[Real Users] My HP Elite X3 Review

Two days with the x3 and I really have been liking it. I went from a L 1520 (which I really liked). The x3 has a very solid feel in my hand. The screen is very responsive. It connected to my Band 2 with no problem and they have worked together extremely well. Voice from the Band to the phone has been very dependable. I've been wearing the 1520 on my belt due to the phantom touch screen problems; I wonder if I can return to using my pocket with the x3.

It immediately did the firmware and WP RS update so I never dealt with the camera reset problems. Nice that they include the HP calculator. I haven't used the desk dock for connecting to a monitor. HP display adapter is 60ish dollars US :shocked: but Amazon has an HP one for ~$20.

- Just noticed that I cannot set the lockscreen time-out to anything greater than 5 minutes. :-( Is that an Elite thing?

- With 64GB of internal storage, I can now use Onedrive and sync the library across my devices. That never worked well if I kept my songs on a phone SD card. A great Elite advantage is that downloading 1,000+ the songs from OneDrive for offline playing is extremely fast with an Ethernet connection through the desktop adapter rather than wifi.:excited:

Loving it so far. Only thing missing is an accident/damage extended warranty.
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I am liking the reviews so far. However, making comparisons to the iPhone and Nexus maybe misconstrued are slightly unfair by undecided buyers like myself. Coming off of other devices it's expected to seek certain standards:however, caution should be applied making the comparisons at this stage, as W10M has not been in high circulation like other OS's as well as the fact that firmware updates have yet toe fully realized. Other than that, I'm liking what is being presented.
So I got mine finally. I waited to make sure they did not announce a surface phone.
A couple things I noticed compared to my 950xl
so far no huge battery drains.
games that made my 950xl over heat are working great, it can get warm but no where near the 950xl
I noticed windows hello on the cam does not need you as close to the camera.
finger print reader is a lot faster then the camera.
oh yeah and charges fast

so far only thing I am not a fan of
double tap to wake not a fan of, seems to turn on in my pocket

and lastly not a lot of extras in the settings section like the lumias.

did I miss anything?
I've had this phone only a few days, but already, it's completely removed many of my major complaints from the Lumia 950XL. Battery life is stellar. Shockingly so. The device does not overheat. If I had one singular issue that turned me off to the 950XL, it was that it would overheat, and often. The build quality feels solid, and, I didn't know this upon buying, but it's water-resistant!

The camera isn't quite so good as the 950's, and tends towards over-exposure, but it's decent enough.
I shared some of this on another post...I mainly like this phone for its design and quality of build. The screen is excellent but lacks the kind of control I'd like to see in brightness and color adjustment. The camera is mediocre but I've had worse.

I needed a device to move to in which I could use Windows 10 Mobile fluently. This phone is a good build quality and I'm not afraid to use it in my day to day. I'm not worried if I bump it on the table despite the price class. To me it's just that type of phone. There are many other good points for this phone as well (finger print reader which I love, continuum, good HP support). With where Microsoft is heading right now I believe this was an easy choice for me to decide on.

There are only two SD 820 SoC phones outed right now. For what I got at the price I paid, I felt fine with it. I found this one on swappa and bought it as a resale new for about 200 less than what it goes for with the dock. There was no way I was going to pay over 800. I would have maybe waited for the unlocked IDOL 4S with no dock if it was to even come. Based on the class of phone the x3 is, I beleive it will hold its value more so over other Windows 10 Phones. I think this phone will last longer much like the Nokia brand. I mean it is water/dust resistant, and shock resistant. Very good feature to have and I really like that.

Sent from mTalk
so question, i can't see when i'd use the desk dock. so should i buy with or save $100 and buy it without? anyone???
so question, i can't see when i'd use the desk dock. so should i buy with or save $100 and buy it without? anyone???
Meaning you don't feel you'll need or want to use the feature? Or you're not aware of what it's used for?

I'd say if you're more inclined to save money then do that. You can always purchase the dock separately later. Heck you'll probably find a good deal on eBay here in a few months. This way you can get a good feel for the phone and have time to purchase the dock later if you want.

If the first question fits you, I feel you there. I was under the same impression, and being that continuum is still kinda new meaning being developed/refined, I shied away from it until I got this phone. However mainly because I never had the hardware. I owned a 950 and also the xl version both but never the continuum hardware for them. The x3 I bought came with the dock, but due to my hectic schedule I just barely used the dock this past week. Scour the threads for folks using the dock to see if it's even appealing in the slightest. Personally I'm planning to use it more and more. It's a really interesting experience for me. Granted it's a work in progress...but to use something I carry around in my pocket as my experience out mobile and then back in my home as my experience like sitting in front of a screen and mouse is a fun innovative concept.

sent by mTalk
Meaning you don't feel you'll need or want to use the feature? Or you're not aware of what it's used for?

