[REF] Possible OS Improvements

And if I'm lying down on my side but still want the screen to stay in portrait mode?

Really, I don't think it's that difficult to add an orientation lock.

I'm not saying it's hard at all. I totally agree that orientation lock addition is totally an easy job. Look at the WPCentral app. It has that!

You can be in any position, all you need to do is rotate your phone in desired mode. I did it before I type. I laid down, and looked at my WPCentral news in portrait mode (without orientation lock) just by turning the device to give me the correct orientation!
I'm not saying it's hard at all. I totally agree that orientation lock addition is totally an easy job. Look at the WPCentral app. It has that!

You can be in any position, all you need to do is rotate your phone in desired mode. I did it before I type. I laid down, and looked at my WPCentral news in portrait mode (without orientation lock) just by turning the device to give me the correct orientation!

But why can't I have a global orientation lock? What about IE?

Yes, I can rotate my phone 90 degrees but then the text will be sideways in relation to my head.
I heavily agree on this one! I use my smartphone every night in bed and use the browser to read all the news. Orientation lock is critical and I wouldn't be able to do this on WP8 which would be **** bent on rotating the other way around making this experience a chaotic one.
I do have to agree about the orientation lock. I wish they would just make a hardware orientation lock switch part of the spec for Windows phone, or make it a control panel in the OS.

It's not a deal breaker for me though. No single feature (or lack thereof). Overall Windows Phone is just so much more enjoyable to use for me than iOS or Android. But I'd still love to be able to move around in bed while reading/using the phone and not have the screen keep flipping all over. :lol:
I don't see why this is a big deal from OS point of view. If you are in bed and the screen rotates, you can hold it either way. You don't even need to sit up for the phone to switch modes!!!

Quote continues in black below since for some reason I cant break up the quote without getting errors.

If you lie on the side and go into a OS menue at first the menue will be horizontal so you scroll but suddenly it goes landscape since it has a 1 sec delay, in settings this will accidently send you to the application page for example. It results in numerious missed clicks and swipes and its just a pain in the ***. Sure I can hold it horizontally but then I have to hold it with two hands, and usually I lie on my back slightly to the side so this happens randomly. If you cant see that MANY users would love to lock the screen for this then there is no reason for us to keep talking anymore. But obviously this is an Android or Iphone thing, WP users should not use the phones in bed, right? Or maybe we should plan on how we are laying or holding it? We are doing it wrong, Im sure.

Going to music hub from your volume/artist menu was given out as a feature to skip songs from albums you are listening to. Most people either have their favourite artists pinned to home screen (like me!) or have their favourite albums pinned to their screen. That is the whole point of WP design - WHATEVER is important to you, PIN IT!

Why we got the feature is irrelevant! Since we have it and since we sometimes end upp in the music library that way why do we have to exit and make a reroute back to come to artists? It makes no sense what so ever! Add a freakin link to artists in the now playing page, how hard can it be? This is not by design, its just a sign that MS dont follow through. Why you even defend such a thing just shows that you just dont want to admit that MS can improve things, you just puts the head in the sand like everything is perfect.
Music is a big hobby for me and I listen to alot of music and switch alot from day to day, all my albums are important to me, I cant have 20 albums pinned to my allready too long startscreen.

Same applies for notifications of apps. If that app is so important to you that you need to know its notification all the time, PIN IT! If you don't pin it, obviously it ain't all that important.

I have 2 friends who use WhatsApp, it can go a week or two, even three, between our chat-sessions, im forced to have this on the startscreen otherwise I probably just miss incoming messages. Same for Viber, I have 2 people using that. How the crap am I going to handle this? I dont want them on my Startscreen since I use them like twice a month but there is no other way, I have no choise really. But you are probably going to tell me that this is not important enough, right?

Now, of course people who think pinning Xbox Music tile to the home screen is waste of space, don't really listen to music that often. What difference does it make if the volume menu let you change album or not when you aren't even bothered to PIN what you like! If you've pinned it, just access different albums from there. That is the design philosophy. Metro was all about keeping it simple and clear so that even my granny can use it. All she has to do is, pin, pin, pin and tap when she wants it!

