Replacing a Lumia 1520 glass/digitizer not LCD?

how do I get the black frame off the back of the lcd assembly so I can remove the metal shield and expose the back of the lcd? there are hollow screws that you have to take off? what do you use?

is that how you guys take the whole assembly apart to then remove the glass/digitizer? or do you guys do it from the front instead? if so, how do you get it off within pulling the lcd and breaking it? it would seem to me that pulling on it up to fit the thin string or thin razor would be enough to rip it

also ScrubbyXD, so for sure those digitizers from that supplier work with 8.1? id rather take the digitizer off and replace it all glued together with the glass instead of messing with that liquid adhesive
I separate the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame before separating. You CAN remove the Glass/Digitizer while still in the frame but you run the risk of damaging the rubber. There are good and bad things about doing it either way. One thing is for sure, if you plan on removing the LCD from the frame do so with the Glass/Digitizer still attached to give it extra rigidity. The supplier I gave does have Glass/Digitizer with a synaptics chipset, but I'd always advise sending a note with your order.

In the end this repair (not always successful due to reasons I have posted before) will require you to glue the Glass/Digitizer to the LCD. My offer for WC forum members still stands, if your in the US and want to send me your phone and a screen assembly/frame I will do the switch for you for free and send it back.
There are a couple of excellent videos on how to disassemble the 1520 to replace the whole screen assembly out on Youtube. It's not too bad, but I did find that the replacement assembly that I bought for my previous 1520 was sub-standard (backlight bleed, the glass became unglued from the digitizer down the long sides of the phone which allowed white light to leak out) so I returned it to the seller. After reading about several bad experiences with third party sellers providing substandard parts, I just replaced the phone for $250 via eBay.

Good luck to you on your repair journey!
I separate the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame before separating. You CAN remove the Glass/Digitizer while still in the frame but you run the risk of damaging the rubber. There are good and bad things about doing it either way. One thing is for sure, if you plan on removing the LCD from the frame do so with the Glass/Digitizer still attached to give it extra rigidity. The supplier I gave does have Glass/Digitizer with a synaptics chipset, but I'd always advise sending a note with your order.

In the end this repair (not always successful due to reasons I have posted before) will require you to glue the Glass/Digitizer to the LCD. My offer for WC forum members still stands, if your in the US and want to send me your phone and a screen assembly/frame I will do the switch for you for free and send it back.

When you detached the 1520 glass+digitizer from the frame were you able to successfully put it back?
When you detached the 1520 glass+digitizer from the frame were you able to successfully put it back?

I described two ways of doing the job. Obviously doing the Glass/Digitizer separation from the LCD while the LCD is still in the frame is easier but also delivers poor aesthetic results. While removing the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame gives like new results at the cost of much more labor and incidentally much more risk of damage. It's all about the pros and cons but in the end you may still end up with a broken LCD under there for reasons described in previous posts.

I described two ways of doing the job. Obviously doing the Glass/Digitizer separation from the LCD while the LCD is still in the frame is easier but also delivers poor aesthetic results. While removing the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame gives like new results at the cost of much more labor and incidentally much more risk of damage. It's all about the pros and cons but in the end you may still end up with a broken LCD under there for reasons described in previous posts.

Man I wish these phones were easier to repair... Would love to know that a broken screen can be fixed with just a $50 glass+ digitizer combo swap
I separate the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame before separating. You CAN remove the Glass/Digitizer while still in the frame but you run the risk of damaging the rubber. There are good and bad things about doing it either way. One thing is for sure, if you plan on removing the LCD from the frame do so with the Glass/Digitizer still attached to give it extra rigidity. The supplier I gave does have Glass/Digitizer with a synaptics chipset, but I'd always advise sending a note with your order.

In the end this repair (not always successful due to reasons I have posted before) will require you to glue the Glass/Digitizer to the LCD. My offer for WC forum members still stands, if your in the US and want to send me your phone and a screen assembly/frame I will do the switch for you for free and send it back.

thanks for the great info. I just want to know one more thing. my goal is to take the glass/digitizer/lcd all out of the frame together, then work on it from there. I do not want to separate the glass/digitizer while its still in the frame. how do I do that? does the frame actually come apart for me to be able to do that? or do I have to use flat and thin tools to break up the adhesive that makes it stick on that square copper strips under the lcd from behind?

