[Real Users] My HP Elite X3 Review

A well written and thoroughly informative review. Thanks for taking the time to post it so that we can read about your experience. I am thinking of purchasing this item and your efforts here have helped me a great deal.
I have just returned to the X3 after being disappointed in the first purchase when it was first released. I have to say the device is performing much better with latest firmware and rs2 build and I will not be returning it this time. I do hope that HP release an update so the main camera uses its full 16MP and not locked down at 10MP.
I have just returned to the X3 after being disappointed in the first purchase when it was first released. I have to say the device is performing much better with latest firmware and rs2 build and I will not be returning it this time. I do hope that HP release an update so the main camera uses its full 16MP and not locked down at 10MP.
I read also from someone else mentioning that the rear camera was not using PDAF and based on they're analysis it was using CDAF. Clearly HP did not score close to a winner here with the camera but one would hope for more improvements soon.

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and my HP elite just died they are shipping a new one to me force reset wont work, sits at the HP screen, was able to use the recovery tool yesterday to fix it but today it wont work. Also I kept seeing only h and h+ for my network never any LTE, they said they had an issue with the sim car holder so they are sending me an update one that works better. uh they asked what phone can I call you on. Um the phone you gave me is dead. Since it is exactly 2 months old I have to go through HP to fix it. I bought it through the MS store.
and my HP elite just died they are shipping a new one to me force reset wont work, sits at the HP screen, was able to use the recovery tool yesterday to fix it but today it wont work. Also I kept seeing only h and h+ for my network never any LTE,

I got my replacement 2 days ago after getting a DOA (dead on arrival) device before new year's. I also used the wdrt to try and fix the issue but to no avail hence the replacement. Is LTE signal strong in your area? the new unit i got didn't register my LTE so i went to my service provider and they configured it manually and now LTE works. My problem was even when i got the APN settings automatically the phone just didn't register it. Perhaps you could try and bring the new unit to your service provider and ask them to configure a new APN setting manually if it's still like that and see if that works.
I got a replacement had to go to att to get it online. next moring it kept having trouble with the sim card even though I got a new one. so I am done. I am sending it back I bought an iPhone. I cant believe I actually no longer have a windows phone I have had one since 2011. With no new phones on the horizon and the all the phones since win 10 having so many issues. I just cant do it any more. So long windows phones.
Sorry to hear that. I bet you'll find time to get another windows mobile phone again. I've been there in that I went over to iOS then back to WP then back over to Android and back to iOS and so on and so forth. Now I just keep all three handy :).
they need to make hardware that's stable and has apps. Come on surface phone...we have waited too long.
HP is now sending me a 3rd phone, neither Microsoft or hp will refund me. any body got any ideas? I had to go buy a new phone because I am on call for a hospital and the phone obviously isn't reliable enough.
HP is now sending me a 3rd phone, neither Microsoft or hp will refund me. any body got any ideas? I had to go buy a new phone because I am on call for a hospital and the phone obviously isn't reliable enough.
Go higher up the food chain...

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So I feel like I owe an updated review after my very negative first 2 weeks with the x3. I've mentioned my experiences in a couple other posts but wanted to be as clear as possible and tell my full experience.

It has now been exactly a month since I registered my device's IMEI with AT&T and I've been using the phone non-stop since then for a mix of personal and business use. It's been (major) issue free and putting up with the work load like a champ. I use it as my main music player, have over 600 songs on the device (no SD card). I have it paired to my Bluetooth mouse and car for audio streaming, calls, and texts (Cortana is working better than she did with my old 1520). I text frequently, need to take calls for work, email often, and browse reddit. I also have Netflix on it, Poki, GroupMe, and Uber among a few other apps. I'm pretty simplistic, mainly just need text/groupme.

So I think this phone really shines with the lapdock (one of the main reasons I got the bundle). I haven't even used the desk dock. It's sitting on a table charging other devices.

This is my personal PC, got it from school. About 2-3 years old. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, still use almost daily.

Basically use this as a media device. Download songs to this, have an external hard drive I back stuff up to, use it when I really need to multi-task as split screen windows is much easier to work when I don't have a dual screen setup. Have AutoCAD for personal work.

This is my work setup:

Basically a desktop. Weighs... a lot. Handles all my work CAD and gives me access to work servers. Pretty annoying to move around, I only undock it for the weekend or when working at home.

This is what I can now use the majority of the time:

And it all fits nicely in my padfolio, besides the mouse.

Especially helpful when traveling. I sometimes have to go for training/conferences for a few days at a time or weekend trips visiting the missus or going home. I used to lug around both of those laptops. My work laptop is secured and obviously monitored so I keep my personal use on it to a minimum. What fun is it only bringing the work comp? So I would bring my personal laptop to watch Netflix and reddit, etc.

Now, I can bring the x3 and lapdock and be done with it! The mouse works great with the phone but can be a pain to carry. It's nice at work because if I have to go to a meeting, the mouse just switches over between the work comp and x3 at the touch of a button and gives me a nice experience since I really don't like touchpads at all. The mouse is kind of buggy when scrolling but is much better than the touchpad scrolling and the back/forward side buttons work in edge and so does the middle click.

Instead of loading my backpack with both of those laptops, having them both go through security when flying, and just weighing me down, I only bring the x3 and my back thanks me! A lot of what I do when traveling is browser based, and if I need anything from my work servers, I have an app for that (lol). Works great for long train rides, flights, sitting shotgun with a coworker who needs to get an email out, etc.

I kind of want to test it with the VGBA emulator app/gaming but am hesitant since I probably won't use it often enough.

