
I've started turning bluetooth off, when I'm not using it and my reboots are now far less frequent. I think I've only had one in about a month.
well i just called HTC, the guy recommended i replace the phone, he indicated the reboots are "USA" problems, and not Canadian problems, im not really sure what he meant, maybe its carrier specific?
8X is a great phone, but after Portico...2 random reboots (that I know about) 5 random screen freezes that make you have to reboot to get it back again. Screen freezing using App Store, Swiping to apps, tapping in Ringtone more than once, in Settings . To me the screen freezing issue is worse than the random reboots.
on VZWireless
Have had my 8x since 12/27/12...never experienced any reboots. Downloaded Portico a few days ago...just experienced my first reboot (while using the wpcentral app).
just wanted to inform you guys on my situation, previously to portico, i experience numerous restarts, as well as sim card errors. After portico, same issue. I was almost ready to give my 8x back when..... tape mod! Originally I applied one strip of tape to the back of my sim, and my restarts and sim errors were almost gone. They returned briefly so i took off the tape. When skiing for a week, and nearly every time i took my phone out from my pocket, sim error! I was so ready to toss my phone, but i liked it too much. Now, (few weeks back) I applied 2 strips of tape to the back and have had zero restarts, and only one sim error!
rebooting is from loose sim, just apply enough tape to make it stay in place. it depends on how thick your tape is, basically the goal is to kinda wedge it in the slot so it doesn't wiggle.
Not sure about random reboots, but random shut downs during calls is a proximity sensor issue.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I've had the phone for 4 days, T-Mobile. I've had 2 reboots, both right after powering the phone off (just hitting the power button, not holding it). Had 1 freeze. I have .204 Portico. It certainly sounds like this is happening to Nokia users as well so it would appear it's a SW bug. Microsoft/HTC...time for a bug fix, and fast. T-Mobile has the iPhone now, don't make me go there.
I purchased an 8X on Vodafone network in New Zealand. I started getting reboots after a few days when I had installed some apps. I wondered whether it was a badly behaved app, so factory reset the phone and installed no software. For a 2 weeks I had not a single reboot. Then I installed Shazam Encore (the only installed app on the phone) and the rebooting problem promptly started happening several times a day again. I don't think it is a loose SIM card issue, as it sounds like it is happening with all Windows 8 phones, Nokia and HTC, and also a factory reset resolved it. It all points to a software issue. Is it Shazam misbehaving? Can people having reboot issues please report whether they have Shazam installed.
Can people having reboot issues please report whether they have Shazam installed.

Is Shazam the app that "listens" to music then tells you the name of the song? If so, you don't need the app, the 8x and every other windows 8 device has this built in capability with Bing. Click the search button, then the music icon to start this feature.
Just for the record:
- I bought an HTC 8x (AT&T) second hand via amazon.
- I was getting a large number of reboots (Generally I was aware of a couple a day. One day I counted 5 while the phone was sitting idle on a shelf)
- Finally I was able to get the firmware update (1532.20.20100.502)
- However, phone was still rebooting quite often
- HTC's support suggested I reset the phone (Settings > About > Reset your phone) which of course removed all my info from the phone
- To my surprise, after the reset, reboots have essentially gone away entirely. In the last 3 weeks have only had one reboot that I'm aware of.
Not only is my wife still getting "Invalid or missing SIM card" after Portico AND a SIM card replacement, her 8X reboots at least 4 times a day. Does anyone know if HTC has made any hardware changes (SIM card slot or other) to their newer 8X's in order to combat this problem?
Not only is my wife still getting "Invalid or missing SIM card" after Portico AND a SIM card replacement, her 8X reboots at least 4 times a day. Does anyone know if HTC has made any hardware changes (SIM card slot or other) to their newer 8X's in order to combat this problem?

The replacement phone HTC gave me hasn't had any issues. But I had mine replaced back in January just after portico.
I had the SIM errors until the update two months ago or whenever it was. I had used tape to solve the problem, but after the update, being a trusting person, I removed the tape. I have never had a SIM error since, so they must have changed something in the software to fix or alleviate the problem.
This thread started more than half a year back....still no proper fixes from Microsoft or Lumia is still freezing even after updates and SMS issues. better stick with old ip4 than all this non sense
Starting to get more random reboots (and actually just shut offs) in the last couple of weeks. Also the sim card error has returned. The problems stopped after I took the sim card out and cleaned the slot. Going to do that again and if that stops the problems then I agree that it is a sim card problem.
I am getting fed up with this support is crap, I get random reboots and invalid sim card. I am on portico. the phone looks nice but that's getting to be about all it has. my phone rebooted 4 times and had an invalid sim card in the span of 30 minutes when I landed I san fran on a business trip last week. and don't get me starred on the lack of app development from htc , there is none.

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