School Me in Camera Settings Please?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Hey guys, just wondering if someone could share their knowledge on some camera settings. I was a bit disappointed to find that the focus doesnt have touch to focus capabilities :/ but anyways

in the metering section, whats the difference between matrix, center weighted, and spot?
Hey guys, just wondering if someone could share their knowledge on some camera settings. I was a bit disappointed to find that the focus doesnt have touch to focus capabilities :/ but anyways

in the metering section, whats the difference between matrix, center weighted, and spot?

Hi there,

Here's a pretty basic rundown on metering:

Matrix: Also known as multi-zone, evaluative metering (depending on the brand). Basically, matrix metering divides the image into a set number of zones, evaluates the lighting conditions in each zone then sets the camera to what it thinks would be best for those zones. Think of it as a "pleasing as many people (zones) as possible" type of setting.

Center-weighted: As the name suggests, the camera will look at what's in the center of the viewfinder (or screen in this case) and give that area priority. Think of it as a "pleasing a lot of people, but especially the cool ones in the middle" type of setting. This can be useful when lighting is pretty uneven in the image, but you want to ensure what's in the center is exposed properly.

Spot: Spot gives almost exclusive priority to a small section in the center of the frame. This would be the "I don't care about anyone else but the people in the middle" type of setting. This is extremely useful when your subject is a lot darker or lighter than the rest of the image. For example, if you're subject is indoors by a window, Matrix and Center-Weighted may get overwhelmed by all the sunlight coming through the window. Spot metering will focus on the person in the middle and make sure they expose properly.

Hope all that helps!
Hey guys, just wondering if someone could share their knowledge on some camera settings. I was a bit disappointed to find that the focus doesnt have touch to focus capabilities :/ but anyways

in the metering section, whats the difference between matrix, center weighted, and spot?

While the Focus doesn't have touch to focus it does have a two detent button like a point and shoot. Place what you want to be the focus point in center and click to first position let it focus, then while still holding the button, shift the camera to frame the picture as you like.

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