Its probably great if you are the casual user, if you have just a few albums on your phone, listen to whats available on the streaming services and dont care if the service are missing 2 albums from an artist, if you arent really messaging that often or use communities that heavily, then its probably great. But for the powerusers its not, obviously you and your granny are casual users. But it WOULD NOT make it any harder for the casual users if the powerusers got the missing stuff fixed or added as choises. But obviously you think it will magicly change the entire OS drasticly into some Android clone. Mindboggling conclusion.

How will it not be an Android by craving for what Android does? You want your files on PC, so MSFT gave you that. But in a MUCH better way, where you don't have to use cables, dont have to look for USBs, a laptop, a tablet or anything. Make your document, save it, close office. When you go to your PC, that file is waiting for you! They did it. They did it better than Android. But, nope. We need to sit here and moan how we can't sync stuff "locally". Really? Why? Because Android can do it. Come, on! Android can't do Office Docs, Android can't sync it and have it ready for your laptop - this is better and we don't want to see it? Same as "I want bluetooth, I want bluetooh, not NFC" argument, again!

Well Im ot going to argue for this as I never mentioned it, I never really cared for filemanaging ala WM, but I wont keep MS from doing it if others want it, and Im sure as h3ll not going to convince people who want it that they are wrong. Why would I do that?

OS is as glance and go as you want. For notifications you don't need to scroll down a menu and dismiss each of them, every time. You just get them on tiles, unlock phone and read what you like. If only by having lock screen notifications make you feel that NOW you have true glance and go, sorry, but to me that is lazy. MSFT has made this OS on par and in many areas much better than what others are doing it. No, it isn't doing anything extra ordinary that other platforms won't do by additional apps. But, it is about how you do it, not what you do. This is again a de javu to me. I am sure I had this after Mango and Tango update too.

Compared to Android and iOS its harder to find every notification, so the contention that its more glanse and go is just wrong. Androids and IOS just look at one place for everything, we have to scroll and look at every Tile (now this will improve with the new startscreen, thats a great move by MS) but if the app isnt even pinned then we have to enter the app. How is that faster/better than the competition, as they are advertising it? It isnt. And I wont see any missed toast on any Tile.
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Compared to Android and iOS its harder to find every notification, so the contention that its more glanse and go is just wrong. Androids and IOS just look at one place for everything, we have to scroll and look at every Tile (now this will improve with the new startscreen, thats a great move by MS) but if the app isnt even pinned then we have to enter the app. How is that faster/better than the competition, as they are advertising it? It isnt. And I wont see any missed toast on any Tile.

If the app isn't pinned - it isn't important to you. If it isn't important to you, it has no space on your phone, that is made FOR YOU! That is the whole idea behind it. Whatever you like, love, care about - pin it. Be your mum, your wife, your kids, your school, a boobs app, whatever! If it's not pinned, you don't care. If you don't care, you don't need to bother about notification anyway.

It is faster and better before if you put down a tile for an app/person that you need more info for i.e. not just 1 new notification but "1 new like" or whatever it does - than you give it more room. On the other hand if you just need to see numbers, you make it the smallest possible size and pin it! You choose how much and where you want to be notified. For example, WPC app for me is pinned right at the bottom and I do get a number count for all new articles as they are published in "News" section. But it isn't so much important to me as my girlfriends texts so her picture is right on top! I can prioritize what notification is important to me and look at it when I want. That is glance and go. I don't have to keep being reminded every time a new article is published, but yes I like to see it once in a day so I can still get notifications accumulating on the tile right at the bottom. I will scroll there to see it when I WANT IT!
Added in some new ones from your suggestions, thanks.
Q. Does the WiFi stay on when the screen goes to sleep?

