RUMOR: Cortana on other platforms?


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
Okay, the article Microsoft is reportedly working on bringing Cortana to iOS and Android has brought on a lot of hate because so many people think that not keeping Cortana as an exclusive on Windows Phone will kill the Windows Phone platform.

This is nonsense, and let me explain exactly why it will HELP and not HURT the Windows Phone ecosystem.

As user jjmurphy stated in the comment section of the article:
jjmurphy said:
I would bet that to get the full "use" out of cortana, you'll need to install all the MSN apps, along with outlook, etc. They aren't dumb. If someone wants to use Cortana on their iphone/android, they'll need to go almost all in on MS services.

This is a large part of what is driving Microsoft here. To go almost all in on MS services, they would need to buy the Office 365 subscription in order to take full advantage. $$ for MS. Not to mention, when people use Cortana, Bing is being used instead of Google. Taking away more of Google's advertising $$ and giving it to MS is a GOOD idea. It weakens Google, just like Microsoft is looking to do with the Cyanogen Mod.

Microsoft isn't stupid. They are releasing all of this on other platforms to WEAKEN the services on those other platforms.

This isn't going to make people say, "Why did I even choose Windows Phones," except for the few idiots who can't see what is happening. In time, it is going to make people say, "Why am I using an iPhone/Android if I'm using all of MS services anyway. I can get better integration on my home and office PCs if I go all in and get a WP."

People complain that "Outlook" and "Office" are better on iOS than on WP, and that isn't fair. Yeah, go cry me a river. The code was already there for Outlook, because this new version was purchased from another company and rebranded. It takes time to port it over, and it is being done as a universal app for Windows 10. When Microsoft is done here and we have Windows 10, we will have the exact same product that iOS has with one major exception. Windows Phone users won't have to pay for advanced features in Office 365. We'll get it all, free.

Cortana simply won't integrate into the OS on iOS and Android the way that it does on Windows Phones. Advantage, Windows Phones by a long shot.

Also, by encouraging people to use Cortana on Android and iOS, Bing will be used. This will take a lot of advertising dollars away from Google by keeping them from using their own services. It will WEAKEN Google, which is good for Windows. Apple is reportedly looking to start their own search engine and abandon Bing. By bringing Cortana to iOS, it will strengthen Bing's presence there as well.

Remember also that Cortana lives in the cloud. She will be better able to serve by learning more details about more people. Porting her over to iOS and Android will increase that exposure and increase her accuracy even further. This is GOOD for the Windows ecosystem. As Cortana becomes more powerful here, more and more people will want to get a version of her that is fully integrated into the OS to better take advantage of her. That means a future growth for Windows Phone.

Think also about it this way: For all of you that say, "Don't bring Android App compatibility to Windows Phone because it would kill Windows Phone (and I agree here)," remember that bringing Cortana to Android and iOS is the same thing, but in reverse. Suddenly, you've got iPhone and Android trying to be a Windows Phone, and it won't run as well on a non-native platform.

Kudos to Microsoft if they pull this off.

It's kind of like Microsoft saying to iOS and Android, "I want to be your friend. I come bearing gifts." Then Microsoft feeds them tons of sugary soft drinks, cakes, and pies, and let's not forget lots of fried foods fried in bacon grease. iOS and Android are delighted at all the free goodies until they get fatter and fatter until they can barely move. Finally, they drop dead from a heart attack. They don't even see it coming, and that's the best part, because coming it is.

Haters gonna hate, but let's keep the discussion professional as opposed to childish. If all you want to do is call names, then please find another place to discuss. If you have valid points, then I'm willing to listen. But be warned, I will most likely provide a counter-argument in the most positive way I can find to spin it. (Positive meaning I'm going to be as nice as I can about it without being mean, in case you didn't get that.)
Okay this making Cortana cross platform made me sad but I think Microsoft is moving in same direction as Google. I think this all is a part of spying on people. Making Cortana cross platform as well as introducing a new engine based on Einstein's theory of space and time. Cortana would exactly know where the user is, what is he doing, basically analyzing our every move. This is my mere suspicion. I may be wrong.
This long-term Trojan Horse approach that you state is one of the possible futures(would be nice if this happens), but it is very much possible that they don't go down this path & rather focus on their 'Software First' way of developing for the others or making it better there.

