Samsung co CEO dumps on Win8 and WP8


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Nov 25, 2011
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Even when (and it is a when not an if) Samsung sales drop off, it doesn't mean that Nokia or any of the other also-rans come back - for all we know the biggest player in 2018 could be Micromax or ZTE or well.. someone we've never heard of.


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Jun 29, 2011
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If product manufacturers keep telling us MS sucks, no body is going to buy the stuff.

These continue to send the wrong message. That should rally behind MS and spread the word the MS has the greatest product in the world and we have to have the Samsung hardware to get the best experience.


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Nov 25, 2011
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If product manufacturers keep telling us MS sucks, no body is going to buy the stuff.

These continue to send the wrong message. That should rally behind MS and spread the word the MS has the greatest product in the world and we have to have the Samsung hardware to get the best experience.

When the head guy at Samsung comes out and publically say that this stuff sucks do you really think it's aimed at you or a shot across the bows at microsoft?

inside man 55

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Nov 20, 2012
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Glad to see you still enjoying the 920 :)

I think Microsoft is committed to the long haul. No other major mobile os pushes out major updates on a three month cycle. No one. They will get to feature parity and exceed it very soon.

When the new Verizon 928 is released with GDR2 people will realize Microsoft is serious. I believe the marketing will be impressive. It seems Blackberry, Apple, and high end Samsung phones all cost more to Verizon than high end Windows phones, at least $100 different.

Ecosystems will be more important going forward than specs. Apps will always be important. We have seen the Xbox game situation make a huge turnaround last few weeks. Momentum is building.

I firmly believe when devices with Blue are released for holidays 2013 the device specifications, software, and performance will dramatically exceed the low expectations set. Microsoft, Nokia, and HTC will have products to compete on the high, mid, and low end.

If Samsung switches to Tizen, there will be a huge gap to roll on through.

Sorry for any incoherency, my pregnant wife woke me up in the middle of the night and I can't sleep. I will correct when I wake up. :)
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inside man 55

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Nov 20, 2012
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Apple has been the cool company for at least a decade now, though perhaps that is slightly eroding due to the new "openness" RDF and the reemergence of spec pissing. But there's no reason why Samsung is going down the drain anytime soon, it has only gained mind share in the past two years. People really do believe in Galaxy just as they believed in iPod and Mac.

Notice I did not say go down the drain, although I may have implied it. Enthusiasm in the sense people got spoiled from galaxy II to galaxy III, the huge jump in functionality. The leap to the galaxy iv is not as large. The reviews on the new phone are mixed. Samsung went down in the stock market due to disappointment in features and expectations.

Same is true with Apple. 3gs to 4 and 4s, huge leap. 4s to 5, they half assed it. Hardware upgrade to size, processor, graphics, and lte? So pass?. And Apple's user interface in mobile terms is ancient and uninspired.

Both got arrogant and complacent. Both will pay the price. They will never lose all their sales, they are just no longer cool.
Two years in mobile is 8 cycles where the current flagship is outdated every 3 months. One year with the same device that is meh means people look at other things.

I am going to go on record as saying I expect Samsung sales for the g iv to be below estimates and for them to cut production soon in the next 6 months, same as Apple. They half assed it and will have the same results.
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Nov 29, 2012
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Long ago and far away, I started with a Motorola Q9c and when the time came to replace it, I looked at many Droids. but decided to wait. I finally got an HTC Trophy and haven't looked back except for:

1) The crippled Bluetooth stack; earlier WIN mobile OS (6.x) supported many more BT devices such as BT keyboard. Let's face it, the MS-Office mobile suite suffers severe productivity issues when trying to do any real volume input with the virtual keyboard especially with Excel. Face candy is nice. but functionality is critical.
2) Low, slow, and awkward OS upgrades; this business where the carrier dictates to MS when (or if) they'll push an update is ridiculous. If the carrier isn't willing to support a robust OS, then just maybe MS doesn't need their business and should really support manufacturers and carriers who want the best.
3) Re: The Samsung issue; I like the look/feel of the Samsung products I've seen, but their pursuit of yet another OS doesn't bode well. I'm old enough to remember serial printers where each manufacturer had their own cable pinout map and . . . don't see too many serial printers anymore, do you?

I saw where one poster said they have an ATIV-S which was the only WP8 phone I was really interested in, but which I understand wasn't going to be released in the US. However, I'm still looking for real improvement in the mobile OS to at least restore the functionality I used to have.

The Win8 issue has been further confused by MS with their RT vs Win8 releases. RT is a crippled OS tied to iPad wanna-be's at a price at least $200 above a realistic price point. Win8 on the tablets I've tried (Samsung and Acer) has been smooth and useful. If MS would concentrate on building a WP8 release focused on reasonably replicating Win8 capability on a WP8 phone or phablet, I'll be in line at midnight waiting for the store to open.

