Rethinking History

Closest exoplanet that may contain life is approximately 11.4 light years away. 1 light year = 9460730472580800 metres.

List of nearest terrestrial exoplanet candidates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thing is, they may contain life but intelligent life capable of building communication devices similar to our own is a further stretch. Even though there's probably trillions and trillions of exoplanets how many have life that is intelligent is a question we can't answer. We know intelligence is rare from an evolutionary point of view.

List of interstellar radio messages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thing is we have all sorts of issues relating to all this. First is we have the issue of similar frequencies, similar technology, etc. The other thing, any signal we may receive could be from a long dead race from thousands of years ago.

Also, depends what you mean by contact I guess. Physical? Unless they posses some type of technology or knowledge we don't and can get to our little uninteresting solar system on the edge of the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy then I don't see it really happening.

You make an excellent point by asking what I meant by contact. I should have been more specific. Finding a meteor is actually extraterrestrial contact. :grin:

Let's start with simple microbial life. Do you think it's possible to find it within our solar system? Our Moon has frozen water at the poles. Mars has water below the surface. Jupiter's moon Europa is suppose to have an ocean below all the ice. I think where ever these is water, there's a strong possibility of some type of microbial life.

Then I suppose we could move on to some type of radio contact with intelligent life. :excited:
Let's start with simple microbial life. Do you think it's possible to find it within our solar system? Our Moon has frozen water at the poles. Mars has water below the surface. Jupiter's moon Europa is suppose to have an ocean below all the ice. I think where ever these is water, there's a strong possibility of some type of microbial life.

I think it's very likely we'll find some sort of microbacteria somewhere in the solar system. It's only logical considering the deveristy on our planet alone where it lives. So yes I think this will happen some time soon.

Then I suppose we could move on to some type of radio contact with intelligent life. :excited:

This is less likely but always probable. I already gave my opinion on that. :)
I think it's very likely we'll find some sort of microbacteria somewhere in the solar system. It's only logical considering the deveristy on our planet alone where it lives. So yes I think this will happen some time soon.

I agree, they'll find something sooner or later.

This is less likely but always probable. I already gave my opinion on that. :)

There's been a couple of SETI shows I've watched on the Science channel here in the states. I am thinking in the next 50 years we'll hear something and it may just be one way, not two way communication, and it will probably take a long time to decipher it, if that's even possible.

The most fascinating thing I have ever done was going to the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. They have a day and night program. During the day they take you into a room with a large round table that has the sun projected on it. It's really fascinating to watch the sun. At night they let you look through some of their large telescopes. It's mind blowing to see other galaxies and different nebula.
I think there are arguments going on about microbial life/or fossils of them being found in meteors identified as being form mars. Unfortunately there will never be a 100% agreement on stuff of this nature since you can argue about a billion different variables that could have been contaminated or misinterpreted.
I think there are arguments going on about microbial life/or fossils of them being found in meteors identified as being form mars. Unfortunately there will never be a 100% agreement on stuff of this nature since you can argue about a billion different variables that could have been contaminated or misinterpreted.

You're correct, there's what looks like a fossil on a meteor they found that there is not 100% agreement on. Then again the Mars Rover Opportunity may find something that they all agree on with 100% certainty.
I like space aliens some are kind of nasty and dangerous.
Others are cute and likable but still kind of dangerous.
There's been a couple of SETI shows I've watched on the Science channel here in the states. I am thinking in the next 50 years we'll hear something and it may just be one way, not two way communication, and it will probably take a long time to decipher it, if that's even possible.

SETI thought they'd have contact by now. Thing, it's not that straight forward. That's the problem. I'm not sure what technologies they use but to me I think with the amount of possible interferences that are probably out there trying to receive any signal long distance is going to be difficult. Especially one that traveled through time as well.

The most fascinating thing I have ever done was going to the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. They have a day and night program. During the day they take you into a room with a large round table that has the sun projected on it. It's really fascinating to watch the sun. At night they let you look through some of their large telescopes. It's mind blowing to see other galaxies and different nebula.