Another problem with Windows Phones are the system limitations while Android has almost no such issues & hence can integrate apps with system pretty easily.
Yeah, I saw the Cortana headlines - coupled with Mashable's monthly edition of "why Windows is doomed" post and figured I'd just avoid the internet today.

I don't understand why people freak out over the cross-platform deal. It's not like iOS and Android users are flooding the WP gates right now. They aren't coming. Only way forward is to bring it to them.

Look Microsoft isn't going to do something that will not make money - but as long as the losses are minimal (by Microsoft standards) and carriers are willing to stock them, Microsoft will keep churning out Windows Phones, especially with their popularity in international markets.
Seriously, use some common sense. This should not be a shocker, as its been the plan the whole time... and it makes sense.

How useful will Cortana on Windows 10 (PC) be to an iOS/Android user as it is right now? Not very.
Why would Microsoft limit such a great feature to nearly 100% of its users? It won't.

Rest assured, however, that Cortana on Android, and particularly iOS, won't be the same as it is on Windows phones because of their lack of access to core OS features.
Rhapdog, this is by far the most ludicrous thing I have read. People are not going to switch platforms if everything they want is available on either ios or Android. People will just stick with the OS they are already familiar with and happily keep using all of Microsoft services.

Oh, and if you really believe that Microsoft is going to give MS Office free for Windows users I think your going to be very disappointed.
Rhapdog, this is by far the most ludicrous thing I have read. People are not going to switch platforms if everything they want is available on either ios or Android. People will just stick with the OS they are already familiar with and happily keep using all of Microsoft services.
You miss the point of better integration and ONE experience across devices. smh. While I don't expect a mass exodus from iPhone, there are plenty of Android users fed up with the lag wanting something better, but can't afford the iPhone. Once they get used to the Microsoft services and realize they can have a much smoother experience on a Windows Phone that doesn't get more laggy over time, then many will switch.

Oh, and if you really believe that Microsoft is going to give MS Office free for Windows users I think your going to be very disappointed.
Not to Windows users, to users of Windows 10 for phones, but only on the phone. Maybe tablets, but I don't recall that part being discussed. They have already said so, it's not something I just "believe".

Besides, what other phone OS has a fire breathing unicorn ridden by a ninja cat?
You miss the point of better integration and ONE experience across devices. smh. While I don't expect a mass exodus from iPhone, there are plenty of Android users fed up with the lag wanting something better, but can't afford the iPhone. Once they get used to the Microsoft services and realize they can have a much smoother experience on a Windows Phone that doesn't get more laggy over time, then many will switch.

Not to Windows users, to users of Windows 10 for phones, but only on the phone. Maybe tablets, but I don't recall that part being discussed. They have already said so, it's not something I just "believe".

Besides, what other phone OS has a fire breathing unicorn ridden by a ninja cat?
Android does not lag anymore. I don't know why Windows Phone users still have this notion android lags. This is no longer an advantage for Windows Phone and expecting Android users to switch to Windows Phone now is just plain silly when they didn't switch even when Android was a laggy mess.
Android does not lag anymore.


Yes, it does. Latest flagship doesn't lag too much, or even at all, for the first few months. Install a bunch of apps and 6 months later... LAG!

Get a grip. Better yet, get your facts straight. Windows Phone users still have this notion Android lags because their Android friends point it out, or their "second" phone proves it.
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Yes, it does. Latest flagship doesn't lag too much, or even at all, for the first few months. Install a bunch of apps and 6 months later... LAG!

Get a grip. Better yet, get your facts straight. Windows Phone users still have this notion Android lags because their Android friends point it out, or their "second" phone proves it.
Oh well, nobody is going to win this argument. I still disagree with you about Android lagging but let's just move on.

But regarding your original post, there is no way giving away Cortana to Android users is ever going to be a good thing for windows phone. People now have zero incentive to use Window Phone.

And I seriously doubt that Ms office will be given completely free to Windows phone users. I think it will be the same as for Android and ios, where most features are free, but to get everything you need an Office 365 subscription.

