Resolved Backup Issues before doing the downgrade deed

Nerdy Woman

Jun 19, 2013
Backup failed again and again, but I finally got it to work. Here's how.

Still waiting for cyan on ATT (L920), but the 3-wk prompt to back up reminded me I should do that before I downgrade to upgrade. The backup will save game scores for "participating apps." When I tap back up now, WP tells me that some background apps may not function during backup. Ooookay. Backup got to 97% and failed. Again. And again. And again.

I uninstalled Live Lockscreen, thinking that "background" app might be interfering with backup. Restarted phone. Still failed.

Next, I tapped "manage backups" in the backup apps + settings subscreen, and deleted the existing backups (if they were there at all). Turned off auto backup and restarted the phone.

Going again to the backup setting, I turned auto backup on again, then tapped backup now button. VOILA! It worked! Fresh backup 2 seconds ago.

I don't know if the lock screen was preventing the backup. Someone else who has been having trouble might try the delete process without uninstalling Live Lockscreen and report their experience.

Without going back and reading the descriptions for all my games, I probably won't know which scores got backed up, but I know my work-of-art start screen and other settings are good to go. Now I'm ready for cyan. :D

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