Running into 80188308 installing GDR1 or Pre Update

I understand this is system storage area - you can't even see this area in any apps that I am aware of - it is a sort of reserved for system use.
Joe Belfire (I think I spelled that right) acknowledged today a small amount of users are having this issue and it can't be fixed by doing it again. He says they are investigating it and aggressively working on a solution. Something to do with low system memory. Wpcentral has an article on it.
Except that isn't this update, that's the other one with the f in the code.
Well for my part - the System Backup works again after switching back to UK from US but it says it takes 462MB on OneDrive.
i have the same error on my samsung ativ s which bought n use in italy i don't no whats going on more than 5 times its failed to update the phone same error please fix this issue soon as possible now i feel kinda fed up with windows phone :(
I go this error on my 920. A hard reset and restore allowed me to upgrade though - fairly drastic I know.

If you do this make sure you have a recent online backup of the phone - or just do one before you reset,
Re: Running into Problem 80188308 installiing GDR1 or Pre Update

a soft reset fixed the problem for me
Re: Running into Problem 80188308 installiing GDR1 or Pre Update

These instructions worked for me - Using Ativ S

I made a backup
Settings -> info -> reset
Didn't restore backup after restart
Install Preview for Developer
Settings -> info -> reset
Restore backup after restart

Followed these instructions and just installed the update successfully !
Wasn't keen on the hard reset but phone is working better than ever now!
I agree that Belfiore could be referring to total system phone memory, i.e. for the Lumia 1020 it's 32GB. Updated my Lumia 1020 to GDR1 with no problems 19 hours ago. I had 6.53GB free space.

PS: For some who might have tried to use the Live folders: after the update I noticed that my six (that's right, six) pinned weather apps grouped into a single live folder STOPPED UPDATING AUTOMATICALLY. I thought that this was caused by using the new live folders feature and that the GDR1 might be in BETA... until I tried rebooting my phone (turning it OFF and ON again) and voila all of my SIX weather apps are updating normally again. (For the record, I have 50+ apps pinned to the start screen in Live Folders, around 28 of which run in the background... so the number of pinned apps may have nothing to do with the background update issue.) So for those who may have the same issue after the update, just reboot your phone and hopefully that would resolve the problem.
These instructions worked for me - Using Ativ S

I made a backup
Settings -> info -> reset
Didn't restore backup after restart
Install Preview for Developer
Settings -> info -> reset
Restore backup after restart

Followed these instructions and just installed the update successfully !
Wasn't keen on the hard reset but phone is working better than ever now!

Me too. Same mobile, Samsung ativ s in Spain.
If I remove my SDCard before resetting the phone, then afterwards stick it back in, will my apps all work again or will it confuse the phone ?

All my apps are installed to SDCard

EDIT - Nope, it thinks they came from a different phone, nice one
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Like I posted in another topic:

"Hi everyone,

Like multiple users posted already, there seems to be a fix to the errors.

I got WP 8.1 with Cyan as a developer preview user, just before Microsoft halted the update because of the Bitlocker problem. Using Nokia Software Recovery I have downgraded my Lumia 625 (CV, Dutch) to WP 8.0 with Lumia Black. After that I got a minor update making my phone ready for 8.1 and the next update was the official "non-DevPreview" OTA 8.1, which came with Cyan.

Then I installed the developer preview app again and got the 8.1.1 update, which cleanly installed without the aforementioned error.

So I can confirm that downgrading a L625 to 8.0 with Lumia Black helps in getting the latest update. For the people who don't want to reinstall everything again: make an update before you do this procedure. After you get the 8.1.1 you can do a hard reset and reinstall the backup.

Oh, another thing: the 1,39 gigabyte update was downloaded twice by the Software Recovery tool before it 'caught on'. Seems to be a known hickup with the tool.

Sorry guys..a hard reset is not really doing the trick for me and I bet a few others.. I want to keep my stuff and not loose it. .be it settings in apps, stats in apps, or apps that have been removed from the store
Sorry guys..a hard reset is not really doing the trick for me and I bet a few others.. I want to keep my stuff and not loose it. .be it settings in apps, stats in apps, or apps that have been removed from the store
Yeah I don't want to do a hard reset unless absolutely necessary.
Ok, back up from 8.0 Black > 8.1 Cyan > Downloading updates for 8.1.1, see how far I get this time

EDIT - Looks like its working this time - every single attempt before dowgrading to 8.0 would get to 16% and fail, now at 54% and going strong, thanks to "Arievl'
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