I'd say if you're more inclined to save money then do that. You can always purchase the dock separately later. Heck you'll probably find a good deal on eBay here in a few months. This way you can get a good feel for the phone and have time to purchase the dock later if you want.

If the first question fits you, I feel you there. I was under the same impression, and being that continuum is still kinda new meaning being developed/refined, I shied away from it until I got this phone. However mainly because I never had the hardware. I owned a 950 and also the xl version both but never the continuum hardware for them. The x3 I bought came with the dock, but due to my hectic schedule I just barely used the dock this past week. Scour the threads for folks using the dock to see if it's even appealing in the slightest. Personally I'm planning to use it more and more. It's a really interesting experience for me. Granted it's a work in progress...but to use something I carry around in my pocket as my experience out mobile and then back in my home as my experience like sitting in front of a screen and mouse is a fun innovative concept.

sent by mTalk

Well i think i got a handle on how it's used, but i'm currently unsure when i'd use it. i have a windows 10 pro tablet at home that i use daily / nightly as my primary device for everything else, don't even have a desk top anymore.

but i do like your idea, probably just buy it without the dock now and pick one up down the line if the need arises i guess. i love Win Mobile, and i'm always looking for the next best device. App gap may be real, but i've learned to work around it.

I have the L 950 XL now and am ready to upgrade. although i must say, after Daniel's review of the alcatel idol s4 i've been on the fence. ughhhhhh
Well i think i got a handle on how it's used, but i'm currently unsure when i'd use it. i have a windows 10 pro tablet at home that i use daily / nightly as my primary device for everything else, don't even have a desk top anymore.

but i do like your idea, probably just buy it without the dock now and pick one up down the line if the need arises i guess. i love Win Mobile, and i'm always looking for the next best device. App gap may be real, but i've learned to work around it.

I have the L 950 XL now and am ready to upgrade. although i must say, after Daniel's review of the alcatel idol s4 i've been on the fence. ughhhhhh
The idol 4s is a cool windows phone. I interacted with and held it at a tmo store. Since its exclusive to T-Mobile for now, it was a definite no for me and yes to the x3.

sent by mTalk
Well i think i got a handle on how it's used, but i'm currently unsure when i'd use it. i have a windows 10 pro tablet at home that i use daily / nightly as my primary device for everything else, don't even have a desk top anymore.

but i do like your idea, probably just buy it without the dock now and pick one up down the line if the need arises i guess. i love Win Mobile, and i'm always looking for the next best device. App gap may be real, but i've learned to work around it.

I have the L 950 XL now and am ready to upgrade. although i must say, after Daniel's review of the alcatel idol s4 i've been on the fence. ughhhhhh
If you can hold out some more time. See what hp and Microsoft are brewing up for the 1st quarter in 2017. Looks like there are plans for another Windows mobile phone in the works.

sent by mTalk
I shared some of this on another post...I mainly like this phone for its design and quality of build. The screen is excellent but lacks the kind of control I'd like to see in brightness and color adjustment. The camera is mediocre but I've had worse.

I needed a device to move to in which I could use Windows 10 Mobile fluently. This phone is a good build quality and I'm not afraid to use it in my day to day. I'm not worried if I bump it on the table despite the price class. To me it's just that type of phone. There are many other good points for this phone as well (finger print reader which I love, continuum, good HP support). With where Microsoft is heading right now I believe this was an easy choice for me to decide on.

There are only two SD 820 SoC phones outed right now. For what I got at the price I paid, I felt fine with it. I found this one on swappa and bought it as a resale new for about 200 less than what it goes for with the dock. There was no way I was going to pay over 800. I would have maybe waited for the unlocked IDOL 4S with no dock if it was to even come. Based on the class of phone the x3 is, I beleive it will hold its value more so over other Windows 10 Phones. I think this phone will last longer much like the Nokia brand. I mean it is water/dust resistant, and shock resistant. Very good feature to have and I really like that.

