

New member
Dec 25, 2011
Hi, just to have a separate thread. I bought here in Prague where I am coming from black 8X on the launch day (1st of November) and so far within 3 days of use I had 2 random reboots. Device just suddenly reboots itself ending in PIN screen. Quite annoying, but not sure whether go for service or is it a software issue. Can you share if you have same experience. So far both reboots happened when in car connected to bluetooth.
Blue 8x. Never turned Bluetooth on. Random reboot about once a day. Really hoping it is a software thing. Its not too annoying and other than that its a great phone
Im probably going to curse my luck here but I've been deleting apps to see if any were causing the reboots. I uninstalled the Facebook app and I've not had any reboots since. Ill update tomorrow if this changes.
I think I had one before the Facebook app but keep us informed. Typical if it was Facebook. They don't seem to know how to make a good app.
Facebook app is done by MS, however I think I had a reboot before the installation. Anyway, will try.
Leaked WP8 SDK had call block functionality under settings, is this in the final build too?

No it isn't. Would like some Do Not Disturb type of function as I am often on call for work and only want certain numbers to wake me up.
Same here about 7 or 8 reboots since Saturday. Although none since yesterday 4pm uk time and phone hasn't been off

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
Both reboots I had were after somr time since reboot. Like day or something, but 7-8 is much more then I saw.
Just had my first reboot since I got the phone on Sunday. Wasn't doing anything in particular.. I just felt the phone vibrate in my pocket, took it out to see the HTC screen.
So its 24 hours later and I've not had anymore reboots (down from 4-5). I cant imagine it was the Facebook app but I wont be reinstalling it. Hoping that it doesn't happen again. Maybe someone else who's having reboots could uninstall the FB app to see if it resolves their issue?
Had no reboots today. Then opened the FB app and half an hour later got a reboot. I think it very well may be the Facebook app personally.
A quick update. I've had 2 reboots today. My wife set hers up from o2 yesterday evening and shes just had a reboot too.
I hope this a minor problem with the early patch and not another sign of HTC's poor quality control.
Passed on to HTC:

Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
You have been connected to Lewis.
Lewis: Hi Nick, thank you for contacting HTC Support, I am looking in to your query now.
Me: thanks
Lewis: Unfortunately I can't see the link as the Internet we have is restricted to work related sites only. HTC has not yet received confirmation of an issue with the HTC 8X having a rebooting problem.
Me: ah ok
Me: you may wish to get someone looking at that
Me: there are several instances ont he 8X specific thread of reboots
Me: I've been experiencing about 1 per day
Me: nearly always when not touching the phone too
Lewis: Has this occurred on the phone with only stock software?
Me: yes
Lewis: Okay I'll pass this information on to our development team. Can I have the following details:
Lewis: Serial Number
Firmware Revision number / ROM Version
OS Version
Bootloader Version / ROM Date
Current network provider
Me: imei xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Me: os version 8.0.9903.10
Me: firmware revision number 1532.20.10024.401
Me: hardware revision number 0002
Me: bootloader version 0.0.1532.20(156943)
Me: o2
Me: cant find the serial
Lewis: It's all right I can get it from the IMEI. If the reboots get worse please get in contact and we can see if a repair can resolve the issue.
Me: ok - it isnt a dealbreaker but in a ?400 phone it isn't really to be expected
Ok, I will take it to service, but I am afraid, they just return it with message that it didn't happen. Well, I'll see.

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