Restored Band 2

Peeled Sugru off on one side because it was starting to peel and crack again. Crack on Band 2 was almost all the way through and across entire width of Band 2. Used same procedure as prior post and it's held for 1 week.
Hi Alexandre.
I've removed black rubber band. I'd like you to wear leather.
What leather did you buy??? Genuine leather I would like to use. How thick Should it be???
Thanks ahead
Hi, My stepfather gave me a bit of leather he got.. luckily the thickness was perfect
I f I were you I would look for the same thickness as where the rubber joins the steel part of the band (so you don't have to sand it to make it thinner). but if you have to buy leather I would advise you to buy sweat resistant one or car seat material.. (those are treated to be UV and sweat resistant)

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