Running into 80188308 installing GDR1 or Pre Update

Re: Running into Problem 80188308 installiing GDR1 or Pre Update

Same, have received error 80188308 four times. I deleted the temporary files and internet history before attempt 4 (and also turned off and on again), but the update still failed with the same code. Also had a weird battery level glitch after the first attempt. Started installing update around 90%, and fell to 12% in the space of a few minutes. Didn't generate any heat. It took only 15-20 minutes on charge to get back to 100%.

Not sure what to try next. UK Lumia 920 EE

I only had that weird battery level glitch.... It's still charging... I hope it didn't corrupt anything :(
I have a Nokia Lumia 920
Same error - NL920 Three UK.

I was set on US and had the error, I changed to UK, same error, deleted the language packs, same error, turned off sync & backup, still same error...

​My phone is branded '3' UK

(NOTE::) My unbranded EE UK NL1020 took the update first time,
There's a Wi-Fi glitch in the WP8.1 DP which slows down the connection if it is a public Wi-Fi... I'm having the same issue on my Office network.. It should work fine in your home network

No, I'm afraid that info is incorrect, home, work, public, they all fail, it is an Ms issue that will be resolved within 24hrs
I'm not sure what's the issue here. My home wifi coverage is solid, the speed is stable 10mbps, display set to never turn off and still encountering this error on my 920. Actually I have another twice error 801882d2 (this one with display turn off at 1minute) before reaching 80188308 on 3rd attempt.
Finally worked for me. I deleted some stuff and had up 8GB of space free. Could have been that our maybe the update servers were just swamped?
Same issue with Samsung Ativ S Neo. And I don't think it has to do with my WiFi. First downloads were on 4G so I broke out my Verizon Hockey Puck, getting 13.44 down and 8.41 up and still got the error 2 more times.

I've also tried:
1.)Clearing the Temp files
2.)Adjusting the lock settings
3.)Resetting the Live Lock Screen (I was having delay issues)
4.)Uninstalling Live Lock Screen
5.)Trying a 3rd WiFi network (similar speed test)
6.)Adjusting Storage Sense to install apps on Phone. (long shot, but I was up to try anything)

I've checked the Preview Program and box is checked. Thought about trying a hard reset since I've done a few soft, but since Sprint is always so far behind on their stuff, I'm afraid I would never be able to get back onto the network again if I did.
Edit: I have 5.34 GB free on the phone.
Not working, getting 80188308 on Nokia Lumia 630, CV GBIE with 3.7GB free.

Update is currently installing fine on Huawei Ascend W1-U00 (O2-UK).
I've tried four times with my 822 and got the ox80188308 error each time. I don't believe the Wi-Fi issue as I'm on a decent network at work with 22 Mbps and still no luck. My home is about the same but can't try that until later. Gotta be something else though.
Same issue here. Lumia 920 unlocked in canada. Not really surprised to be honest...updates on wp have always been a bumpy ride.
1520 (unlocked + cyan) and 920 (EE) both updated first time.

ATIV S fails everytime.

All on the same wifi.

Only difference is the Nokia's were both hard reset at the weekend and the wife wont let me reset her ATIV
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I suspect that the 80188308 error may be caused by the Live Lock Screen app.

I have two Lumia 822s. The update succeeded on the one that does not have the Live Lock Screen app installed. The update failed twice on the device with Live Lock Screen. I'm uninstalling the Live Lock Screen app now, and will try again. I'll report back the results.

UPDATE: No, uninstalling the Live Lock Screen app did *not* help.
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I suspect that the 80188308 error may be caused by the Live Lock Screen app.

Not for me.
My wife's 820 doesn't have the live lock screen app.

No "cyan" on it either.

I've tried several times shopping different things:
Clearing cache/temp files.
Making more storage space so there's now over 3gb free.
Downloading new language pack.

But still no joy so looks like will have to wait for MS to sort.
I suspect that the 80188308 error may be caused by the Live Lock Screen app.

I have two Lumia 822s. The update succeeded on the one that does not have the Live Lock Screen app installed. The update failed twice on the device with Live Lock Screen. I'm uninstalling the Live Lock Screen app now, and will try again. I'll report back the results.

Not true, I don't have Live Lock Screen and getting error 0x80188308.
had the issue a few times in my office.. tried after I got home and it worked fine..
The phones has problem with Wireless connections, maybe how the connections is defined.

80188308 error is caused because the phone is loosing connectivity in the middle of the update.

The update should fix the network issue but in order to fix the update issue you need to connect to a different network..
Okay, thanks. I'm leaving for home soon, and will give it a try.

UPDATE: Tried to update my 822 at home on my WIFI. The update failed with an 0x80188308 error again.
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