A. Not on my device, but it sounds like the ones with Data Sense enabled may have a different story.
Keep us posted!

This list isn't a list of flaws identified in the system. This list is the list of your personal choices that MSFT did not address even after you wrote numerous post cards to them.
Notice this post is called Problems & Suggestions. I didn't claim everything here was an underlying, dealbreaking flaw. That said, rockstar, it is ridiculous for you to pretend they are all "personal opinion". That's a disingenuous argument since you can use it for any criticism, because you appear completely happy with Windows Phone.

You can say what you want, but many of the flaws, yes, flaws here have been picked up by reviewers (finally) and I suggest you look around past review scores and you'll find them. Writing "nuh nuh nuh Microsoft tells me to do it this way and your way is stupid and unnecessary" does not solve anything.

If you continue trying to spark up arguments and derailing the thread, I'll ask a mod to remove the said comments. Thanks.
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Please do more threatening and reporting to mod and be my guest.

If you really feel that talking to people about stuff will spark up arguments, probably public forums aren't your thing either?

Don't go on judging me mate. As far as reviews go, we've read more reviews and discussed them that you would imagine. But that's not the point. If you think your opinion is valid, so is mine. Learn to agree to disagree. This is a public forum, not your living room.
If you really feel that talking to people about stuff will spark up arguments, probably public forums aren't your thing either?
You're not "talking to people about stuff". You're calling people FUD-spreaders. This thread was not created for you to come pick a fight. It was created for legitimate problems and suggestions (which, you apparently cannot seem to grasp) to be shared. It's a checklist that we can go through for future updates.

Don't go on judging me mate.
Rich, coming from you.
You're not "talking to people about stuff". You're calling people FUD-spreaders. This thread was not created for you to come pick a fight. It was created for legitimate problems and suggestions (which, you apparently cannot seem to grasp) to be shared. It's a checklist that we can go through for future updates.

Rich, coming from you.

Some info being FUD and calling someone FUD spreaders totally different, but whatever helps you mate! If this is how you fight, I don't even want to know what discussion really is for you. What I am seeing your grasp here is, someone who did not agree on "your" problems being problems. I'm glad you can find so many problems and wish you luck with bringing in so many suggestions. I think, I think I made a suggestion of even voicing your concerns on the UserVoice - that is where MSFT will probably benefit from. Since you are so concerned about suggesting stuff, I would even be happy to put links to your suggestions on uservoice as my signature. Please do feel free after feeding this suggestions to the right channel as that is the main aim of the thread. I will be so indebted by the benefits I can reap as a result of your fruitful efforts in the way I suggested.
If this is how you fight, I don't even want to know what discussion really is for you.
I'm not fighting a holy war with you. I disagree with absolutely every point you made against my points, and that is why I didn't make any changes to my list. If you can convince me, and others that your points are valid, then I will make the changes. All you have countered with is "Microsoft tells you to do it this way" and "you don't even need this". That is not valid criticism.

Just for you though, I clarified "orientation lock" to "system-wide orientation lock". I thought that would be obvious when we are in the "OS discussion" forum.

EDIT: I also clarified "always download images" for email, I want it as an option and it is not impossible for Microsoft to implement an "only on WiFi" option for it either.

I think, I think I made a suggestion of even voicing your concerns on the UserVoice - that is where MSFT will probably benefit from.
I've made it perfectly clear to you the purpose of this thread. I have no interest in dumping a crap load of suggestions into UserVoice, many of these are already there and you are not supposed to submit a laundry list of ideas.

Since you obviously don't like this thread, you are welcome to leave it. If you think it is pointless and stupid, report it to moderators.
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Bad alarm management - far too many apps now force presets on a user. Life isn't strictly routine. Sometimes an alarm is needed once-off, and the user shouldn't have to go through a multi-field input screen to do this.
Really? Are all the alarm apps really that bad? And the built-in alarm sucks? [No sarcasm here. I don't own a Windows Phone {yet}] Maybe the marketplace DOES have room for me to make a nice little alarm app... not that I have any clue what's needed.