I would love to do something like that! Hopefully one day. :)
I think there are arguments going on about microbial life/or fossils of them being found in meteors identified as being form mars. Unfortunately there will never be a 100% agreement on stuff of this nature since you can argue about a billion different variables that could have been contaminated or misinterpreted.

Contamination is always possible so I agree there. I was just going by what we know of our own world. There's microbacteria living in all sorts of environments here so it shouldn't be too shocking to find it on another planet.

What would be interesting is finding larger life forms. Either fossil or alive.
Aside from movies, how many have you got to know? :P

I don't know the mystery people across the street from us very well, yet I'm pretty sure they're not of this planet.
They seem to consume mass amounts of beer, potato chips along with a love for those firesticks.
These people\entities reside in strange looking humanlike bipedal suits of skin.

... also the 59 year old teenage girl that occupies the structure next to the mystery people seems to exist in dimensional planes other than this one.
She may be an alien plant or a higher form of being that is mostly disconnected from the resonance of earth.

My advice:
Watch the skies ... and your neighbors.

I don't know the mystery people across the street from us very well, yet I'm pretty sure they're not of this planet.
They seem to consume mass amounts of beer, potato chips along with a love for those firesticks.
These people\entities reside in strange looking humanlike bipedal suits of skin.

Haven't you just describe a large portion of the western population?

... also the 59 year old teenage girl that occupies the structure next to the mystery people seems to exist in dimensional planes other than this one.
She may be an alien plant or a higher form of being that is mostly disconnected from the resonance of earth.

My advice:
Watch the skies ... and your neighbors.


Is the 59 a typo? :confused: I've seen people that act like they're from another planet. Sometimes they visit certain wards in hospitals... Others claim to be some sort of 'special' human that can communicate with the dead or aliens or both. I tend to avoid these types of people... :winktongue:
Contamination is always possible so I agree there. I was just going by what we know of our own world. There's microbacteria living in all sorts of environments here so it shouldn't be too shocking to find it on another planet.

What would be interesting is finding larger life forms. Either fossil or alive.

Oh yeah there a bunch of life forms that pretty much prove the "human" combo of variables is not necessary. Excuse my general description but I know they are easily research-able:
-Those weird tube thingys deep in the ocean near super hot volcanic vents spewing tons of chemicals extremely toxic to us. Those are large relatively speaking.

The "Planet Earth" documentary has some interesting creatures. Plus its fun to watch with a bag of Funions...two large pizzas...popcorn...water...lots of water...
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This has become my favorite off topic thread. Thanks for starting it muneshyne21 :cool:
Oh yeah there a bunch of life forms that pretty much prove the "human" combo of variables is not necessary. Excuse my general description but I know they are easily research-able:
-Those weird tube thingys deep in the ocean near super hot volcanic vents spewing tons of chemicals extremely toxic to us. Those are large relatively speaking.

The "Planet Earth" documentary has some interesting creatures. Plus its fun to watch with a bag of Funions...two large pizzas...popcorn...water...lots of water...

They've found bacteria living in hot mud pools in volcanic regions of the world. These pools tend to be not only hot but highly acidic. I believe there's speculation that there's possible bacteria in the atmosphere of Venus which is similar in composition.

They've also found bacteria living in the opposite end of the spectrum which leads to speculation of bacteria being found one one the moons of Jupiter (I forget which one) which is apparently ice with water underneath it.

So lots of possibilities to find life on other planets or moons in our own solar system. Time and money are the key factors unfortunately.
Ok, well to bring this back to the original post I stumbled upon this So it turns out this tiny alien-like skeleton is actually human!
Its about a tiny human skeleton found in South America. Its most likely not an Alien. They mentioned a human skull abnormality known as oxycephaly which creates abnormally shaped skulls. What makes this interesting in my google search is that another similar condition known as scaphocephaly causes skull plates to fuse and have abnormal shapes like the ones shown in the skulls found in the article. There is a difference though since the ridge is in the back of an abnormal child and the ridge in the skulls are in the front.
Odd Skull Shapes: Heads Up on Diagnosis and Therapy | Psychiatric Times

Conclusion, there is still a possibility that these skulls found are not deformed humans...

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