I described two ways of doing the job. Obviously doing the Glass/Digitizer separation from the LCD while the LCD is still in the frame is easier but also delivers poor aesthetic results. While removing the LCD/Glass/Digitizer from the frame gives like new results at the cost of much more labor and incidentally much more risk of damage. It's all about the pros and cons but in the end you may still end up with a broken LCD under there for reasons described in previous posts.
So ypull only do a Full assembly repair for a 1520? Not a glass+digitizer one?
thanks for the great info. I just want to know one more thing. my goal is to take the glass/digitizer/lcd all out of the frame together, then work on it from there. I do not want to separate the glass/digitizer while its still in the frame. how do I do that? does the frame actually come apart for me to be able to do that? or do I have to use flat and thin tools to break up the adhesive that makes it stick on that square copper strips under the lcd from behind?
Yes use a plastic pick or spudger to remove the tape adhesives from the tip and bottom, then work slowly up the back with a thin metal tool separating the copper from the LCD. If you slip towards the top you can easily destroy the circuitry on the back. If you go to fast and bend it you can break the LCD.
So ypull only do a Full assembly repair for a 1520? Not a glass+digitizer one?

The LCD is too fragile to make any promises about it making it through the process. Too many times I have had a perfectly fine looking LCD end up being broken after the rigidity of the glue and glass stop holding it tightly together.
The LCD is too fragile to make any promises about it making it through the process. Too many times I have had a perfectly fine looking LCD end up being broken after the rigidity of the glue and glass stop holding it tightly together.

Have you done glass digitizer only repairs on the Lumia icon/930 or 830?? And if not do you do full assembly repairs on those?
Through the mail, I would only offer a full assembly repair. People get a bad reputation quickly when they promise things beyond their control. That would apply to any phone.
i just did 2 phones. it was easier than i thought. you want to go under the digitizer with the glass still on it. this provides some strength as ScrubbyXD mentioned earlier. the glue on that layer is super easy to clean, not like the glue between the glass and digitizer. I also did this with everything still in the frame.

first one, got the wire between the glass/digitizer and lcd and came out one piece. lcd worked great, but had a tiny yellow spot. I figured my temps were off, so I used a better quality IR laser to compare,and it turned out my cheap IR gun was giving off wrong readings. I was applying more heat than I thought I was.

so this tiny tiny yellow spot is really irritating. i wanted to verify it was from the polarizing film. i peeled it off(came off easy), and moved it around on where the yellow spot was. yup, it looked perfect. so now I will get some polarizers and apply it to the screen and it will be perfect.

second phone. used the good IR gun to track my temps. i was very careful and it came off one piece again in about 10 minutes. perfect lcd.
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How you glued the new glass/digitizer unit to the lcd?
What glue did you use? LOCA? UV or not UV?
Wow. Even I would be interested in knowing how you managed to fix the Digitizer to the LCD. I have a separate thread which I had started in this regard. Let me take a couple of pics in a while and load them to show where I am at. I have managed to separate the digitizer but do not know how to stick the new digitizer to the LCD. Any video / pictures with step by step instructions that you could provide?

Here is how my Lumia 1520 looks right now without the digitizer. Any thoughts on how to fix it?
first, you need to change the polarizer. use a thin plastic pry tool to begin to lift the polarizer at a corner, then lift it with little force, and with the plastic pry tool keep sliding it from side to side while you lift to reduce the amount of pull force you are exerting so the top layer of the lcd doesn't pull off.

you might need a polarizer roller to apply the polarizer so it goes on properly and to prevent little air bubbles under it.

now to apply the digitizer, you need LOCA glue and a UV light source(keep the light away from your eyes). LOCA is a clear adhesive that cures with UV light. the simple explanation is, you put LOCA glue on the lcd, and lower the digitizer on it. you need to make sure its lined up properly, then you put the lcd and digitizer under UV light so the glue can cure. Its one thing to explain it, its another thing to execute it, and execute it properly. you have to ensure no bubbles are formed under the digitizer before you cure it. the good thing about LOCA is that if you mess up, you can just lift the digitizer, clean it all up, and try again, because the glue doesn't harden without being exposed to UV light.

I would advise removing the LCD from the frame when applying the LOCA. if you don't, things could get messy, and you don't want the glue to go all over the electronic components, earpiece and proximity sensor openings and clog them. its just cleaner to do it with lcd off, but still possible with it in, if you use the right amount of glue.

you can go on youtube to watch how polarizers and LOCA are applied. there are a ton of videos.

im still waiting on my polarizers and digitizers so I will update once I get them,and let you know if they work, and which ones I purchased, and my experience installing them on these phones.
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Alysia Holland , is Digitizer is attached with glass? When you remove glass, do digitizer came out with glass or it is still attached to lcd. I want to remove glass only.
Alysia Holland , is Digitizer is attached with glass? When you remove glass, do digitizer came out with glass or it is still attached to lcd. I want to remove glass only.

The glass and digitizer are bonded and are removed as a unit from the LCD. There is not a glass only repair for this phone.

Do people sell just the glass? yes! why? They know people will buy it without doing the research. Then return for the glass/digitizer assembly.

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