[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Other than B&H, do you happen to have a line on a reputable place to get one, perhaps even in red? Thanks again for all of your help.
Other than B&H, do you happen to have a line on a reputable place to get one, perhaps even in red? Thanks again for all of your help.
I don't recall the name but a search should find the name of another store someone posted in the forum within the last week. It had a higher price BUT the poster claimed they price match B&H. The only thing that made that slightly interesting to me was that store charged less for an extended warranty.

I don't know about red. But some Lumia colors are carrier specific. I don't recall B&H ever having red so it might be one of those.
I don't recall the name but a search should find the name of another store someone posted in the forum within the last week. It had a higher price BUT the poster claimed they price match B&H. The only thing that made that slightly interesting to me was that store charged less for an extended warranty.

I don't know about red. But some Lumia colors are carrier specific. I don't recall B&H ever having red so it might be one of those.

Careful on your search... Make sure it is RM-938. Some searches just match up 1520 (excluding the .3 portion) and the Red ones I've seen are actually the RM-939 for Asia which lacks LTE.
FWIW, if you really want a certain color, you can order just a back (and SIM/SD trays) and change the color.

I've seen backs for sale with and without QI but don't know if you can use a back without Qi and move the Qi parts from a Qi back that came with the phone.
Hello Friends,

After doing a lot of research on the phone I want to buy, I finally narrowed it down to the 1520. Purchase was supposed to happen till I bumped into some known issues on 1520 i.e. phantom taps and scrolls. This has really put me off since it is an expensive phone out here in India. I just wanted to know:
a. If it is a very common problem which runs the risk of ruining my experience
b. If there is any way to avoid it (I have seen posts where they ask us to tap at the top and bottom n stuff like that and I really dont want to be doing that)

My criteria for the phone is:
1. It should be Non Android
2. Large Screen
3. Good Audio Quality
4. Connectivity on Wifi and 3G

Would appreciate your guidance and help me know if the known issues should be a deal breaker.

Hello Friends,

After doing a lot of research on the phone I want to buy, I finally narrowed it down to the 1520. Purchase was supposed to happen till I bumped into some known issues on 1520 i.e. phantom taps and scrolls. This has really put me off since it is an expensive phone out here in India. I just wanted to know:
a. If it is a very common problem which runs the risk of ruining my experience
b. If there is any way to avoid it (I have seen posts where they ask us to tap at the top and bottom n stuff like that and I really dont want to be doing that)

It seems to be a fairly common problem, unfortunately. And no, there really isn't a way to avoid it that I have found. The suggestion that it happens from being carried a front pocket is entirely false. Mine did it straight out of the box, and many others have reported the same. That being said, I still love the phone overall, even with its flaws.
Oh that's just sad, I have had terrible luck with phones! Even my darn iPhone had issues, when no one else had any.
Knowing my luck, I might just have to give it a miss.

Thank you so much for your reply :)
Oh that's just sad, I have had terrible luck with phones! Even my darn iPhone had issues, when no one else had any.
Knowing my luck, I might just have to give it a miss.

Thank you so much for your reply :)

I have also. My L920 had problems within a week or two of getting it, and had to be replaced shortly after. My 1520 has the swipe/tap issue, but other than that, it works great. I am looking into fixing it now, so we will see how that goes.
Does all 1520 have this issue ? Or maybe some versions? I planning to buy RM-937 and i really scare, that he will have this bug or what? And what are talking MS? Maybe say this is program bug or it physical?
Does all 1520 have this issue ? Or maybe some versions? I planning to buy RM-937 and i really scare, that he will have this bug or what? And what are talking MS? Maybe say this is program bug or it physical?

Hardware, I believe. Otherwise this would have been dealt with a long time ago.
My 1520 is awesome ..cool..but have a slight problem in it can anybody help me..its sometimes freezes and switch off and on sometimes it just remains off I have to press power button for. A min to restart...why this happens ...and while charging or sometimes when I touch my lock screen it goes up and down and the password gets mistyped by itself and gets lock..to prevent this i have to lock it immediately..what should I do..how to prevent this
my lumia freezes and switch off before when I I download a lot of Apps, then I release some space for my phone, but for you problem, I don't know clealy why
Guys dunno where to ask and i didn't feel to create a thread for this was worthy enough.

