Requesting Games from Developers

. Awesome game... Missing so much

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Contacted Developer of Grabatron

Hello there Mohamed,

Thanks for your interest. To answer your query there are no concrete plans as of yet, however we are considering Windows Phone as a viable option for sometime later this year for Hungry Shark Evolution and our next releases. Sorry that I can't be any clearer.

All the best,

Support Team FGOL
I've made it a personal mission to try and bring dead trigger on 512mb devices. I'm gonna eat Madfinger's brains till they don't port it. Idiots.:devil:
You might want to add flaregames GmbH to the list, I know they made the original royal revolt for windows phone, but they have not yet made the new royal revolt 2 for windows.
I asked flaregames GmbH about royal revolt 2 for windowsphone and they said that they have not yet set a release date but will bring it to our platform later.
I have sended a message to creators of famous game called Score! World Goals. The have replayed me:
There are no plans at the moment, but we haven't completely ruled it out.
I asked many other Game makers but they answered the same :(
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I sent a message about Candy Crush (which I have done numerous times before). If anyone would like to join me on Friday I plan to email as many developers has possible.
I have just contacted EA Mobile and asked if they are planning to release 'The Simpsons: Tapped Out' on the Windows Phone/RT/8.1 platform
This is awesome that you guys have done this!!

I have in the past messaged game devs but now I will send out some requests to all of these guys. One that I have wanted on WP for awhile now has been Osmos from hemisphere games (sorry if you did post this somewhere and I missed it as I haven't gone through all of the pages of this thread) Hemisphere Games

Hemisphere Games Contact – for their contact page. They are on ios and android but I know for their port to android they used a company called Apportable - Objective-C for Android which will convert ios games to android games.. perhaps we can also track them down about the addition of using their service for porting ios games to wp8.

Having a service like apportable to help people port their games (and any app really) to WP would be great!

And I will start sending emails out as well and return with my replies. good job all!
I emailed for world of goo and got this response back.

Hi Jack,

We sure are getting a lot of windows phone requests today! Is it a coincidence?


My Response: Maybe but we're really interested in it. And will do whatever it takes. We love your product and wish to support it further. Jack
I contacted MilkCapStudios. They are working on bringing Tiki Monkeys to Windows Phone 8. They say it will release soon.

Tiki Monkeys: MilkCap

I also contacted Fluik Games. They too have a favorable reply:

Hi Mohamed Ashid,

Thank you for contacting Fluik Support regarding your request on Windows Phones. Yes, we are currently working on a game for Windows Phone. Stay tuned!


Fluik Support

Great News, I've added them to the List
I emailed King a little while ago about Candy Crush Saga. They responded with:

Thanks for the email.

Unfortunately we don?t have this game available for windows device right now,
but we hope to have it available for your and other devices in the near future.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

If you wish to find a fast solution to our most common issues or if you wish to
keep up-to-date about ongoing technical issues with the games, please visit our
game specific forums:

Kind Regards,
King Player Support

I really hope that they port it soon. There are tons of clones and fake apps on the WP Store that obviously show a demand for it.

I Hope so too,

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