microsoft SYNC in my Focus ST (2013)
Lots of onboard storage (64GB) --- no need for microSD (for me) ... I stream music ... don't take a lot of videos or pics.
Call quality is excellent. I can hear callers with great clarity, they can hear me with great clarity on their end.

I don't have any desire to install any test preview builds because everything works so well for me. I don't want to take a chance of screwing up this device software-wise. It works for me great now --- not chancing it lol.

In my opinion I think this device would be a great one to offer globally for everyone who likes Windows mobile. I think it would do fairly well.

The camera --- like a lot of us --- are accustomed to Pureview. This device doesn't meet those expectations. However everything else hits the sweetspot for myself and I'm using it as my main device with no regrets (so far).
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It's great to hear the positive experiences with the Alcatel Idol 4. I had mine for two weeks but returned it.

It was probably the best Windows phone I have ever used as far as speed goes and the least buggy in my short trial period, but I just couldn't justify having that and my 950.

I chose to stick with the 950 which has been working very well since getting it roughly two months ago and is nearly as fast and has a better camera.

The Alcatel is a winner for this platform and hope it will be available internationally.

Other then the camera ( whish has potential ) Alcatel really knocked it out of the park with this phone.

Keep the reviews coming !
I hope sales are strong enough that there is a version 2 and it has*OIS and better camera firmware/software (also NFC for those that want it). I've enjoyed this phone more than any I've*had. And it's a real pleasure listening to music on those marvelous speakers!
the Qualcomm guy at the end of the video had it running on his elite x3. so the demo was done on the 820. I would imagine MS will use the 820 for insider testing too as the 835 wont be available for insider testing of the OS. but we will see once we start testing rs3.
I'm impressed with the 4s thus far. Quick and smooth. Beautiful screen. Fingerprint scanner works well. Well made.

Sent from mTalk
Going on 2 months now using this device. In the past couple of weeks I have gone with my 950/XL just because I have them. Great devices they are ... however ... I have decided that I like the 4s (overall) as my main daily device.

The camera isn't Pureview I know ... I know I can get better results more often with Pureview. But for me that's not a deciding factor.

The Idol 4s is just so damn smooth operating.
The battery life on this thing is one of the main things I really appreciate. Phone comes off the charger at 7:30am --- 100% ... at 4pm that day, after heavy usage (for me) ... reading a lot of news stories, browsing thru the wonderful ReddPlanet reddit app, several text messages via built in SMS, watching a few YouTube videos via myTube! with those damn good speakers, browsing thru my pictures, streaming Slacker Radio/Groove via Bluetooth in my car to and from work ... at 4pm that day the device battery consistently has around 75% left. Not using Wi-Fi at work ... I get 2-3 bars of LTE while there. No phone calls.

I really do prefer this 4s over my 950/XL. However ... if I know I'm going to be somewhere that pictures/videos will be taken and I want to be sure I get some good shots/footage ... I'm taking my 950/XL (for OIS and 60fps). But the 4s is going to stay as my everyday go-to device. It's that good.
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From what I've read here and other user reviews elsewhere it seems we all agree Alcatel knocked a 3-0 pitch into the upper deck. I'm not seeing too much regret over the lack of NFC or wireless charging which are the main differences between the 950 series and this one. The build quality, the display, performance, battery life, choice of materials and those speakers appear to be the highlights that users universally appreciate over the 950s.

But that camera.......the one glaring sore spot. If Alcatel or Microsoft can do something about it I don't see any reason not to call this a true flagship.
The battery life is phenomenal.
I'm perfectly fine with the 4s camera for everyday casual use and more. I don't expect Pureview experience/options and such with it. It does take decent pictures. But ... sometimes a picture can speak louder if it isn't super saturated crisp. For me it's about content and composition.

Back when I was doing 35mm with my Nikon's there were times I preferred a picture that wasn't so sharp and detailed. I'd resort to filters to soften ... or sometimes just stretch some hosiery over the lens to soften it ... it's all subjective and in the eye of the beholder yada yada.

...the Idol 4s has been one of the most satisfying Windows mobile devices I've ever used followed by the Lumia 925 and HTC One M8.
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I agree,*mark233, but with the camera sensor that's in the phone it could do much better if MS or Alcatel put some effort into it. It's certainly not thehardware that's holding it back. That said, I wouldn't trade this phone for a 950/XL because the*gain in camera wouldn't be worth what I would lose otherwise. Alcatel came very close to making a nearly perfect phone. As it is, it's a great phone and I'm completely satisfied with it!
BTW, everyone can just start calling me Asterisk*Man since the forum wants to insert asterisks in most of my posts!

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