I bought a 1520 AT&T Green from eBay, one from those sellers that sells (obviously haha) used phones, 9/10 cosmetic status and stuff. Phone is great, works well, it's 9/10. And i wanted to know whick firmware would be adecuate to get rid of AT&T stuff, i'm from Argentina so i don't need it, maybe son Country Variant from somewhere with the latest update?

Also, what's that about 1520.3?
Guys dunno where to ask and i didn't feel to create a thread for this was worthy enough.

I bought a 1520 AT&T Green from eBay, one from those sellers that sells (obviously haha) used phones, 9/10 cosmetic status and stuff. Phone is great, works well, it's 9/10. And i wanted to know whick firmware would be adecuate to get rid of AT&T stuff, i'm from Argentina so i don't need it, maybe son Country Variant from somewhere with the latest update?

Also, what's that about 1520.3?

Unfortunately, AT&T windows phone are locked down so ROMs can't be flashed to them.
You'll have to live with the AT&T firmware, but as of late AT&T has been pretty good with firmware updates, so you shouldn't have too much to worry about in terms of updates.
Hardware, I believe. Otherwise this would have been dealt with a long time ago.

It's because the size of the digitizer. The fix is this and I can confirm it works on the RM937 and 940.

If you start to notice random scrolls and taps then shut screen off. Then press firmly on the top of the screen and then the bottom and repeat this a couple times. It re-seats the digitizer panel.

Sucks that this happens but it's not the end of the world. The rest of the phone is awesome.
After owning my lumia 1520 for close to a year now these are some pro's and con's.

big windows phone!
It's a big phone yes. Everyone who sees my ask me which tablet I'm carrying. People notice the 1520. I have big hands. I considered the 930, but my previous phone was an htc titan x310e, and I thought it was still a bit too small and fidgety to use the onscreen keyboard. With the 1520 the keyboard is almost perfect with regard to size. The added screen size also means more screen size to see more on the screen. Looking at photos and media is nice and crisp. No squinting of the eyes. Reading is also far better. You can fit more readable text on the screen which makes the reading experience good. I am farsighted, so I read from a distance. This screen is good for that. Because the screen is big with slightly different dimensions there are some rendering issues comapred to other lumia devices. It is especially noticable in apps like outlook and onedrive, but others too. Because not all apps are tailored for the large screen, some apps show blown up texts or blow up icons and buttons slightly to fit the render standard across all phones. In outlook there is a problem that text is sometimes blown up, with no option to make the text smaller to fit the screen. This is sometimes a difficult reading experience. In some apps the render is slightly off balance. They look blown up, or more features fit on the screen which makes an app either looked too zoomed in or too zoomed out. So developers should take into consideration that the 1520 needs its own render or at least consider that the screen dimensions and special and offer room to tailor it to a more rich and extravagant user design because the screen real estate is potentially bigger.

Simply amazing. I took my 1520 with me for a mountain trail in Switserland in the summer of 2014. With a full battery I could easy manage almost 4 full days of basic use on a single charge. I strategically had the phone on at certain times, cut off regularly from cellular of wifi connection. I turned it on for some phone calls, sms'es, tourist office wifi connection moments a small shares of pictures of social media messages...and of course taking many pictures on maximum resolutions with pictures and movies. It is known that at altitude the coldness can really drain the battery quickly. But the over 3000 mAH battery with sparse strategic use, and keeping the phone regularly warm in my pant or jacket pocket, I was amazed. I never got this form my previous smartphones (htct titan x310e or HD2), it even outlasted my AA batteries in my portable 7Mpix sony W7. It convinced me the 1520 is a powerful phone that could potentially replace your digital camera.

