Samsung i830w now available on Sprints Website

4 crashes, needs an extended battery, is thicker than a treo, and requires a slideout.....i suppose that takes me out of the equation....

how heavy is it?
i don't want to get off subject but that avatar of yours.....beautiful to say the least...a work of art....
Are the connections the same as the i730's? I see lots of deals on accessories on eBay for the i730. If they fit this phone that will be an even bigger advantage over the wx. I saw an OEM extended battery for about $15!
Are the connections the same as the i730's? I see lots of deals on accessories on eBay for the i730. If they fit this phone that will be an even bigger advantage over the wx. I saw an OEM extended battery for about $15!

Yes it has the same connector as the i730. I just ordered a Samsung brand \ OEM i730 cradle and it works perfectly. Cases for the i730 fit perfectly as well.
Got Mine today....

Well, I got mine today. Played around with the mechanism, the screen is good, and the build quality great. But.... I'm not seeing the increase in real estate from my 700wx that would make me want to keep it over the treo. The keyboard is quite good as well.

Maybe I am just not wow'ed enough... It's probably going to go back quite soon....
Well, I got mine today. Played around with the mechanism, the screen is good, and the build quality great. But.... I'm not seeing the increase in real estate from my 700wx that would make me want to keep it over the treo. The keyboard is quite good as well.

Maybe I am just not wow'ed enough... It's probably going to go back quite soon....

How can you not see the increased screen real estate? The screen is physically bigger and it has more pixels. Did you put the two side-by-side and try loading the same website (try loading the non-mobile version of whatever site you do this test with)?

Anyway, I'm not willing to wait for developers to get off their butts and start creating 240x240 native versions of their apps.. The IP-830W has a standard 240x320 qvga screen and 95% of all WM5 apps. have a 240x320 native version already.
I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is that the extra screen real estate that I seem to be getting isn't that much more. However, I will test it to see how it compares to the Treo. What is your battery life when using it as a phone?

I think the bigger issue with not wanting to keep it has to do with the fact that I WILL upgrade to the new phones when Rev A is released, because my biggest peeve about CDMA has always been the inability to do both voice and data at the same time.
The Verizon i730 and i830 both came with the standard and extended battery. Does the Sprint version? I ask a lot of questions, don't I?
Yes, the Sprint IP-830W comes with:

standard battery
extended life battery
stereo headset
data cable
ok, so i activated the phone and am having a couple of issues, i hope someone can help me with. the unit doesn't seem to want to stay closed when i am on the phone. is there a lock somewhere?

next, my phone calls have echo and static, which was not prevalent on my treo, on the other hand, the quality of the other person's voice seems to be much better (treo was somewhat muffled).
What do you mean it "doesn't seem to want to stay closed"? The phone keeps sliding back up? Dunno what could be causing you to have echo and static. What apps. do you have installed?
It keeps sliding down when I am talking.

I have installed.... Slingplayer, Opera, SPBackup, total commander and agile messenger.
okay so we got a bunch in today and played with them. They will serve their purpose but they dont really hold a candle to the WX. The keyboard alone is reason to stay away...who the hell has fingers that tiny?
I actually found the keyboard more than usable. The keys are well placed and have good tactile feel, and I don't have small hands...

IE renders quite faster than the Treo 700Wx and the Launcher on the Today screen replaces the Start button quite well. I'm not enamored with the phone in any way shape or form, but I can say that there is a good reason why there are a number of loyal followers.

That said, Palm's UI tweaks do make the Treo the one to beat....
I finally got my hands on the i830 and even though I like it, I am not ready to let go of my Treo. I just can't get used to the slide-n-hide. Other than that I really liked the device.
It keeps sliding down when I am talking.

That's weird. What in the world are you doing to it when you're talking? How are you holding it?

I've never read about anyone having this type of problem with it.

The keyboard alone is reason to stay away...who the hell has fingers that tiny?

Oh come on. The keyboard isn't that tiny. It's almost the same size as the Treo's. The keyboard is more like the 650's though.

I finally got my hands on the i830 and even though I like it, I am not ready to let go of my Treo. I just can't get used to the slide-n-hide. Other than that I really liked the device.

If you've never used a slider before, it does take some getting used to. However, this is the first smartphone I've had where I feel that I can go without a case. It's that solidly built (even with the slider mechanism). All I need with it is a pouch to carry it with me since my pockets are always full.

Bluetooth voice dialing is nice as well.
Oh come on. The keyboard isn't that tiny. It's almost the same size as the Treo's. The keyboard is more like the 650's though.

you are talking out of your *** I have 5 of them in front of me...the keyboard reminds me of the old motorola two ways

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