Rearrange tether end of nearly!

Mad Cabbie

Retired Ambassador
Jun 9, 2015
Hi all.

As you all know, I am a huge supporter of all things MS, BUT my commitment is being tested to the max. For example:-

Band/Band 2. Great idea. Insufficient testing. Huge problems with eczema. Unlike Fitbit, this was not mentioned until near the end of the device.

950xl. Ghost key strokes on ALL W10M builds. Very frustrating. Phone a bit dull but a Mozo sorts that out. Why didn't MS do that? Can't of been much more expensive than the 'slippery' plastic they used.

W10M. Mmm. I'm on the release build, not insider, and am getting seriously annoyed now, because it's getting old. Bluetooth keeps disconnecting, OS still crashes, proximity sensor ( despite having the gasket put in ) still leaves you with a black screen when ending a call. Cortana live tile still doesn't work. It's OK on cell for a few mins, but on WiFi, forget it. Updates are hours late. If I want to know the football score for my team, I get updated when the match is over! One Football is my app of choice now. Maps is still poor when using them for work. I end up using 950xl as hotspot for my iPad mini with Google Maps.

Not life changing issues, but getting very annoying. The Bluetooth is a bugger when working, as is the Maps. My contract is up soon? My choices are now limited. Do I keep the 950xl and go sim only ( cheaper ) or go Android and end up being Googles *****, with more device choice.

I never thought I'd have a post like this, but as I mentioned, the same old issues are so old, they are so last century!
@Mad Cabbie, I would suggest that you do what works for you. As idealistic as it is to be loyal, it only makes sense when it works out for you. As of now, it sounds like it only does that halfway.
My main gripe was the production release is causing me way more issues than the damn insider builds! As a cabbie, over the hols I thought it best to go back to the release version, as we are seriously busy, and I needed reliability. D'oh! I dropped so many calls on Bluetooth it was seriously frustrating. The phone kept locking up using Cortana etc...

I ended up going back to the insider build. With the two Bluetooth options, the connection is so much more reliable. My plantronics headset works properly again, giving the callers name before I answer, my Fitbit blaze syncs within 2 seconds. Twitter doesn't lock up all the time. The only downer is WC crashes out now and again.

I love the windows ecosystem, and the sooner RS2 arrives the better. I was just venting my frustration, and I ain't going nowhere. I borrowed my boys P9 and despite being a lovely device, yes there are fantastic options apart from bloody Samsung, with the fingerprint reader being so reliable and FAST, I couldn't get on with it. DDTW, Glance, Cortana ( I know it's available for android ) and best of all, my 950xl has a fab screen and is so easy to use, my 2 yr old can use DTTW. I know she can because she rings her Mum on my phone because she sees her in people!!!! Lol.

Anyway, upshot is, for me, despite the issues, W10M is super easy to use, intuitive and does what I need. It should be more polished than it is, and that's the frustration. :-)

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