Hardware and software
Windows phone 8.1 is an amazing experience with the lumia 1520 hardware. They are matched well together. I use my 1520 for private and work related uses. The app store provides more than enough apps for me daily use. Microsoft has currently come to a crossroads that the app gap is really not an issue. The main discussion I think the discussion is not as much anymore how many apps there in the store in total but which apps provide a more holistic and beter quality experience. It's more about quality than quantitiy. I mainly use my 1520 for mail, notetaking, a small bit of social media, reading articles and blogs and navigation. Wifi is generally very good. I suspect the phone has a bigger wifi antenna than other smartphones. I notice that I can often get a better connection that friende who have smaller phones than me. Now and then there does seem a (known) wifi bug which could sometimes make a wifi connection a frustrating experience. The only fix seems to be a complete shutdown of the phone. Calling is good, mobile internet is generally good with this phone. My experience is still that it largely depends in carrier signal support, which is even in 2015 not very good globally. This makes an offline support and experience of a smartphone still relevant for me. The 1520 also doesnt disappoint here and also supports micros sd support of up to 128 Gb. Files are accessible for offline use, even through onedrive, otherwise through thrid party apps. Even with no 3G, 4G, Wifi or cellular connection the phone still has good use as a media device or document editor. The speaker for music is reasonalbe, but sounds better with a bluetooth speaker. I can recommend the nokia 360 with the 1520, a good combo. Some navigation apps can access the a-gps navigation, which means you can use your phone as a sat-nav even with no 3G or cellular connection. It has helped with sometimes while navigating in the mountains through third party navigation software like maloo, outdoor navigation or navicomputer. The camera is "simply wonderful". I don't know what to add more. With 20 mpix, the phone + camera has an edge. Because of the 20 mpix is technically actually does have an equivalent of three times losless zoom compared to a digital camera with 3x optical zoom lens. Simply amazing! When I take a picture I usually don't use the zoom, but you can always 3x zoom after the fact once you edit the pictures on tthe computer. That's the edge and its amazing. The flash is LED. It's good, and also works well as a flash light in the dark. It's a wide beam flashlight, so its more useful to light a room or area than use it as a concentrated beam to use it as a search flashlight.
Bluetooth is good. Unfortunately microsoft still does not support HID certificate support for bluetooth keyboard support. If it did I think I could use it to edit and make document with office mobile and could potentially replace a tablet device, becuase of the bigger screen than an average smartphone. I hope micorosoft will still consider this in a possible 8.2. update or in windows 10. Wireless charging is wonderful in the 1520, wireless charging in general is amazing and makes charging and the managment of batterylife a more natural experience. No cables to worry, just place the phone above a tesla coil. Simply wonderful. I have not experiened any significant overheating issues. Screen sensitivity is generally good and works as nokia advertised their increased touch sensitivity in cold weather circumstances. I do notice though that a screen procector does decrease the touch sensitivity a bit, even at max sensitivity. Double tap to activate the phone works generally well, but it is sometimes a hit or miss for some reason. Volume of the speakers are generally good. Speakerphone is alright, but only if the volume is cranked up to max. I get the impression this a hardware issue, as my htc hd2 and titan x310 had similar issues. Volume goes up to 10/10, but sometimes I feel that I would like to crank up speakerphone all the way to 20! Poeple generally hear me clear and well on the phone when speaking with the phone to the ear. With speakerphone, I do notice that if the user is more than 1 meter away from the phone, the person on the otherside of the phone can't hear me well. I more times have to actually put my mouth near the microphone for people to hear me (in speakerphone mode). I guess that is a hardware limitation. With the nokia lumia app on winodws 8 it is possible to transfer data over usb. That works fine. The camera button over town does feel more shallow and less clicky. It makes it more difficult to use, especiaaly if you use it with a protective case and gloves. Using the onscreen camera button works better then. Nokia could have made the camera button a bit more clickyer and have a little more depth in pressing, especially to feel the half-way point (for focussing).
The lumia 1520 seems be suffering a lag in updates recently, with one of the few models, even globally, still waiting for a denim update.

My experience so far is that the lumia 1520 is a very good phone, has vlaue, and the software and hardware in my experience is future proof for sometime to come. Although I only have it one year, I feel, compared with the previous phones, this phone could easily last a lifetime equivalent to a car. Microsoft has shared that all lumia phones will have an option for a windows 10 upgrade in due time. I think the app store has matured enough to suit my needs. I think the only thing that could make me switch phones now is if the 1520 ever gets an update to a 40 mpix camera with quicker snapping, or if microsoft and developers stop completely supporting the windows phone platform and the windows phone store closes. That would be a sad day, as the hardware is still amazingly powerful, but the achilles heel is that the hardware is tied to the OS. But even left with the basic OS and app package, the phone can stand quite strong off grid on its own. I have put this phone on an off grid experience in isolated mountains, and it is generally very good and versatile and a good supporting device.
Had one, lost it. Got another and I'm not letting this one get broke hahaha I'm a big guy though 6'4" so its naturally a normal size phone to me. Everything else is tiny.

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