Whether you're a fan of the strategy or not, the definition of what it means to be an Xbox fan is changing.
Satya Nadella says, "We're redefining what it means to be an Xbox fan" to Microsoft shareholders : Read more
You are struggling! You still haven't understood that when Xbox talks about Xbox everywhere, they are not talking about PlayStation? They are talking about PC, cloud, mobile, portable consoles, etc. Have you seen a PS5 in Xbox everywhere ads? No! Yet, that's the first thing you mention in the article! You are completely off the mark.
You still haven't understood that Xbox is mainly interested in growing markets. Is the console market growing? Is the PlayStation fan base growing? No! It's simple, but it doesn't seem to get through to you! You talk about Indiana Jones as an example! But you are very poorly informed, it's a very bad example. It was planned to be multiplatform before the acquisition, and it was Xbox that insisted on making the game temporarily exclusive and not directly day one on all consoles. In reality, Indiana Jones proves that exclusive games are important for Xbox, as Matt Booty confirmed not long ago when he said he wants Xbox players to have a privileged experience. This is also confirmed by the latest annual report. All the moves made in recent months are towards PC and the cloud (cross-save on Steam, playing your own games in the cloud, etc.). 99% of multiplatform games have remained multiplatform, and 99% of exclusive games have remained exclusive.
Where have you seen a major move towards consoles? Nowhere! In fact, there have been more major PlayStation licenses moving to Xbox than the other way around! It's quite ironic! Even if they are not first-party licenses, they are still major licenses like Death Stranding, an iconic PlayStation license on Xbox, and it will be the same for Death Stranding 2. And I'm not even talking about Kena, Sifu, Forspoken, final fantasy, etc. There are even big rumors about Lego Horizon on Xbox!
So frankly, it puts the so-called Xbox games strategy towards other consoles into perspective, where in the end, only 4 exclusive games have become multiplatform, and they are 2 old games (5 and 8 years old) and 2 small games, nothing major!
Jez Corden and you other "journalists" have a very big problem with perceiving Xbox's real strategy. It's more subtle than that ! Take a step back and think a little!