And your argument that consistent experience across all your devices is going to be a major selling point is not really valid. Windows 8 was a disaster because Microsoft put a tablet interface onto desktop computers. People really didn't want the same experience across different categories of devices.
there are plenty of Android users fed up with the lag wanting something better, but can't afford the iPhone.

Yup, proven by the fact that in spite of a market share over 80%, Android continues to grow. In fact, its growth alone is many times higher than WP's total sales. I don't think your statement here is true.

Yes, it does. Latest flagship doesn't lag too much, or even at all, for the first few months. Install a bunch of apps and 6 months later... LAG!

How do you know? IIRC, you joined this forum a couple months ago and said that you just got your first smartphone, a Windows Phone. FYI, a few of us have more experience than that.
Yup, proven by the fact that in spite of a market share over 80%, Android continues to grow. In fact, its growth alone is many times higher than WP's total sales. I don't think your statement here is true.
People want apps. If iPhone was more affordable than Android, they would dominate the percentage of the market. Instead, Apple is after profits, and they are the most profitable because they sell a little for a lot through the magic of great marketing. Plus, what they have works. Android has quite a line of affordable phones. Between that and the apps is why they dominate. Very small percentage on flagships.

How do you know? IIRC, you joined this forum a couple months ago and said that you just got your first smartphone, a Windows Phone. FYI, a few of us have more experience than that.

I'm on my 8th month on the forums, had my first smart phone a couple of months before that. Well, I say first smart phone, I should say first one by today's standards. I had my old Windows Mobile 5 device since 2005, which I still have in near mint condition after daily use for 9+ years. Quite a flagship when it came out. I guess I'm not the kind that has to have a new flagship every year. ;) I spent $650 on it, and by golly I was determined to get my money's worth.

As far as experience in Android lag... I'm not deaf. I can hear the people complaining. Been listening to it for years. People I know who buy the low end constantly complain because it's not the high end, and people who buy the high end complain after a few months about it not running like new anymore and starting to lag. It's like listening to people complain about XP... if you don't re-install it once a year the lag gets really bad on XP, and Android seems to have the same issues to a slightly more pronounced degree. And that includes people complaining about the Galaxy series as well.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about the age of the 1520, but never about decreased performance over time. For normal operations, a 520 is great. Lags on some games pretty bad, but what do you expect for such a low end processor? I haven't had trouble with my 635 lagging on games.
As far as experience in Android lag... I'm not deaf. I can hear the people complaining. Been listening to it for years. People I know who buy the low end constantly complain because it's not the high end, and people who buy the high end complain after a few months about it not running like new anymore and starting to lag. It's like listening to people complain about XP... if you don't re-install it once a year the lag gets really bad on XP, and Android seems to have the same issues to a slightly more pronounced degree. And that includes people complaining about the Galaxy series as well.

What are those people you hear complaining doing about it? I don't know them, but I bet virtually all of them replace their "lag-infested" Android with another one. Right?

About 1 billion Android devices were sold in 2014. If people are complaining, they're still going back for more. Your comment about people being fed up and wanting something better doesn't hold water. According to this forum, there is something better: Windows Phone. It's just as affordable as Android. Why aren't Android customers buying WP? If they hated Android as much as you make it sound, they would certainly find a WP somewhere.

Sorry bud, you're going to have to come up with something better.
@rhapdog ok, i can hear you. your one of the few ppl that say ms isnt stupid, and actually come with some good reasons too. the rest are just blind faggots who say ms isnt stupid just because they are blind fanboys. about this. ios and android user dont give a **** about wp, i mean the majority of them. a lot of them dont even know it exists. so you basically tell me that we'll have a better cortana? thats our PLUS? oh, first of all, we will have to see this, and i personally wouldnt be surprise if ms will deliver a almost equal cortana. what you say sounds logic, but on android openess, i wouldnt be surprised if cortana would have 90% of wp cortana power, so for that 10% nobody will switch. second of all, are you telling me that those ppl who barely know wp exists will actually start documenting on where is cortana better? for regular consumer having the CORTANA is all that matters, not where is she stronger cuz they might never know. (+ ms is known for a scarce marketing. where will those ppl hear about cortana and how stronger is she on wp compared with rivals? nowhere! but i tell you, google or apple would fill cortana from other platforms with popups, present but locked features, + all sorts of real ads everywhere, telling how better she is on their platform. but with ms ****** on marketing department, we'll never see this practiced by ms)

