[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

Not expecting my small town's AT&T store to have a 1520, so I am hoping to get to Champaign sometime soon to see if they have one. My contract is up on November 26th, and my Kids are up on December 23rd, so I can really spend time looking at the 1520 and the 929 on Verizon to decide if either is worth the price of another 2 year commitment. If not, WP 8.1 is coming, hopefully with new devices.

I am just feeling the 1520 is too big for me @ 6". I am a small, feeble little dude.... fun at parties, but small and feeble....
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

That's ok. Some people prefer really big devices, but other people like smaller devices better. I'm sure that a lot of people will not mind the size. I've never taken a picture with one hand. However, I'm used to an SLR camera and some rather large lenses.

True. I suspect this size would be better suited for the business class, airlines, restaurants etc.
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

I think this has been covered before but why is 7/7.5 faster at any process than 8 with only single cores?
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

lol buddy I would NOT run with the 1520. Your best bet is to just get a 520 or HTC 8X for running. I'm gonna be using my gf's old 8X for running. Strap that to my arm and take advantage of DAT beats

You may be too young to remember running with one of these.


BTW, do you use a different account for each phone or how does that work?
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

Also checked out the 1520 at the local Microsoft store. Very nice. Wish it came in Cyan, had 32gb or 64gb on board, and had 41 megapixel camera... or at least a 34 MP + 5 MP jpeg one. But for $199 on contract, I'll grab one in black. Or yellow....
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

I went to check it out today at the local att store. I'm 6'3" with large hands so one-handed use would not be a issue for me. It's weight feels balanced and lighter than the 920. I was wearing khaki pants and it fit into the front pocket well. I liked it a lot but I'm going to wait for a 920 update before deciding.

This was exactly my experience. Was not to big to use with one hand. And the stuff I do with two hands now (take pics, texting etc...) I would still do. This phone is freaking awesome!!!
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

Went in to the AT&T store today and played around with it. I'm in love. Love the screen. It felt good in the hand and didn't seem heavy at all. Was also nice to see that the sales person owned a 920 and was very knowledgeable about Windows Phone 8. Two weeks from today a black 1520 will be mine. :D
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

Went in to an AT&T store to replace my Note with a 1020. Came out confused wanting a 1520 instead. It felt lighter than my Note. This is also going to be my first Windows phone and I'm really loving the tiles.
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

You may be too young to remember running with one of these.

View attachment 49309

BTW, do you use a different account for each phone or how does that work?
nOt gonna have a sim in the 8x. Just gonna download my xbox music pass via wifi. The battery without the cell signal being used, will last forever!
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

I'm thinking about the size. Now I'm not so sure.....
Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

A black Lumia 1520 was available at my local AT&T. I was a bit suprised it would be there. It also reaffirmed the continuing trend of how Nokia has lost its mind yet again with another strange product.

Usually when I try gadgets at stores, they are a lot smaller looking and feeling, but grow in size once I take it home and start using it on a daily basis. iPads, HTC phones, Kindles, Samsung Note, etc. This was not true for the Lumia 1520. It was imposingly large and black when I first saw it. just massive. The Note 3 a few phones down was downright petite compared to it. I'm not even going to attempt to put it in my pocket. It barely fits in my hand. At least the build quality is typical Nokia tankish with no flex or give.

It is easy to hold if you treat it like a tablet and hold it with your fingertips at an edge, but if you try to grasp around the body like a normal phone, it is far two wide and there is a giant amount of space behind the phone because it never touches your palm. My hands are pretty big and I find the 5.7" Note 3 at the upper range of my comfort size. This far exceeds it. The biggest problem is the way Nokia curved the sides. It's wide at the front and curves back sharply to the back. For a phone most people can't palm and will rely on the sides to hold, it feels sharp and uncomfortable. It has the same problem the HTC 8X does. Stabby sides. They curved it too much and don't have much vertical surface area. The Note 3 and its perpendicular and vertically straight and flat sides doesn't have this problem. Nor do the other Lumia phones like the 920/1020 that are rounded in the front and back, not just heavily tapered to the back like the 1520 is. It's an attempt to lessen the already humongous width, but it actually makes holding it much worse.