And given Samsung's attitude, it would be especially sweet if Nokia's name were on the case.


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Feb 23, 2012
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Samsung's Windows Phone 8's botched launch was the sole doing of Samsung. Did they honestly think that they could make an impact without even selling an international midtier device? I mean, midtiers like the Lumia 710 are the biggest sellers!

Oliver Newell

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Dec 15, 2012
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It's obvious that their primary focus is Android. More manufacturers that support WP8 would be great but Nokia is doing an amazing job and HTC isn't doing bad either (they recently won the Red Dot design award for the 8X and 8S).

Nokia has no choice but to promote windows phone as much as they can, Microsoft has invested a huge steak into the company, if Nokia wasn't tied in with Microsoft money, they would have either gone into administration or they would be promoting windows phone or lack there off as much as HTC or even Samsung.


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Nov 14, 2008
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Nokia has no choice but to promote windows phone as much as they can, Microsoft has invested a huge steak into the company, if Nokia wasn't tied in with Microsoft money, they would have either gone into administration or they would be promoting windows phone or lack there off as much as HTC or even Samsung.

Actually Nokia provides Microsoft with mapping for WP and Bing and still pay license fees for WP so they are not just kicking back and enjoying the platform support payments from Microsoft. And they made a choice to go with WP for what they thought they could do with the OS to differentiate themselves and they are following through with that as a business strategy, not out of desperation.


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Mar 16, 2013
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Haters gonna hate! I couldnt care less about what Samsung has to say about WP8 and MS...i love my Lumia 620 and i love WP!
I'm a former Android user (owned an Xperia Mini running Android ICS) and the transition was smooth for me...i quick learned how to use WP and i found all the apps i need in the store, so basically, this phone serves my needs as well as Android did, just in a smoother and more elegant way (i love Metro UI)!
So if the phone is serving the purposes i want it for, i dont see why should i care about pplz saying it sux. I know it doesent!

This Samsung bashing WP thing is all about making way for Tizen OS, #3 OS spot is still open and Samsung wants it with its own OS...i rly hope WP and Nokia will grow even more for the next months, what attracted me to WP world was Nokia and its excellent Lumias, so i think they are doing a pretty good job...if they had picked Android, they would be just another one in the already saturated Android market.

So yeah, i'm happy with my Lumia and that's all i care about XD


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Feb 21, 2012
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I remembered something earlier today. When Samsung was hit with the 1 Billion dollar fine I read something about how Samsung wasn't too happy that Google didn't do much to back them up and instead Google just released some vanilla statement. I'm sure that wouldn't be forgotten and even though analysts are saying that Samsung won't dump Android it is still a possibility.


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Jul 28, 2011
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And I get the feeling the only reason Samsung retool a galaxy into another case and release a WP phone is to get a lower payment to MS.

That's exactly how it feels and I'm not interested in buying from a company doing it to save some $ here and there but are not really interested any more.

early days I got an Omnia 7 and with it's understated clean front and metal back (and changeable battery) I still think it was one of the better release devices. Then Samsung released some really useful apps; GLONASS (makes omnia7 quickest and best GPS fix I've ever had not just phones), All Share, dictionary etc. etc. don't think there have been any serious new apps since quite a long time now (just updates).

Since the Omnia 7 I've seen zero commitment to WP from them. Devices don't look as premium to me as Omnia 7 did, no more apps, no advertising, almost like they don't care. Well the reason they are not selling **** now is because people pick up on the fact WP is something they don't give a **** about and think Samsung won't be in market for long. They then look at Nokia for example and think " they're in this for the long hall, look at all those useful apps that they give me and I'll get updates for them, and I've had nokia's and know they'll look after me"....

that Mr Dim Witt is why you are not selling WP phones. It's not because the OS isn't good. It's because customers see that you are uninterested and want to buy from a company who is committed and proud to show their WP wares.

Now sod off and do your shot's across the bow and gesturing elsewhere :)


PS I won't come back for another WP phone from Samsung it will likely be Nokia as like their; service, apps, designs and commitment


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Mar 3, 2012
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Notice I did not say go down the drain, although I may have implied it. Enthusiasm in the sense people got spoiled from galaxy II to galaxy III, the huge jump in functionality. The leap to the galaxy iv is not as large. The reviews on the new phone are mixed. Samsung went down in the stock market due to disappointment in features and expectations.
I think you would have to be careful before making the assumptions you are making. There are three I caught in the little excerpt I've quoted above - the relevance of reviewers, the logic of the stock market, and the actual buying public.