Sent from mTalk

Thanks ! You made some great points . I am definitely diving in. I think its important to support efforts like this ( HP creating such a quality device on our OS .). I happen to utilized what's good about the phone. , Productivity , Power , Battery life. Good Build , Water Proof, Security and I haven't even added the Continuum aspect. I am glad to hear ' Positive" feedback .. I get very tired of people who in my opinion just may need a different operating system

There are many great things about Windows Phone besides the" Lumia Camera" and" Apps". Its a phone not a Camera or Xbox.. I understand that some people like Cameras , Apps . but this is suppose to be a Pro Windows Phone Site and I come here for advice on how to improve problems and unite with people who see promise , like the OS and realize that Software and technology is never finished ( that's why Android and others are constantly Upgrading their Apps , Firmware and OS as well.
Just made the jump and decided to retire my 950xl.*Got the phone delivered today and did the firmware and Anniversary upgrades. The phone is finishing the app upgrades now. I have to say I am impressed with the build quality and performance so far (as a lot of users here are). The device just looks*great and the size takes me back to my 1520...
UPDATE 1: 3 Days in and what stands out to me the most is the absolutely amazing battery life I get from this unit! Nothing like the 950xl, total night and day! And to top it all, I get all my notifications! I also managed to*get all the*Lumia alerts and sounds copied over*(pretty much the only thing I*was missing from the 950xl).
UPDATE 2: I have not been able to get the phone to pick up LTE. No matter what I tried. Went to my local AT&T store to see if they could play around with my APN settings... I even had a replacement device sent to me by HP and even that one couldn't get LTE. I have strong LTE wherever I am with the 950xl but no luck with the Elite X3. It seems the strongest signal I can get on the Elite X3 is HSPA+. Oh well...
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Just made the jump and decided to retire my 950xl.*Got the phone delivered today and did the firmware and Anniversary upgrades. The phone is finishing the app upgrades now. I have to say I am impressed with the build quality and performance so far (as a lot of users here are). The device just looks*great and the size takes me back to my 1520...
Yep. Killer Windows device!
I'll keep my review short and bitter since that's how I'm feeling towards this phone.

1st phone worked for 1 full day out of the week I owned it before becoming fairly unusable. Constant freezes (lock screen and button unresponsive).
2nd phone worked for 1.5 days with zero issues before displaying similar issues.

I've tolerated a lot over the years with WP. I don't know what else to do. This device isn't feeling very premium at all. I've been so bothered I actually started a daily log to keep track of all the issues I've been dealing with and what I was doing at the time.

Yes I'm on the latest firmware. Yes I'm on the latest build of W10M. No I'm not doing any insider rings. I have AT&T, it has a new SIM card in. No SD card. Not doing anything fancy, no crazy apps, haven't used Continuum that extensively. Definitely not overworking this phone at all.

Don't know what else to say. As real a review as it gets.
I'll keep my review short and bitter since that's how I'm feeling towards this phone.

1st phone worked for 1 full day out of the week I owned it before becoming fairly unusable. Constant freezes (lock screen and button unresponsive).
2nd phone worked for 1.5 days with zero issues before displaying similar issues.

I've tolerated a lot over the years with WP. I don't know what else to do. This device isn't feeling very premium at all. I've been so bothered I actually started a daily log to keep track of all the issues I've been dealing with and what I was doing at the time.

Yes I'm on the latest firmware. Yes I'm on the latest build of W10M. No I'm not doing any insider rings. I have AT&T, it has a new SIM card in. No SD card. Not doing anything fancy, no crazy apps, haven't used Continuum that extensively. Definitely not overworking this phone at all.

Don't know what else to say. As real a review as it gets.
Bummer. Who replaced the first phone?
Zmancb7, sorry to hear. How about a restore - were you using one? Or did you set it up from scratch? Have you used WDRT for a defined, fresh start?

Besides that, I am out of ideas. You pulled all the right levers.
Bummer. Who replaced the first phone?

Got it from Microsoft store online, went to a Microsoft store in the mall to get a new one so I didn't have to wait or deal with mailing anything. I saw them open a brand new desk dock bundle box to give me a new replacement. Have nothing against Microsoft or their employees. They were helpful despite not hearing of any issues regarding the phone,

Zmancb7, sorry to hear. How about a restore - were you using one? Or did you set it up from scratch? Have you used WDRT for a defined, fresh start?

Besides that, I am out of ideas. You pulled all the right levers.

Every single hard reset I've done was from scratch. Was an extreme pain in my butt but all I cared about was having all my texts restored (which it did).

I used WDRT to flash the first phone after 2 days (as per the advice of this forum and HP forums). I WDRT flashed the second phone as soon as I got home.

Very upset and really don't know what to do. I can't keep spending $700 for a new phone and waiting a week to be refunded. It's getting ridiculous.

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