The screen and colors look great, and doesn't have the pokiness of the AMOLED panels. Much smoother looking, without the excessive and unnecessary contrast. Blacks are black enough to not be noticeable and to blend with the surrounding bezel. However, the Windows Phone UI leaves a lot to be desired. There might be an extra row of tiles, and you see a few more apps in the app list, but from a usability standpoint, there seems to be almost no improvement or drastic change from a smaller phone. Doubly so for apps, which I don't know of any that are tailor made to utilize a bigger screen. A bigger screen is good for pulling back and watching movies, but for everything else, as long as you can comfortably tap and type on a smaller phone, there's no real benefit to the bigger size. You can't do more, and the size is unwieldy and cumbersome. The thing about smartphones is, they are portable and you can move them closer or further away at will, so that little 4.5" screen can turn into a 6" if you move it close enough. There's a limit to how close, as focusing at very close distances can give you a headache, but otherwise, the Lumia 1520 can't compete with other phablets in the usability department since it literally has no software to utilize the 6" screen effectively. A bigger screen allows for a larger drawing area. Too bad the 1520 doesn't have a stylus or digitizer. It allows for more buttons and menus as you can fit more and still be able to tap them. Too bad there are no phablet versions of WP apps yet.

Realistically, this will end up being a very niche phone, along the lines of the Galaxy Mega 6.3 and NOT a Note 3 or Optimus G Pro competitor. Why Nokia didn't aim for the far larger Note demographic and instead jumped to some weird niche small tablet segment, we will never know. China is the biggest market for these phones, but they are also price sensitive, with 6" phones as low as $150. That's what the 1320 is for. The 1520 is just super niche. They shouldn't have released it in the US, or put any marketing muscle for it. Time and resources were wasted on a very niche device instead of making a real Note competitor in the same size category with similar functionality.

Which also begs the question about why such a niche device was announced and released first, yet the true 920 successor is still MIA. Not a single peep, or teaser, or press invite. Some alleged leaks of the 929 are available, but for all we know it could be a Q1 or Q2 2014 phone, like the 1320. It is already mid November. They are cutting it close yet again, if they plan to release anything at all for the Holidays.

In conclusion, I WILL NOT be getting the Lumia 1520. Nokia keeps on disappointing me each and every time with their strange and unfathomable product decisions. I might get a used 1020 down the road for fun, but Nokia's lack of punctuality and focus on the mainstream means my daily driver will still not be a Nokia and Windows Phone will still just be a feature phone oddity.
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

My thoughts exactly. I used to have a Lumia 900, and was waiting to see what Nokia was planning to release before the end of the year in order to upgrade, hoping it would deliver something the size of the Lumia 920/925 or smaller. I saw the leaks of the new big phones, and immediately bought the 925.
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

dude if you don't like the Lumia 1520 why not just wait and see what's down the road. e.g the Lumia 929 which is gonna come out on thanksgiving likely
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

From what I hear it's only in the US (perhaps Europe next year), and it's still too big for me. 4.5" is my limit. Anyways, I am quite happy with the 925, just a bit disappointed Nokia didn't have anything better planned for this year with a decent size.
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

Obviously there are many phones available. This size of phone is not for everyone, luckily there are other phones available for those who prefer smaller sizes that fit into their size of hands. There are many people who would like a phone this size with the superior camera than most other phones available at present. The home screen can be changed to suit the user as well ie size of tiles, colours etc.
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

LOL at placing the 1520 with the mid tier of phones like the Galaxy Mega 6.3 because is too big for you. The Mega 6.3 is not in the same league as the 1520. The 1320? Yes.
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

Did they have any PMA wireless chargers or PMA shells laying around, Moiz Mian?

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