I've been using Continuum at least twice a day for on average an hour I'd say. I rarely use it wireless since it doesn't really offer the same smooth experience. Only time is when I forget the cable and I usually regret it. But it's a great experience wired, can run a lot of apps. I mainly have OneNote, Excel, Outlook, Messaging, and Reddit (don't tell anyone at work) open. I just ordered a micro-HDMI to HDMI converter to test some dual screen use, am curious to see how it handles true multi-tasking.

As far as Continuum goes, I don't have to force myself to use. I have my personal PC sitting on the couch most of the time, just easier to open up the lapdock and browse to my heart's content. At work, it's really great to use. Coworkers are impressed, it looks great, some even wish they had a similar solution! I can bring it to meetings within my office without undocking the beast, I can bring it to sites and still have everything I need, it's actually really convenient. Battery life is stellar, never go home with less than 40-50% on any given day. Phone doesn't get terribly warm, but noticeable, especially when wireless.

Windows Hello is also pretty quick, I only use the fingerprint though.

Phone calls are clear and mic is good. Speakerphone does a good job with voice. Music is also clear, but not as loud as my 1520. Not about loudness though, as far as clarity goes, it's the best among any phone I've had previously. Haven't done a comparison vs. my brother's S7 or friends Pixel. I like the feature that puts the speaker phone on when it doesn't detect my fat head right next to it.

Screen is clear and bright as day, looks great, video quality is amazing. Never an issue.

Build quality, I could go on about this. I like the materials used, I LOVE the look of the phone. It's size is great and is more comfortable than my 1520. I one hand both pretty easily because I've used the 1520 basically since it came out, just used to it I suppose. I never worry about having out in the rain, or snow, I'm obviously super careful since it cost a pretty penny but a little drizzle won't hurt it and dropping it won't be the end of the world.

So some negatives, I'll agree this device/OS is flawed.
Sometimes buggy, apps take a "while" to return to
Bluetooth audio sometimes skips
Camera is just slow. I won't complain about quality of photos since I don't know anything about phone quality, but the speed of the shutter is what gets me. Can't take a picture of anything that moves (or may move) but I have the 1520 for that. The video camera is on par with the 1520 and so far has very good quality and sound recording.

touchpad- I hate it. Don't like the clicking, don't like scrolling, don't like it all. I prefer having my Bluetooth mouse.
wirelessly connecting is sometimes weird, notification sounds don't always go through, sometimes the lapdock isn't found right away. Wired is just better, much simpler and smoother.
not a ton of apps work with Continuum yet so looking forward to more, if they ever come.

Other than that, not much complaints come to mind. May update this in the future:
-While I did like glance, I don't find myself missing it. What I do miss is having gadgets so apps would automatically open when a device connects. I would love if Continuum opened every time my mouse paired, or Groove would open when pairing to my car. Not a major thing but surely missed.

But that's my review after having it trouble free for a month now. It's been great so far and looking forward to using it more in the future. I can't seem to overwork it no matter what I throw at it.
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..bought the device while ago, to replace a BB passport. I share the experience concerning its reliability. After 2 weeks, it just sits in its cradle,..waiting for me on some effort I guess
HP’s Elite x3 smartphone has achieved at least one thing: It has triumphantly realized Microsoft’s dream of phones that could eventually replace your PC.

Microsoft’s vision was meaningless unless those phones could support the PC’s legacy apps. Microsoft’s Continuum feature already allows you to connect a mouse and keyboard, giving the phone the look and feel of a desktop PC. HP designed the Elite x3 to evolve that concept. Pick any Win32 app you’d like—Photoshop, AutoCAD, even Chrome—and HP’s new Workspace feature will allow it to be run via your phone. Combine that with stellar battery life, truly useful utilities, and an (almost) elite set of hardware specs, and you indeed have a PC in your pocket.

It’s a pity, then, that all this comes at a very elite, PC-like price. These costs relegate the Elite x3 to corporate use, where an IT department foots the bill.
I figured I would post in here then create a new thread. I wanted to get everyone's impressions after owning it for a while now. Has anything changed for the worse or even better?
I shared some of this on another post...I mainly like this phone for its design and quality of build. The screen is excellent but lacks the kind of control I'd like to see in brightness and color adjustment. The camera is mediocre but I've had worse.

I needed a device to move to in which I could use Windows 10 Mobile fluently. This phone is a good build quality and I'm not afraid to use it in my day to day. I'm not worried if I bump it on the table despite the price class. To me it's just that type of phone. There are many other good points for this phone as well (finger print reader which I love, continuum, good HP support). With where Microsoft is heading right now I believe this was an easy choice for me to decide on.

There are only two SD 820 SoC phones outed right now. For what I got at the price I paid, I felt fine with it. I found this one on swappa and bought it as a resale new for about 200 less than what it goes for with the dock. There was no way I was going to pay over 800. I would have maybe waited for the unlocked IDOL 4S with no dock if it was to even come. Based on the class of phone the x3 is, I beleive it will hold its value more so over other Windows 10 Phones. I think this phone will last longer much like the Nokia brand. I mean it is water/dust resistant, and shock resistant. Very good feature to have and I really like that.

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Great mini review indeed, thanks, I enjoyed it.

I figured I would post in here then create a new thread. I wanted to get everyone's impressions after owning it for a while now. Has anything changed for the worse or even better?

I would still own one if it was about 1 inch smaller all around to fit my pocket. Otherwise the phone is designed really well. The hw inside is top noch and HP Elite support blows the socks off anyone else out there.

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