  • Reviewers. Traditionally, reviewers have never aligned themselves with the public. Tech blogs such as Engadget and The Verge run entirely on OS X, which has a market share more laughable than Windows Phone (because of the length of its existence in the PC industry and the imperfections of Windows). They gave positive upon positive reviews to MacBooks, but that didn't make users flock to them. For PCs, the ordinary consumer gets primarily influenced by three things - marketing, the sales rep and the price tag. With the subsidy model of phones, that narrows down to marketing and the sales rep. (In countries with less focus on subsidies, cheaper phones sell well despite their flaws - I personally saw the Galaxy Ace and original Galaxy S sold to several people in a store this year, with the 620 hidden away in a shelf.)
  • The stock market. I don't think any more needs to be said, you can barely draw anything concrete out of a stock moving up or down, especially in such a short time frame.
  • The buying public. Here's an example I'd like to give you: the iPad. Tech sites are running stories where the iPad is losing out to Android. Wait, really? Last time I checked, my aunt has an iPad. My brothers have iPads. My other aunt and other aunt and uncle and other uncle also have iPads. My mom wants an iPad. Half the people in my lectures have iPads. Who wants a Galaxy Tab instead of an iPad? Maybe some Android fans and tech enthusiasts, but not the hundreds of millions who create the big honking markets and make the cash flow. Sure, maybe it's the new in-thing to give your kid a laggy Kindle Fire for their birthday, but Apple hasn't lost a thing for that.
Just because some vocal enthusiasts and reviewers are shouting loudly does not mean the Galaxy SIV is going to do poorly. In fact, last year no one really saw the S3 to be leaps and bounds ahead of the competition, yet it still blasted them in sales. That's because becoming a household name and something that ordinary people want or need is not a metric measurable in the hardware and software of a product.

Simon Tupper

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Aug 27, 2012
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Microsoft desperately needs to change its image. It all starts from whether you like it or not... They need a breath of fresh air. A new marketing personality that doesn't look like he's gonna attack the crowd if they don't get his products (any idea of who I'm talking about? hehe).

Windows 8 is good, but most people hate on it because it is trending to hate Microsoft. Well they should take it seriously... Ballmer is not loved by many and Ben Rudolf is not that smart marketing guy the company needs. Maybe Belfiore is ready, but I don't know if he can create excitement for Microsoft's products.

But I think they need to take the market by surprise with a little bit more enthusiasm and innovative ideas, that will force medias to give good press on Microsoft. It's not by being late to every market that you can succeed. They need a game changer. They have to create a need.


Jan 14, 2013
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Microsoft desperately needs to change its image. It all starts from whether you like it or not... They need a breath of fresh air. A new marketing personality that doesn't look like he's gonna attack the crowd if they don't get his products (any idea of who I'm talking about? hehe).

Windows 8 is good, but most people hate on it because it is trending to hate Microsoft. Well they should take it seriously... Ballmer is not loved by many and Ben Rudolf is not that smart marketing guy the company needs. Maybe Belfiore is ready, but I don't know if he can create excitement for Microsoft's products.

But I think they need to take the market by surprise with a little bit more enthusiasm and innovative ideas, that will force medias to give good press on Microsoft. It's not by being late to every market that you can succeed. They need a game changer. They have to create a need.

They need to make it not-Windows. i.e. I and many people like me (tech-savvy in other words) understand that WP8 is nothing like Windows apart from the UI similarities with Win 8. But for most people, the name Windows resonates with the old desktop OS and represents something they don't like.


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Oct 18, 2011
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ill just chime this in, Samsung is really crappy for not giving users the phone the wanted in the U.S but even if their tizen does not take off, i doubt it will be samsungs undoing especially considering the fact that they just have a titanic product line, perhaps if tizen fails you will get a samsung who will most likely decide on android but at the end of the day samsung is a juggernaut. i hate how they are acting towards microsoft, but i wont sit here and lie and say ill never buy another samsung product again as i have been a huge supporter of their TV's

Simon Tupper

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Aug 27, 2012
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ill just chime this in, Samsung is really crappy for not giving users the phone the wanted in the U.S but even if their tizen does not take off, i doubt it will be samsungs undoing especially considering the fact that they just have a titanic product line, perhaps if tizen fails you will get a samsung who will most likely decide on android but at the end of the day samsung is a juggernaut. i hate how they are acting towards microsoft, but i wont sit here and lie and say ill never buy another samsung product again as i have been a huge supporter of their TV's

Tizen will fail, it looks boring compared to iOS..


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Dec 30, 2010
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I think Tizen will do okay. The Galaxy S4 is kind of preparing people for when Tizen comes. They're moving further away from stock Android and focusing on customized software. Kind of like Amazon.

The next step is Tizen. Where they'll probably still have many of those same services to keep continuity.

Also remember that Samsung makes TVs. Those TVs can connect to a Samsung app store. I would not be surprised to see that app store somehow connected to their phones. That could be their answer to getting into your living room. Competition to the XBOX in that sense.

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