Orientation lock is a must! I wake up and go to bed checking news on my phone fairly often, and I had to tell my Android to stop rotating the dang screen so I could read the webpage articles. I suppose the solution for this particular situation is a 3rd party browser app that has orientation lock. If that doesn't exist, I'll make one.
Really? Are all the alarm apps really that bad? And the built-in alarm sucks? [No sarcasm here. I don't own a Windows Phone {yet}] Maybe the marketplace DOES have room for me to make a nice little alarm app... not that I have any clue what's needed.

Orientation lock is a must! I wake up and go to bed checking news on my phone fairly often, and I had to tell my Android to stop rotating the dang screen so I could read the webpage articles. I suppose the solution for this particular situation is a 3rd party browser app that has orientation lock. If that doesn't exist, I'll make one.

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure that IE10 is the only browser that you can use on WP8. No third party browsers.
Really? Are all the alarm apps really that bad? And the built-in alarm sucks? [No sarcasm here. I don't own a Windows Phone {yet}] Maybe the marketplace DOES have room for me to make a nice little alarm app... not that I have any clue what's needed.
I use the built in alarm app. It's honestly not bad, I'm fine with it. I just find that the default alarm app is designed to assume you are going to assign some preset times for alarms, same with the Timer app I use. Back on the dumbphone, alarms and timers were often easily configurable. I guess I'll take a look at third party alarms.

Does anyone know if you can finally clear the history in the Music & Video hub?
I'll add this to the list until someone can confirm otherwise.

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure that IE10 is the only browser that you can use on WP8. No third party browsers.
You won't be able to use another rendering engine. Developers can still built custom interfaces around the IE core, similar to how Chrome for iOS actually uses Safari rendering (in fact, it uses a crappier version of Safari's engine).
...You won't be able to use another rendering engine. Developers can still built custom interfaces around the IE core, similar to how Chrome for iOS actually uses Safari rendering (in fact, it uses a crappier version of Safari's engine).

Is it not technically feasible in WP8, or is it just that Marketpla....er...Store wouldn't allow it?
Is it not technically feasible in WP8, or is it just that Marketpla....er...Store wouldn't allow it?
Pretty much anything is technically feasible, I know native Opera got ported across to WP7 for hacked devices. Store would block it.
Pretty much anything is technically feasible, I know native Opera got ported across to WP7 for hacked devices. Store would block it.

I remember hearing about that back when I had the Titan. With the HW-based security "features" of WP8, such things doesn't seem to be an option anyone. Well, at least for the time being...
If the app isn't pinned - it isn't important to you. If it isn't important to you, it has no space on your phone, that is made FOR YOU! That is the whole idea behind it. Whatever you like, love, care about - pin it. Be your mum, your wife, your kids, your school, a boobs app, whatever! If it's not pinned, you don't care. If you don't care, you don't need to bother about notification anyway.

It is faster and better before if you put down a tile for an app/person that you need more info for i.e. not just 1 new notification but "1 new like" or whatever it does - than you give it more room. On the other hand if you just need to see numbers, you make it the smallest possible size and pin it! You choose how much and where you want to be notified. For example, WPC app for me is pinned right at the bottom and I do get a number count for all new articles as they are published in "News" section. But it isn't so much important to me as my girlfriends texts so her picture is right on top! I can prioritize what notification is important to me and look at it when I want. That is glance and go. I don't have to keep being reminded every time a new article is published, but yes I like to see it once in a day so I can still get notifications accumulating on the tile right at the bottom. I will scroll there to see it when I WANT IT!

Did you even read my whole post?
Obviously Whatsapp and Viber is very important to me WHEN I GET A MESSAGE, but I only do so two or thre times a month, if even that, so I dont want them on my startscreen. Dont you see the dilemma?
Im done with you, its like talking to a fukkin rock. You just cant grasp that some people want more precision.
Did you even read my whole post?
Obviously Whatsapp and Viber is very important to me WHEN I GET A MESSAGE, but I only do so two or thre times a month, if even that, so I dont want them on my startscreen. Dont you see the dilemma?
Im done with you, its like talking to a fukkin rock. You just cant grasp that some people want more precision.

Well you can always shrink the tile down to a small square now in WP8.

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