Reminisce of a good time you had with Windows 10 Mobile.

I can't say that I have any fond memories of Windows 10 Mobile. In fact, that was the beginning of the end for me and eventually drove me to iPhone.

Windows Phone 7/8, on the other hand, were magical. Back then, there were so many changes and so many updates and improvements. It was fun to come to this site back then - there was so much optimism and momentum for the platform. It's sad to see where it all ended up.
My long trip.
HP iPAQ, HTC HD2, HTC HD7, Lumia 925 and Lumia 1080. My favorite HTC HD2. You can install almost everything in this phone...
When people ask me „what’s that?“ I answer: “It’s an iPhone for poor people”.

It doesn't need to be a memory. No Microsoft loyalty here, but Windows 10 Mobile interface can not be replaced with anything Android, don't even mention the fruit bars.
I have access to ALLof Android'apps, but use Launcher 10 that gives me most of Windows interface. My phone is beautiful and functional.
Yes, battery, smoothness and some of the implementation class are missed, but Android was always a dog compared to Windows Mobile in these areas and still is.
Shame on what Satya has left of Ms that couldn't understand and do what developer of Launcher 10 has done. Microsoft Arrow Launcher is pathetic compared to this option.
Anyone who visits Windows Central needs to see what that launcher can do to an Android phone.
I fondly remember the house and car I bought from money made from my WP apps while my Android and iOS ones barely made any. I fondly remember the thousands of emails from engaged users asking for features and telling me what I got wrong.

Now, don't get me wrong, my WP apps are still paying my bills and keeping me very well fed...
I fondly remember the house and car I bought from money made from my WP apps while my Android and iOS ones barely made any. I fondly remember the thousands of emails from engaged users asking for features and telling me what I got wrong.

Now, don't get me wrong, my WP apps are still paying my bills and keeping me very well fed...
The day that I got home from the Microsoft store with my 950xl and fired up continuum for the first time. I had been waiting for 12 years (at the time) for this moment when my pocket pc could become my PC.
I remember watching the review of the HP Elite X3 by Daniel Rubino & then going out right after and buying the phone. I still remember coming home and saying what should I do with this HUGE BOX LMFAO!!! Then I proceeded to open the box & there was one of the nicest looking phones I had ever seen. HP got pretty much everything right on this phone except the camera. They also did a great job supporting the phone with firmware updates after the phone came out. Hopefully there will be some more firmware updates for the phone. They are currently doing ENTERPRISE features with Microsoft so I don't see why not. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time organizing my tiles & making sure the layout was the way I wanted. GOOD TIMES INDEED RIP WINDOWS PHONE
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I fondly remember the house and car I bought from money made from my WP apps while my Android and iOS ones barely made any. I fondly remember the thousands of emails from engaged users asking for features and telling me what I got wrong.

Now, don't get me wrong, my WP apps are still paying my bills and keeping me very well fed...

Is app development that profitable! Very happy for you, investing in the WP as well.
I always had fun with the WP8.1 with the speech recognition and Here services. I remember one time at a friends party, everyone wanted to go to a movie instead of hanging around. Someone suggested a certain movie and everyone dug out their iPhone's or Android trying desperately to find the closest theater and what times it was showing. I just spoke into my phone "where is the nearest showing of movie "name of movie"". Cortana just spoke out the movie is showing at nearest theater at such and such times.

Everyone in the room just stopped, looked up from their phones at me with their jaws dropped. Since I was last person to start looking for the movie but I was the first person to have the answer, and it was my phone doing the talking. They all asked me "What app was that!?!?!? That's too cool!!!" I had to let them know that is just my WINDOWS phone with the built in assistant, Cortana.

Sadly when they heard "Windows Phone" they just rolled their eyes and started joking about does it blue screen very much?

Another thing I miss was again Here Maps, with the augmented reality of being able to switch to the camera and pan around for finding locations. Especially restaurants when I was out of town. Again had many people stop and ask me what I was doing and then showing off.

But the main thing I miss is the that my WP's were the best at reading, and replying verbally text messages via Bluetooth or wired headphones. I loved connecting to my car stereo and doing long text conversations while driving or riding my motorcycle and never having to look at my phone. I still can't a decent app that duplicates the same ease of use and features for my Moto G4+
My best Windows 10 memory was when I did a meeting in front of 20 people using continuum from my phone. Every single person was amazed and had never heard of such a thing. They also loved Live Tiles. We were all convinced MS would market the hell out of it and a few people at my office even bought a 950. We were so silly back then...
Selling my Windows phones (Icon, 1520.3 and 950XL dual sim) and Android tablets on eBay and buying an iPhone 6s Plus and iPads. I wanted to sell my Windows tablets too (dell venue 11 pro and Lenovo 8") but they are not worth anything these days.
"Is app development that profitable! Very happy for you, investing in the WP as well."

Lol pretty sure that was sarcasm. No one was buying houses and cars writing apps for Windows phones.
"Is app development that profitable! Very happy for you, investing in the WP as well."

Lol pretty sure that was sarcasm. No one was buying houses and cars writing apps for Windows phones.
Barbie's townhouse and that pink 'Vette should be possible.
I remember getting the Lumia 928 with it's great low light pics. I was at a night time ball game and everyone was taking pictures. No one was getting a good girlfriend fired up her Lumia and schooled everyone with a great pic. All the iphones and Android folks were pissed off! We just set there laughing. City Lens was another great app we used often. Good times!
I love my 950XL, the camera is wonderful. I do not use my Nikon much now as raw results are great when used with Lightroom. My wife has a 650 which she likes but is not a geek like me. Windows phones are ideal as they are easy to use and are the obvious choice if you use a Windows 10 PC. Microsoft keep on top of the security issues which makes them safer to use than Apple or Android.
I just wish MS had pushed them harder.
Agree with an earlier poster..
City Lens!! It was cool. We had so many great lens... ReFocus, Photosynth etc

How about Here had full off line maps of any country .. available all devices.. had Apple & android users in envy

... !
Like, W10M is great, but my best memories are with WP8 and my 1020. For one thing, it is a great attention grapper (yes, I'm a but egoistic)... I cannot count how many time people stopped me to ask about "the phone with the crazy camera." It was also the time when Windows Phone worked well with virtually any hardware. Even when it came out, the 1020's silicone is about a year old, yet it still worked well. The camera's viewfinder with all the manual control is the first of its kind. Having that camera made I feel like I want to be a better photographer. For Windows itself, I have always thought that the mobile OS has some of the best ideas. LIve Tiles is still the best way of receiving quick information at a glance. The people-oriented direction with Me Tiles and People Hub should be the way we interact with social media. Continuum is the future of personal computing (look at Samsung and Huawei). Last but not least, Metro UI and its focus on interacting with left and right swipes instead of the STUPID BURGER MENU is just the right way of using your phone. The simplicity of it was just mind-blowing. One more thing, and this is the weirdest one, but the wood-clocking sound of the keyboard just makes typing a lot more satisfying.
I'm not sure if this post is in the correct thread; my best windows phone memory was when I moved from my iPhone 4 to the then new Samsung ATIV S. Moving from iOS to Windows Phone was amazing. I remember thinking about how large the ATIV S screen was, compared to my old iPhone. It was awesome!! I was able to customize my new phone in so many ways that I couldn't with my old iPhone. I just loved it, and then when I moved up to the more powerful ATIV SE, it was even better.
Then things started going downhill, when the apps started to 'disappear'...

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