also, im not totally against cortana on other platforms. a standalone app will never be as effective as a built in os-level functionality. but ms jumped over too many steps:
1.get wp share a litle higher.(preferable wait for w10 to take majority % of wp market share). you cant just start to give out your exclusivity when you barely have 3% market share
2. get cortana alot, and i mean ALOT more advanced, then you should think about starting to build it for other platform. right now we havent seen a too great cortana functionality improvement since its launch. sure, we get more interests and ****s like that, but how about i can create an alarm with it but i cant delete it? how about a bigger device penetration? as much as i find cortana trully amazing, it is far from a digital personal assistant as apple and ms are marketing their AIs.
3. expand cortana to at least 5 countries non beta, maybe 5 more beta, and several alphas. at this level of progress we can talk about looking for other. untill then, ms should keep looking for them first.

in addition: i got all your points about how some ms services are better on ios and android for now. and you're right about the reasons. but if giving rivals better apps and faster updates when w10 arrives continues, then i will help them personally to detele wp code from every archive they have. right now i can understand why some of their apps are better on other platforms. but that needs to stop with w10, forever. i dont say rivals should get crap apps. nope. they should get good to excelent apps. but wp should get excelent to perfect + additions like free office 365 functionalities from office.
and about updates, that needs to stop too. no more excuses like "our skype team has finished earlier the update for ios so it, acting like a stand alone team, delivered it firstm becouse it is not controled by os department head". well, with w10 they should control better those stand alone teams and orchestrate better how apps and updates are delivered. equality when it comes to speed/time and quality should be MINIMUM guaranty strating with 10. otherwise, (just a small) wp priority as i explained few lines upper, would be perfect
What are those people you hear complaining doing about it? I don't know them, but I bet virtually all of them replace their "lag-infested" Android with another one. Right?

About 1 billion Android devices were sold in 2014. If people are complaining, they're still going back for more. Your comment about people being fed up and wanting something better doesn't hold water. According to this forum, there is something better: Windows Phone. It's just as affordable as Android. Why aren't Android customers buying WP? If they hated Android as much as you make it sound, they would certainly find a WP somewhere.

Sorry bud, you're going to have to come up with something better.

These people I'm listening to stay with Android because they don't know what else to do. Their bank doesn't have a Windows Phone app, and for everything they know, they believe there are no apps on WP because of what they were told by their Verizon/T-Mobile rep. They believe if they want a smart phone, there is no other choice for them but Android. Some of them left iPhone because they could not share photos with each other via Bluetooth, and their friends were on Android. They never could get the iPhone/Android file sharing to work via Bluetooth. Others never went iPhone because they already work 2 minimum wage jobs and can't afford it.

You know, I used to hate the smell of the Paper Mill that used to operate near a town I lived in. I would complain, but did I move? No. Why? Because I really didn't have other options. Sure, I eventually moved, but not until I had a job that took me away to another town. Just because I hated that one aspect, didn't mean I abandoned the town. People don't always have the choice you seem to think they have.

Yeah, WP has either an app gap, whether real or perceived. I'm hoping Windows 10 will bring more apps, but the truth is we'll have to wait and see.
@rhapdog ok, i can hear you. your one of the few ppl that say ms isnt stupid, and actually come with some good reasons too. the rest are just blind faggots who say ms isnt stupid just because they are blind fanboys. about this. ios and android user dont give a **** about wp, i mean the majority of them. a lot of them dont even know it exists. so you basically tell me that we'll have a better cortana?

The better Cortana isn't because Microsoft is going to give us a better version. Sure, it will be more tightly integrated, but the real improvements that will be made with Cortana on WP is the expanded user base giving Cortana information to help her learn.

Yeah, a lot of them don't even know WP exist. That's a big problem for WP right there.

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