Samsung i830w now available on Sprints Website

Quick question. How does the Ram setup compare to that of the Treo 700wx? Should I expect the same performance from both phones?

If both phones have the same performance...I would go with Samsung if I was in the market for another device. I have had Samsung devices before and like the durability their products offer. Look at the construction and design of the casing from the back to the front...solid. I probably wouldn't have to worry about my earbud jack going bad in a couple of weeks on this device like my Treo's did.
MAN I wish I hadn't bought this 700p. I'm starting to get accustomed to it now, but I'd rather have the 830. I am going to check and see if I extend my wife's contract with the purchase of this phone, will they let me swap phones and give her the 700p with me taking the 830. Does anyone know if that is an option?
That's pretty much how I did it for my account. I was able to get it for $500 with a little negotiation.
That's pretty much what I did as well. The lowest they would go for me though was $599 because I've only been a Sprint customer for 11 months. I agreed to extend my SERO contract for 2 addirional years to get my price.
I am intrigued. Can anyone confirm that this phone has a camera? The info page says it does, but I don't see where it could be. Others claim that's a misprint on the info page. I'm so confused!
I am intrigued. Can anyone confirm that this phone has a camera? The info page says it does, but I don't see where it could be. Others claim that's a misprint on the info page. I'm so confused!

See post #18 in this thread.

Anyway, people on PDAPhoneHome forums and PocketPCThoughts forums are 100% sure that the 830W does not have a camera or a 256,000 color screen. Screen color is only 56,000 and bluetooth version is only 1.1.
Are there any WM apps. that can scan the device's hardware and tell you what bluetooth version it has and what the actual screen depth is? If it doesn't have a 256,000 colors screen (like Sprint's site says it does) and if it doesn't have a camera (again, like Sprint's site says it does) then I'm keeping my 700WX and returning the 830W.
I'm not sure that your needs are the same as mine. The main reason for me to get the IP-830w is so that when i travel in europe, i don't have to switch phones. I carry a T-Mobile Nokia E70 (import) just for those occasions.

The bigger screen is a plus for me. I had a PPC 6700 and miss the screen, compared to the 700wx that I am using now.

I moved from the 6700 because i didn't like two handed typing. I want to see if it will work one handed for me.

Finally, Palm invested in USABILITY, which Microsoft has NO clue about. The main reason most people still love their 700p is because WM5 is still too complex to do what people need. Maybe when apple releases the iphone they will get a taste of that good UI means.

In the meanwhile, there is a reason Nokia's Symbian is run on most handsets in the world. It's simple and powerful and stable.

Ok, enough complaining. I hope that the Samsung does the trick. I saw one last weekend and am at least intrigued. I have 30 days to decide if to keep it or send it back for another Treo.

I am also considering waiting for Rev A hardware, but there is no mention about new devices and I, for one, am putting up a huge middle finger to UT Starcom. Anyone trusting their money to one of their devices must either be rich or foolish, as they couldn't care about their customers at all.
I'm not sure that your needs are the same as mine. The main reason for me to get the IP-830w is so that when i travel in europe, i don't have to switch phones. I carry a T-Mobile Nokia E70 (import) just for those occasions.

I moved from the 6700 because i didn't like two handed typing. I want to see if it will work one handed for me.

Finally, Palm invested in USABILITY, which Microsoft has NO clue about. The main reason most people still love their 700p is because WM5 is still too complex to do what people need. .

if the 830 is anything like the 730, good luck using it one-handed while typing. if you use a pc or a mac at home, wm5 shouldn't be "too complex" for you or any other.
See post #18 in this thread.

Anyway, people on PDAPhoneHome forums and PocketPCThoughts forums are 100% sure that the 830W does not have a camera or a 256,000 color screen. Screen color is only 56,000 and bluetooth version is only 1.1.
I wonder where this info is coming from. I don't doubt that it doesn't have a camera, but to only have BT 1.1 doesn't sound right. I was on phonescoop last night and looked up the phone under Sprint and it just linked the Verizon version's info. Windows Mobile 2003 SE and all. I sincerely hope the only upgrade on this phone isn't just WM5. I'd still put some serious thought into buying it, though.
Ok, Sprint removed it from their consumer / personal site. It's now on the business site. They also fixed some of their info.. Screen depth is now shown as 65000 colors instead of 256000 colors and it doesn't mention a camera anymore. If this thing doesn't have at least bluetooth 1.2 it's going right back to Sprint.
As soon as one of you fargin iceholes gets your i830 I want you to post the specs! Sounds like the wx might be the better buy. Somanomboch!
Ok. Played with it for a couple of minutes so far. The screen is very nice. Depth is ~65000 colors just like the Treo. You can voice dial with bluetooth headsets. It comes with Pocket Internet Explorer AND Picsel Browser!

It has enhanced IR and comes with a built in TV Remote Control Program. No camera, but that's not that big of a deal with me. Not sure what version the bluetooth is, BUT it did take only half the time my 700WX takes to sync all my contacts.
One handed use is much like the Treo except that the Windows button is on the main keyboard so you have to slide that up or re-assign one of the other keys as the Windows button (if you use the Windows button alot).

I think I'm gonna keep it and return my 700WX.
Oh, if you open a program or something comes up that requires keyboard input and the keyboard isn't slid open, it automatically opens the soft keyboard or whatever you setup as the default on-screen input method.
This may be a big thing for some of you, but the IP-830W does not have a hardware silencer. Doesn't bother me as the Treos were the first phones I had used that had a hardware silence switch.
It's a switch at the top of the Treo next to the SD card slot. Switch it off and it mutes your Treo. Switch it on and your Treo can make sounds again.
Ok, Sprint removed it from their consumer / personal site. It's now on the business site. They also fixed some of their info.. Screen depth is now shown as 65000 colors instead of 256000 colors and it doesn't mention a camera anymore. If this thing doesn't have at least bluetooth 1.2 it's going right back to Sprint.

I just checked and it's still on the consumer site with the same info. There is a page on the business site, too. How are you liking it after the first full day of use?

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