Round Robin: iPhone Rene is Baaaaaack! Please Help!

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Awesome! I will try these games out!

Next task: Alarms.

I use the iPhone Clock App alarm to wake me up the morning, remind me to leave for work in a timely fashion, and to do my MBF exercises at night. Is best practices to use a WinMo built-in alarm for this (if there is one?) or do I need to look 3rd party?

Also, I typically listen to podcasts or audio books before I go to sleep. I assume I can use Kinoma for this, but is there a way either with the same app as does the alarms, or something built into the audio app, to have them turn off after 30 or 60 minutes or whatever?

Thanks again!
wm default alarm is just crap! no native support for custo mp3 file as an alarm and the included alarm sound are more like emergency alarms!
wm default alarm is just crap! no native support for custo mp3 file as an alarm and the included alarm sound are more like emergency alarms!

Without question I LOVE the G-Alarm. Just really the best in my opinion and I use all my music for my alarms and multiple files for the same alarms. You can see it at and it is free.
sad, but i think at the moment there are no better sites that can provide similar fixes and tweaks though
i tried this phone out in sprint and att stores! the camera is so much better!!! i must haves it!
I would do a hardreset. When the phone goes through its intial boot it will review your SIM chip and adjust your setting to fit the Rodgers network. This should correct any Proxy issues.
frankly, i am waiting a touch HD pro =p

Touch HD is launch in my country but its so freaking expensive!
are the cook roms really essentials, some are saying that you need to make sure it will make it work the way u want it to be
Just wanted to thank everyone for the help! I've now shipped the HTC FUZE off to Kevin, and I'm moving on to the BlackBerry Bold Touch-less.

If my questions or reviews offended any of the Windows Mobile faithful, I apologize. We all have our own tastes and needs and criteria and preferences, and all I can try to do is give a different take than Dieter, Jennifer, Casey, or Kevin.

Happy holidays, all!
win mo should also celebrate that we have more wallpaper, ringtones, apps, and what ever than iphone.. who cares about their top 10 apps when they are all games =p
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