Redstone on the 1020

John, following up on my previous post on this issue, it appears that I am doing something wrong or that Build 15210 does not help. I first changed the registry setting from 909 to Lumia 1020. Then went to the store, requested Lumia Camera (which I already "own" from previous Win builds) and...nothing happens. Well, that's not right. It does say "Working", whereas before it warned that it was not available. However, the "Working" label stays on forever, no effect.

I then went back to the registry and also changed the manufacturer from Nokia to Microsoft. No difference.

Oh, Nokia camera has finally begun to suffer from the old focusing issues. Nothing alarming yet, I can deal with it. So, switching to Lumia Camera will not fix this but that is fine. I have a bigger, and probably final problem to chase after...

...Bluetooth ain't working after all. It was not unexpected, given some other folks' experience. More fun to be had; after all, it was dumb me who chose to install build 15210.

Thanks for the input!

Sorry to read that. If you do a hard reset, then a registry setting and then searching for Lumia Camera?
Sorry to read that. If you do a hard reset, then a registry setting and then searching for Lumia Camera?

Thanks, John. LOL, it seems like a year since I wrote that. Oh I did plenty things. Long story short, the L1020 is now fully functional, running under build 15215.

I did go all the way back to 8.1, where even then the BT issue did not resolve itself as I expected...I feared that it was a hardware issue at that point. Luckily, as I went build by build back to the latest, things got resolved, including Lumia Camera.

I am not encouraging anyone to move this far, however. Bad head genes made me do it.:confused:
This is more of a confirmation update than anything else. On the strength of my L1020's stability under Win 10, build 15215, I have done 2 things recently:
1. Frozen to this build (not letting any updates in) for now
2. Adopted the L1020 as my daily driver, which I had intended for months but never trusted doing.

Importantly, my L1020 went on with a single charge for 2 days until yesterday. This included taking close to 40 pictures with Lumia Camera and doing several other things like program installations and testing. Very few minutes were spent talking via LTE but all radios were on, with GPS, Wi-fi and BT used more than my typical average. Skype and maps work fine.

I never even tried (don't want) to re-enable Glance.

The major loses vs Win 8.1 remain being: A. the speed of response, B. Lumia Camera's loss of stereo recording...but this was a given from the start. There may have been 1 or 2 minor lock ups, but never worse than what I saw in W8; in fact it has been reliably functional for over a week.

If used as daily driver, there are compelling reasons to jump to Win 10, more so if online banking is needed. However, earlier versions of Win 10 than the one I am now using may be just as good. So, I am not promoting this build, which may soon be superseded anyway, merely pointing it out in case someone really needs to explore it. (I am not a "power user").
anon(10169102), one challenge for us is that with such a reduced base of users, there's not enough potential for ample feedback. Much less so in the case of various mixes of installed applications. What works here for me may not speak to all of your specific needs.

That said, if something that was working well under 8.1 is still not working so well for you under 10 (other than the known issues), I suppose it may make sense to try going up in builds. Then again, you would first want to do some searching in case there is reference to your specific needs.

It can be fun to explore...we are lucky that we can recover and build back from scratch, but it can be tedious also.
This is expanding on what I posted in the Windows Insider "Fast" for build 15222 earlier today.

I had a late cup of espresso just before midnight on Friday and decided "oh, what the heck, let's just do it!". Went to build 15222 (from 15215) in my L1020 (briefly impersonating a 950, just for the update) overnight.

-- So far no nasties after a few hours of testing.
-- Anywhere from minor to notable: pleasant surprises in speed of some apps. Maps really surprised me. Its "Streetside" panoramics & zooms are now amazingly better than I could ever expect. Smooth panning, wow! This was via WiFi and they must have tweaked for the added bandwidth and CPU ticks. You can take a tour of a neighborhood or location with hardly a delay. I have not yet fully tested with the LTE signal only but it does work smoothly enough, though they seems to respect bandwidth limitation.
-- BT did improve its sync speed. For example, my Fitbit Surge sync/updates far more eagerly. Whatever worked before works faster now. (A couple of old headsets still don't work...but they may have never worked with this phone anyway.)
-- Intriguingly, for the first time EVER, the upgrade did not knock out Lumia Camera nor any other current install. (So, I did not have to wait for a conversion back to "L1020" to force a Nokia/Lumia Camera reinstallation.)

During the tests above, the phone was already back to its normal L1020 "persona" to avoid unwanted updates. (For those with L1020: I do not know if leaving it as a 950 would have eventually made it drop Lumia Camera...I felt no need to risk it, either. :))

Hours later now, I am still very happy with the build but will need several more hours of regular use to be sure...then again, nothing was broken...freaking amazing!
anybody knows how to reapir the bluetooth?

I cant turn off BT, find any device and any device can find my phone.
on windows map and uber, are you able to see the streets? I have a lumia 1020 and updated to 10.0.15254.12 and streets were gone. the app opened normally but when trying to look closely to the map the streets would disappear. please confirm this to me. if so, how can i update to only the build you are using ? right now im on threshold because i want to keep using here maps and apparently windows maps on threshold works fine showing streets and everything.

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