Replacing a Lumia 1520 glass/digitizer not LCD?

The glass and digitizer are bonded and are removed as a unit from the LCD. There is not a glass only repair for this phone.

Do people sell just the glass? yes! why? They know people will buy it without doing the research. Then return for the glass/digitizer assembly.

I've done 5 of these phones so far, and I've attempted one glass only repair which went successfully, although I don't recommend it, and i'd rather pay the extra $5-$10 and get the digitizer and glass as a unit. the glue between the glass and digitizer is just nasty and a PITA to clean. the extra few bucks are well worth it.

oh and thanks for recommending that supplier of digitizers. they work perfectly.
How high did you have to get the temperature to get it to even budge?

Even if it takes more patience, time, and skill than most people have, I'm wrong. Turns out you can R&R the digitizer.

Oh, what tape are you using to secure the LCD, Glass, and digitizer to the frame? I'm not entirely happy with the 3M double sided I've been using and am looking for something better.
around 100 degrees C, and I had to go real slow, but I had taken the whole lcd+digitizer+glass out one piece from the frame first. i used a heat gun, not an lcd separator. i think spot heating really helped here.

i had to be careful not to break anything,so it was a huge risk but i eventually did it. started from the back with my pry tool on the two little openings at the bottom. lifted the copper pieces up a bit, then with thin hard plastic, i just started moving them around to break up the adhesive. worked my way around the frame being very careful not too lift the lcd too much, and eventually got it all out.

about putting it back together on the frame, i left the copper strips the way they were on the back, and i laid a few more strips of the 3M tape on the metal backing. i heated them up until they looked shiny and sticky. the tape i used for the border was the precut stuff for this phone i got from ebay for a few bucks. honestly, not much of a difference from the 3M rolls, but i heated it a little as well. everything seems to have bonded well, but i am personally looking for an alternative adhesive that's much stronger as well. i will be ordering different ones and testing them out. ill let you know if i find something good.

I've also done a 1320. if you thought the 1520 was hard...
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oh wow, that is the point the polarizer starts cooking/fading, you really cut it close if the lcd was still on.

Don't try this at home kids! <--- Older americans will get this reference.
I'm looking into getting my screen replaced because of ghost taps launching cortana, back button, etc. What would I need to replace to fix this, the whole assembly I presume? I already contacted Palco and they can do the fix but they only have ATT branded screens and I have an unbranded 1520.3 and while its trivial I would rather not have an ATT logo on my phone. Thanks.
I'm looking into getting my screen replaced because of ghost taps launching cortana, back button, etc. What would I need to replace to fix this, the whole assembly I presume? I already contacted Palco and they can do the fix but they only have ATT branded screens and I have an unbranded 1520.3 and while its trivial I would rather not have an ATT logo on my phone. Thanks.

This is as good a place to go over this as any so lets begin.

OEM is a term from the automotive world meaning Original Equipment Manufacturer. In these cases any regular joe can find out who made a car's part and verify that the manufacturer of thier replacement part and the original are one and the same. However in the electronics world components are bought from the cheapest supplier on a specification. That specification is not publicly available. This means OEM has no actual meaning in the case of your phone. It is and always was a non-binding marketing term with no legal or ethical requirement.

So lets use the word "genuine" for clarity's sake and have that mean a part that actually came from Nokia (and thus meeting their specifications) for the purpose of reconditioning or repairing a Nokia phone by a Nokia trained technician. In the US those genuine screens are AT&T branded and we (those who have access) do NOT have access to screens intended for foreign markets.

So to forgo the AT&T logo you have to enter the wild west of referbs and knockoffs. And there I have no good information for you. Every knockoff/referb I have tried has had an issue. Be it immediate or eventual something comes up. The biggest hurdle you face is making sure the chip on the digitizer is made by Synaptics. Anything else will be incompatible with cyan and denim. From there nothing is controllable, throw the dice and let us know how it came out. I can say I have been disappointed by etrade supply, the cool cube, and flashtech (who has a myriad of alias on ebay) so far.
Scrubby - is it your experience with etrade that OEM is not represented correctly? They borrow the automotive definition on their website.

I do know that for accessories, like OtterBoxes and LifeProof cases, OEM means fake and unlicensed, and homeland security may visit you if you import them.
There is not a smiley available to represent the one I am wearing. They can claim OEM but not Original or Authentic. OEM is not legally binding. You will notice etrade's (and most others) screens are shippped either without a Nokia logo or with black tape concealing it. This is enough to get past customs visual examination standards. Without the black bar, yes they could run into trouble.

etrade's screen seems to be at best a referb, and the tape they use doesn't always hold the screen down....but it is a Synaptics digitizer.
This is as good a place to go over this as any so lets begin.

OEM is a term from the automotive world meaning Original Equipment Manufacturer. In these cases any regular joe can find out who made a car's part and verify that the manufacturer of thier replacement part and the original are one and the same. However in the electronics world components are bought from the cheapest supplier on a specification. That specification is not publicly available. This means OEM has no actual meaning in the case of your phone. It is and always was a non-binding marketing term with no legal or ethical requirement.

So lets use the word "genuine" for clarity's sake and have that mean a part that actually came from Nokia (and thus meeting their specifications) for the purpose of reconditioning or repairing a Nokia phone by a Nokia trained technician. In the US those genuine screens are AT&T branded and we (those who have access) do NOT have access to screens intended for foreign markets.

So to forgo the AT&T logo you have to enter the wild west of referbs and knockoffs. And there I have no good information for you. Every knockoff/referb I have tried has had an issue. Be it immediate or eventual something comes up. The biggest hurdle you face is making sure the chip on the digitizer is made by Synaptics. Anything else will be incompatible with cyan and denim. From there nothing is controllable, throw the dice and let us know how it came out. I can say I have been disappointed by etrade supply, the cool cube, and flashtech (who has a myriad of alias on ebay) so far.

Thanks for the detailed reply. The way things are going I will most likely get the repair done with Palco. Only other question is, since I'm on a 1520.3, would you know if there is anything about the ATT screen that would remove Qi charging, which is the big differentiator between the two? Thanks.
The only difference is cosmetic (the AT&T logo).


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